See more. a welcoming party 歓迎会. and the description of Ezra's horror at the prevalence of intermarriage, which J, threatened to destroy the distinctive character of the community, sufficiently indicates the attitude of the stricter,If the poor were ardent nationalists who would not intermingle with the Greeks, the rich had long outgrown and now could humour such prejudices; and the title of their,How well their teaching served his purpose is shown by the sayings of two rabbis who, if not identical with these Pharisees, belong to their period and their,From the sequel it appears that the prophecy was uttered by one Pharisee only, and that it was in no way endorsed by the,The result of this alliance between a revolutionary and a Pharisee was the formation of the,But this severity cemented the alliance of religious fanatics with the physical-force,Their rivalry led to streetfighting: the Jews had the advantage in respect of wealth and bodily strength, but the Greek,The temple sacrifices were still offered and worshippers were admitted; but John's catapults were busy, and priest and worshippers at the altar were killed, because Eleazar's,Amnestied by the emperor of Austria in 1866, he returned home and reentered public life; was from 1867-1876, and again in 1884, a member of the Hungarian Diet, joining the Deak,A parliamentary regime was thus inaugurated, and,He had done much for the welfare of Crete, but his participation in,This arrangement, which was duly carried out, was avowedly " provisional " and satisfied neither,In 1907 he took a prominent part in advocating the ending, rather than the mending, of the House of Lords; and in 1908 he was elected chairman of the,He followed up this action by strongly urging the Labour,He returned with these ideas to England, and, being still secretary of the Labour,The attitude of Labour internationalism was maintained by Mr. Henderson out of office, and he warmly espoused the Labour policy of the latter part of 1918, to take the Labour men out of the Government and appeal for support on a Labour platform, in conjunction with the pacifist wing of the,He was defeated by a candidate of the National Democratic,At the ecclesiastical council which took place at Paris in 1406 Pierre d'Ailly made every effort to avert a new withdrawal from the obedience and, by order of the king, took the part of defender of Benedict XIII., a course which yet again exposed him to attacks from the university,Nominated by petition, all candidates appear on tickets without,ROUNDHEAD, a term applied to the adherents of the parliamentary,A divorce may be granted only to one who has lived for at least one year in the state; among the recognized causes for divorce are desertion for two years, cruelty, insanity or physical incapacity at time of marriage, habitual drunkenness or excessive use of opium or other drugs, and the conviction of either,Since that time the most interesting feature in the political history has been the rise and fall of the People's,In 1899 he was brought to trial on a charge of misappropriating state funds, and, although he was acquitted, the feeling among the reform element in his own,Compelled by illness to leave the fleet, he found on his return to Dort that the Orange,He was warmly received by the Gileadites, and the first battle destroyed the,He had come to the front as a champion of the liberal,When Vespasian was proclaimed emperor at Alexandria,Domitian escaped with difficulty from the temple of the Capitol, which had been set on fire by the Vitellians, and remained in hiding till his father's.The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. 1 : a social gathering or the entertainment provided for it. The smoke was bothering me and I didn't want to ruin the,Now just to show you what a nice guy I can be, I'm inviting you to an engagement,In fact, things were going so well that she actually accepted an invitation to a valentine's,Governments (and thieves, for that matter) reallocate wealth—but they do it by increasing the wealth of one,I thought I was gonna need funny hats and,He had enough alcohol in his veins to believe he could drive, and too much pride to leave the,She'd last dressed up for Hannah's engagement,Most of the guests were Evelyn's friends and family; Romas's small,A wave of guilt passed over me like fog on a beach,He headed for the stairs and when he reached the landing stopped, "By the way, tomorrow's casual dinner will serve as an engagement,When dinner was over, Alex escorted her out the door, leaving the rest of the,Nicholas, not stopping to talk to the man, asked his sister and Petya to wait for him and rode to the spot where the enemy's, Ilagin's, hunting,It would be our secret; how we started, how we were a,And yet, she had honored her promise to go with him to the,After speaking of Ranulf's unique position in the kingdom, which "fitted him for the part of a leader of opposition to royal or ministerial tyranny," Stubbs sums up his character in these words: "On more than one occasion he refused his consent to taxation which he deemed unjust; his jealousy of Hubert (de Burgh), although it led him to join the foreign,And he used his decades of dominance on the national scene, as well as his fantastic oratorical ability, to advance that belief and essentially invent the Democratic,In a fine Alfred Hitchcock movie called Notorious, the troubled character played by Ingrid Bergman gets very drunk at a,Even he does not wear it, Pierre said and motioned her to follow him towards the,Legally, in the state's eyes, we're not even a,Its mission statement is to demand transparency after a crime is committed and to assure all efforts to nail the guilty,It's just the primary but that's the whole ball of wax 'cause this is pretty much a one,In December 1678 he was, with sixty others, sentenced to banishment to the American plantations, but the,When, however, after President Tyler's accession, the relations between the President and the Whig,Husbands of adulterous wives are advised not to remarry during the lifetime of the guilty,He attached himself to the "possibilist" group of the socialist,In 1859 he again took part in politics, resuming his place in the lower chamber, opposing in 1863 the project of Austria for the reform of the Confederation brought forward in the assembly of princes at Frankfort, in his book Die Reform des deutschen Bundestages, and becoming one of the leaders of the "little German" (kleindeutsche),John Tyler, who succeeded to the presidency, was soon "read out of his,The M`Leod case' in which the state of New York insisted on trying a British subject, with whose trial the Federal government had no power to interfere, while the British govern - ment had declared that it would consider conviction and execu - tion a casus belli; the exercise of the hateful right of search by British vessels on the coast of Africa; the Maine boundary, as to which the action of a state might at any time bring the Federal government into armed collision with Great Britain - all these at once met the new secretary, and he felt that he had no right to abandon his work for,Alexander M`Leod boasted in November 1840 that he was one of a Canadian,He opposed the annexation of Texas and the Mexican War, and was, as before, the recognized spokesman of his,The young king took little pains with the government, and the control of affairs was shared between the clerical and peace,But the inevitable opposition of the nobility to this policy was not mitigated by the fact that it was carried out by a churchman; the result was to embitter the antagonism of the secular,Wolsey clearly foresaw his own fall, the consequent attack on the church and the triumph of the secular,There were, at the date of the Restoration, about seventy Presbyterian ministers in the north of Ireland, and most of these were from the west of Scotland, and were imbued with the dislike of Episcopacy which distinguished the Covenanting,But his undoubted services to the Country,Whether through jealous y of the ascendancy which Turgot had acquired over the king, or through the natural incompatibility of their characters, he was already inclined to take sides against Turgot, and the reconciliation between him and the queen, which took place about this time, meant that he was henceforth the tool of the Polignac clique and the Choiseul,the earl of Derby was active in stirring up feeling in the county against the king, and in 1266 assembled a considerable force, which was defeated by the king's,He'd be following shortly, trying to make it look like he was the injured,"It seems we were mistaken," declared a third, looking at the kitten timorously, "no one with such murderous desires should belong to our,Much change was due to the efforts of William Jennings Bryan, who received the Democratic,From among all these parties, just at the time Prince Andrew reached the army, another, a ninth,Just at the time Prince Andrew was living unoccupied at Drissa, Shishkov, the Secretary of State and one of the chief representatives of this,On all these faces, as on the faces of the crowd Petya had seen in the Square, there was a striking contradiction: the general expectation of a solemn event, and at the same time the everyday interests in a boston card,At the time of the Wars of the Roses discontent was rife in Derbyshire, and riots broke out in 1443, but the county did not lend active support to either,It all happened because of military pacts in which an attack on one,That evening everyone met in Springtown for an engagement,I've got a contact for you but protect this like your girlfriend at a drunken frat,They wore tuxedos and ball gowns like wealthy celebrities attending an exclusive Hollywood,I dive off a building, and now I'm having a tea,They broke free of the house into the dark night on a side of the house far from the light and merriment of the,"Donnie's going to sleep with Ryland tonight," Shipton said with a smile, as if he was sending the boy off to a slumber,Once people had their chat with the artist and had made their selections, they settled in and the atmosphere seemed more like a,During dinner, they talked mostly about the wedding and tomorrow's,We have just now met for the first time… I'm glad you are enjoying the,When they returned, they busied themselves cleaning up from the,It hit her as she was dressing to go to the,Hannah held one of the lanterns donated to their exiled,Little things keep pop­ping into mind—like Jeff won't be here for Randy's graduation, or he'll miss a neighbor's surprise,I'm surprised the office even bothered with a send off,He has to be out there, caught in the seaweed at the bottom of Chesapeake Bay, with the fish and crabs having a,Riley's comments were simple but moving and made Dean won­der if he were the eulogized,Amid backslapping and handshaking, the station assumed a,Jonathan continued, We called Atherton's partner, your friend Ethel Rosewater—ran her down at a house,One thing was for certain; this group would have one whoop-de-do of a,You worked for the contrac­tor who built the World Wide office building in Scranton so you were at the opening dedication,There would be time enough for affection after the,There were several hundred men and women in the makeshift arena, with the king's,There was one exit at the far end of the arena opposite the warlord's,Taran grabbed her wrist and dragged her a short distance away from the,He motioned to several of the older servants and gave them instructions to help Memon's,So why would he suddenly want her to select the clothes he wore to an informal,Remembering the way Felipa looked at Gerald during the,She and Bill were taking them to a birthday,Tonight her parents were throwing her a twenty-fifth birthday,Several cars were already parked beside the walkway, though the,You don't think I'd miss my favorite niece's birthday,He dropped his hands and turned away, striding off to join the,Yes.