Baird’s Beaked whale is found in the North Pacific Ocean, the Sea of Japan, and the Southern part of the Sea of Okhotsk. Given that True's beaked whales are found in two geographically distinct areas, it is thought that there might actually be two different species or sub-species of this beaked whale. This results in scarring often seen on the brown-grey body. Its lower jaw extends 4 inche… There is little information on the abundance of this species because sightings at sea are rare. We monitor and post sightings and behaviour of Whales, Dolphins and Porpoise in our inside waters of the Pacific Northwest of British Columbia.. The species was named for Spencer F. Baird of the Smithsonian Institution, a well-known naturalist in the late 1800s. Thus, data are insufficient to estimate population trends. Estimates for Baird's are of the order of 30,000 individuals. The flukes equal about 1/4 the body length and are slightly rounded at the tips with no notch in the center. The flippers are small, rounded, and set towards the front of the body.

The total population is not known for two of the three species. NOAA Fisheries estimates the population size for each stock of Baird’s beaked whale in its stock assessment reports.

What is life like for Baird's beaked whales? The body of Baird’s beaked whale is round and tapering towards the head and tail. Russia also hunted them in the past, but discontinued because of their scarcity.Since 1998, The MarineBio Conservation Society has been a nonprofit volunteer marine conservation and science education group working online together to educate the world about,Symbionts, Parasites, Hosts & Cooperation,The Structures & Adaptations to Marine Living,Marine Science/Ocean Life Related Journals,Marine Biology Laboratories, Institutes & Graduate Programs,Worldwide Aquariums and Marine Life Centers,Frontline Marine Conservation/Science Support,Worldwide Aquariums & Marine Life Centers,Women's Watercolor Shark Athletic T-shirt,Kid's Marine Biologist In Training T-Shirt,Nautical MarineBio Long Sleeve Unisex Shirt,Current IUCN Conservation Status of Baird's Beaked Whales,UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre: Baird's Beaked Whales,Check the Seafood Watch List for this species,Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society (WDCS),Center for Cetacean Research and Conservation (CCRC) – Beaked whales (+ videos).Jefferson, T.A., S. Leatherwood, and M.A.

Japan hunted these whales commercially in the 1950s; 322 were harvested by Japanese coastal whaling operations in 1952.

Baird’s beaked whales are some of the most commonly sighted beaked whales within their specific range due to their gregarious behavior and large body size.

This whale can be identified when it surfaces to breathe; its head comes out of the water at a steep angle allowing the bulging forehead and beak to be seen clearly. However it has primarily been found travelling in groups of 2-9 individuals, but has also been seen travelling in schools of up to 30.

Japan hunted these whales commercially in the 1950s; 322 were harvested by Japanese coastal whaling operations in 1952. The beaked whales are one of the most mysterious and least studied of all the Cetacean families. Baird’s beaked whale is the largest of all the beaked whales, sometimes reaching a maximum length of 42 feet (12.8 m). Although both the male and female have rows of tiny teeth in the upper jaw behind the main 食餌は負圧を利用した吸引方式 (suction feeding mechanism) で行う。これは,アカボウクジラ科のクジラは体長3.6m - 約13mであり、体重は1t - 15tである。識別は体長、体色、頭部の形状、口吻の長さなどの微妙な違いを用いて行い、野生下での種の同定はかなり困難である。また、,非常に優れた潜水能力を有し、20分から30分程度の潜水を行うことが多い。80分もの長い潜水の記録もあり、潜る深さもほぼ間違いなく1,000mを超えているものと考えられている。,アカボウクジラ科は海洋性であることと、長時間の潜水を行うことから、観察することが困難であり、多くの,アカボウクジラ科のクジラは海洋性であるため、捕鯨の対象であった一部の種を除き、人間との関りは少ない。,近年、座礁して死亡した個体の調査から、新たな問題が発生していることがわかってきた。一つは,二つ目の問題は、ビニール袋などのプラスチック製品を飲み込んでいる例が多く見られることである。これらは消化されずに消化器中に留まるため、致命的なこともある。また、20世紀末から,アカボウクジラ科&oldid=47289942,J. The lower jaw extends.The large, round body of Baird’s beaked whale tapers toward both the head and tail. Baird's beaked whales live for a long time, with males outliving the females. Baird’s beaked whales get their name from Spencer F. Baird, who was a renowned naturalist in the late 1800s and the second secretary of the Smithsonian Institution.

The population is estimated at around 30,000 individuals, mainly found at sea over steep cliffs at the edge of the continental shelf, but are known to migrate to oceanic islands.Baird’s Beaked whale has a large but slender body with an elongated beak and a pronounced melon. Like other beaked whales True's beaked whales have a ‘flipper pocket’, a small depression on each side of their body thought to assist in streamlining the whale on deep dives. The Gray's beaked whale is among the most recognisable of the beaked whales due to the long slender white beak and straight jawline.

320 p. 587 figs.Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department,Trying to Make Sense of This Overwhelming World.Who’s watched My Octopus Teacher on Netflix?Have you ever wondered how dolphins evolved to conquer the world’s oceans and rivers?Decision Time for China on Fishing Subsidies,3D printing is helping to rebuild Hong Kong’s precious coral reefs,Opinion: When allocating fishing rights, govt should learn from the errors of 2016,Russian fishing firms voluntarily reduce bottom-trawling,EU confirms current number of Dutch pulse trawl vessels in breach of new laws,David Attenborough urges public to ditch meat and go vegetarian to save planet,Shaping The World We Live In With Carl Safina. アカボウクジラ科(赤坊鯨科、Ziphiidae)は、クジラ目 ハクジラ亜目に属する科の一つ。 アカボウクジラ科に属するのは比較的小型のクジラが多く、現生群は約20の種から成る。 大型哺乳類としては最も不明な点が多い種類の一つである。