And a bunch of places in between.,,,,,,registered with the U.S. DO they think everybody has 32″ monitors?i have a 45 inch screen as a monitor and i don’t like it, it feels like im on mobile FB.Finding the the “New Version” painfully slow! The page is also getting slow. Now you will see the new dark mode. BLOODY LEAVE IT ALONE & KEEP THE OLD FORMAT, NO ONE IVE SPOKEN TO LIKES THE NEW ONE, STOP FORCING THESE CHANGES ON US WHEN WE DONT WANT THEM, FB SHOULD LEAVE US WITH THE OPTION TO CHOOSE WHICH VERSION WE WANT USE, IF THIS CHANGE IS FORCED ON US ILL BE LEAVING FB,Exactly its absolutely putting it politely – awful.Now this is time to get rid and DELETE the FB account FOREVER.I really do not like the New Facebook and I am usually easy to adapt but this time not so much.Some people always seem compelled to change what already works, sometimes I think they do it just to justify their jobs and other times for the money.I’d like to add my name to the volumes here who absolutely HATE the new facebook format!

I don’t care about the new functions, but I do find this to be awkward when trying to scroll through different groups. They call the old version as 'Classic Facebook' and the updated version as the 'New Facebook'. Does anyone know if that could be related? Is there a way to get that count back. I’ll use this last week to save all my pictures and send messages to closest friends and then I’ll be done with it.the option to switch back to Classic FB is not present. Disappointed.Plse plse I want to go back to the old fb settings. They're calling the old version Classic Facebook and the updated version New Facebook. Repeated feedback to Facebook every time I have to switch to Classic hasn’t helped. Ridiculous.I would think that FB would have programmers, etc who are talented enough to give us a choice of user interface. Is this just temporary? This is awful and I may delete my account.How to revert my original facebook? I can now post but it’s a piece of crap new version. :( I hope they can make the classic version an option for you.You can still use Classic FB with Internet Exploror (Browser) Only.Honestly, I don’t like the new facebook features, I prefer to use classic facebook. It would take a stretch of imagination to believe that Zuck and his ilk are competent to provide the choice. Also, now in my Facebook group I can no longer post PHOTOS or VIDEOS and the “EVENTS” tab disappeared. Im finished typing my whole paragraph and it is only printing the second word. The old saying: if it ain’t broke don’t fix it!I have to fully agree the new style quite frankly “stinks” and as you said “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it”, surely they can leave the old style running because not everyone uses Facebook on a cell/mobile phone.I was switched to the new layout today and I immediately switched back to the “Classic” one, but it says that in September I won’t have any choice. I need what works now and that is current Facebook. Help! How can I go back to previous design. Maybe if they get their act together, FB will give users the option to switch to either classic or the new layout by individual choice.I totally agree! That option has now been removed for many users’ account (including mine, as of September 22). i tooo cnt find option of switching to classic version here. If truly paranoid, keep an off-site backup as well.I, too, have several FB groups with photos. Any suggestions? I cannot see my notifications anymore, I cannot post in the groups I am a member of, I cannot see who messaged me and worst of all: the arrow icon doesn’t work either! However, despite so many social media portals being under the same Facebook umbrella, is still the favourite of many users. Beyond that, I’m not sure–I haven’t come across the kind of display you you know where or if we can sort our timeline to most recent ?Thanks for your Help. Why have it if I can’t read it?THE NEW FORMAT IS UTTER UTTER ****, WHY THE HELL HAVE THEY MESSED WITH A PERFECTLY GOOD FORMAT????? This is how the Facebook New 2020 User Interface looks like: In case, you don’t like Facebook New 2020 Interface, then you still have the option to go to back Facebook Classic Interface. But that’s supposedly resolved, so if you’re still seeing issues it’s probably not related to that.What caused the “major outage” across so many sites – hackers?

According to what a read, there is a fix we can do at home but it has glitches.