Technical Producer, Event Technology Consulting. Throughout 2020 we will see new applications of predictive healthcare and the introduction of more personalized and effective treatments to ensure better outcomes for individual patients. According to the PwC report, AI Products by 2030 will contribute over $15.7 trillion to the global economy.

Distributed Cloud is still in its infancy and there is a long way to go. Personalize registration and website templates to save your planners time, and ensure your website is user-friendly for your attendees. The 7 Biggest Technology Trends In 2020 Everyone Must Get Ready For Now. AI-as-a-service .

Ever since the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) laid the foundation for. , it can go a long way toward improving your event.

Don’t let your event get left behind, stay current and relevant with these 8 event technology trends. Facial recognition technology.

Doing so allows more people to connect with your event content and helps them get the most out of their experience.

can be a complicated and labor-intensive process so look for a platform that makes it easy for you to build a fully functional. 2020 is likely to be the year when 5G really starts to fly, with more affordable data plans as well as greatly improved coverage, meaning that everyone can join in the fun. Personalized emails, text messages, and push notifications are all great options. While we still aren’t at the stage where we can expect to routinely travel in, or even see, autonomous vehicles in 2020, they will undoubtedly continue to generate a significant amount of excitement.

The information that can be gleaned from this type of data can help planners with their event management as it provides a clearer picture of attendee behavior allowing for adjustments to be made mid-event that will streamline and improve the overall experience. This new upcoming technology of 2020 will be a significant breakthrough in cloud infrastructure. 52% will spend more of their budget on making their event technology-friendly.

LinkedIn has just launched a new feature called LinkedIn Events as well.

In fact, emerging and upcoming technology trends like cryptocurrency will be one of those upcoming technologies that are yet to be compliant with privacy laws. The greatly increased speeds mean that mobile networks will become more usable even than the wired networks running into our homes and businesses.

He helps organisations improve their business performance, use data more intelligently, and understand the implications of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, blockchains, and the Internet of Things. Event professionals are investing more in event technology in 2019/2020.

With AR or VR, any savvy event professional can transform their virtual event, trade show, expo, or conference into a full 360-degree experience. Mike notes that, “For people who use events as a marketing channel, taking event data and measuring what their customers and prospects do at events the same way they measure what they do online will become a big trend in 2020." To understand such questions, we have come up with the latest technology trends that you can incorporate into your business. Artificial technology or AI is not a new term in the IT-sphere, but now there are further verticals of AI that are shaping the industries globally and this is eventually making the technology features in the top IT trends today. They talk of the innovation in volumes, but what exactly is “the cloud?

This level of personalization is good for everyone involved. The trends in cloud storage and cloud computing are already embraced by industries across the globe and the next big thing that is going to hit the tech ecosystem is the distributed cloud system. . Audiences/clients/attendees crave and respond to authenticity, real time responses to their individual needs, and the ability to share their opinions in a way that can create conversation and drive change. One of the most emerging trends in information technology, Automation is aimed to augment people and propel business operations.