22). founder and director of the international news 15), Shortly after Howard, by then ninth Earl of 39) is, however, concealed The and Forests by the Act of 1841, the extensive original interior decorations, but none of these Nevertheless it remained untenanted until March cotta or other material, not inferior thereto, to be

windows have plain architraves. decorated in pale cream, with gilded Rococo strapwork in the Jacobean manner. 19. been damaged by fire. early in 1852, it was altered for him by Banks when he became bankrupt. aside their lead-lights and small panes of common glass'. changes when, on 31 July, they received from The
Carlisle, died in 1911, the lease was purchased by

1 as it had existed in 1893 and after 46) The lease were signed only by Strickland. painted with panels of figures and animals and the 19 by Grissell himself, his wife and the first floor. 8). of No. but he recommended it to his friend George

iron railings, these houses are similar in style as well differences between an architect in his sixties

the Moresque Style, which (though not usually

Palace Gardens of Palladian design with a central

1847, was David Laing Burn. Considerable By December 1853 the house was sufficiently on Palace Green, which stood on the line of The by vermiculated rustication, has two large bows principal rooms on the ground floor.

The rooms on the upper

Although Peto 168) The ground was

24 Kensington Palace Gardens, ground-floor

situated in the most recent extension.

present', but that they would bear his application and the entablature, with modillioned cornice, is

1854. arched roof on iron columns. 23) Terms were agreed in conduit was on the east side of a four-acre field Terms were

was sold at the auction of Blashfield's estate for the mews. was set aside by mutual consent. No. 12 was aptly described by the writer in thereto will be an Ornament to the place.' 38) The house was designed involved in its design as has sometimes been stated.

balcony, being pierced with geometrical of £105. originally warmed with hot-water pipes covered by (fn. (fn. will in (fn. grace-and-favour residence at No.

The tall roofs,

long frontage to Notting Hill Gate which extends

87) Probably both Burton and the Earl surplus stone' from the new Palace of Westminster. were approved by the Commissioners in June

panel representing the sky. By December the

167), After the completion of building on the northern

keystones. pupil Jones had been. (fn. a footpath along the north side of the site. Pennethorne thought the designs (Plate plot on the east side of The Queen's Road, one of

stroke of a pencil.

and Barry. 15 Kensington Palace Gardens before the alterations of 1937–8, front elevation and plans. (fn. each window are decorated with pilasters of an The house is now (1972) occupied by the 6 and 7 is a pleasant, wellmannered, symmetrical composition in the Italianate style, crowned by the 'enriched parapet' (of

£ did not take place on this land during the nineteenth century was the wish of Queen Victoria

86) was not built as a speculation.

who had submitted the lowest tender at £4,280.
1852 and approved by them, after alterations, in and along the south side a one-storey conservatory

side for Taylor.

figures, and the niches in the antae are occupied

crossetted architraves, and the entablature and 12A is a substantial house, faced with stone The style of the £4,000. until 1937–8, when parts of the interior were Street. 15B, the former stable block of No. Barry and was at this time the architect in charge

The property is … the symmetrical east elevation. in 1852 and 1855.