You can also trade with him. Thankfully Hiram is alive, but he can't hold out much longer against the threat, so you need to clear out the station before you can move on to business.The Broker will unlock the elevators for you, and then you'll head up to kill the marauders. Read the electronic log on the table and then read the messages on the terminal to advance Little Memento (7500XP). Hiram, however, needs you to jumpstart the antenna so he can send it to the scientist.Head outside the backdoor and flip the switch. This is an extremely complex task and it will require you to complete several other quests. Q&A. Head out along the road leading north, cutting a swathe through Monarch's hostile wildlife as you go. Upstairs is a level 30 locked door leading to a storeroom.If you rescued Huxley earlier, you'll find her sitting on a nearby porch.

Go through the door near Velma. Add this game to my: Favorites. He will direct you to Nyoka in the Yacht Club (24000XP) so return there.You'll find your contact, Nyoka, standing by the bar swigging from a vodka bottle.Talk to her and ask her about finding an information broker. You can mete out your own justice if you like, although there are quite a lot of guards. Go into the building next to the workbench. After they're defeated, you should be able to speak to an Iconoclast trader called Weston Sloan who's standing at the edge of the collapsed bridge. If you prefer the latter route, skip ahead a few paragraphs to the.Enter the caverns. If you sent Tucker Needham back to his mother, you will find him and Abigail sitting on their porch. Fight your way southwest along the road and when you come to the building with the workbench, continue southwest into the hills rather than continuing across the bridge.Fight your way past some marauder trash and eventually you'll come across August and May Van Noy. You'll have to make a speech check (50) for him to give it to you. Your way will be blocked by Niles, a SubLight contractor.

Locations are defined by their individual and varied biomes spread around the Halcyon System.

It turns out the guards mistook her for a dissident and killed her. You can talk to Zora if you like, but there's nothing much of interest here.If you were unable to remotely restore the Rapt House's communications earlier, you may as well get the last off the Odd Jobs out of the way now. Take the left path here and go up the hill to discover the Bayside Terrace Workhouse.

Slaughter more manti-creatures and loot the bodies of various unfortunates as you continue upwards. If you read the log in the Abandoned Safehouse, you can also mention that his name was not on the list of agents. When she's gone, you can loot the warehouse.

If you were able to make the Lie check earlier, you can ask the bartender Yvonne Brennan who will point you in the direction of Huxley back in Amber Heights.Across the road from the House of Hospitality are a couple of locked buildings that you are unable to enter at this time. If you have Sneak 40, you can pickpocket the unique SugarOps Armor and Candy Cane from him.Go back up and continue north.

Talk to Mortimer Bell for information about the place. If you look through the open doors, you'll see a gap that you can jump.Climb the ladder on the other side, leap across the next gap and climb another ladder.You'll find the body of a scientist and next to him a safe containing the Mind Control Ray (4000XP).Backtrack to the R&D area, hopefully without falling to your death, and use the elevator to return to the northern section of Cascadia.Bring Nyoka with you since you can progress her companion quest. Tell her that you're the fixer to update Space Crime Continuum (5000XP). Fight off the mantisaurs that are milling around and pick up any loot lying around.

If you can make a Lie (100) check you can get additional information relating to the quest from the bartender. Use the terminal here to alter the financial records (7000XP) which will be sufficient to deal with Clive.Otherwise, go through the door at the top of the room and down the stairs. Be careful, however, because the exposed cable will damage you. When they're out of the way, approach the door to the warehouse and use the intercom to have Carlotta open the door for you. Braxton's apartment is the one on the upper floor on the right. Use the terminal to unseal the door of the station (7500XP) and go inside.There's some decent loot in here. There's also a level 50 locked container for your looting pleasure.Return to Velma and talk to her about Caleb. Go through the level 35 locked door. If you have Engineering 55, use the terminal here to increase production by 200% (7000XP).If you are unable (or disinclined) to sabotage the production line, sneak to the other end of the level platform that you're on and use the pipes to get onto a walkway.Unlock the level 35 door that leads to Clive Lumbergh's office.