Sponsor a Right Whale By sponsoring a whale, you are helping our efforts to monitor right whale population status, habitat use, calving rates, and migration patterns and supporting our continued hard work to direct effective

2014.Marine Mammal Society Newsletter, Winter 1996 (Vol 4, No 4).North Atlantic Right Whale Consortium (1997) Are there right whales in the eastern North Atlantic?Museo di storia naturale e del territorio dell'Università di Pisa,Vessel speed restrictions to reduce ship collisions with North Atlantic right whales,National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,vessel speed restrictions to reduce ship collisions with North Atlantic right whales,"ITIS Standard Report: Eubalaena glacialis (Müller, 1776)","Recovery potential assessment for right whale (Western North Atlantic population)","Scientists Successfully Use Sedation to Help Disentangle North Atlantic Right Whale","North Atlantic Right Whale | NOAA Fisheries","What is the function of the callosities in right whales?

The Southern right whale lacks a dorsal fin and a grooved throat, which is unusual for baleens. Merci d'appeler Urgences Mammifères Marins! - Baleines en direct",RESEARCH, CONSERVATION & STEWARDSHIP PROJECTS,"Confirmation of right whales near an historic whaling ground east of southern Greenland",Watching a Northern Right Whale off Eastport, Maine aboard the schooner Sylvina W. Beal (Part 2).What is Wart, the Right Whale, Telling Us? Breaching may be used to dislodge parasites from their bodies but is also a form of display during mating. Because whales often free themselves of gear following an entanglement event, scarring may be a better indicator of fisheries interaction than entanglement sightings. In September 2012, legal challenges by 12 environmental groups were denied in federal court, allowing the Navy to proceed.Climate change poses a threat to the North Atlantic right whale as global temperatures increase and ocean processes change. Pregnant females last for four months over winter without eating, and bear a single large calf of up to 1,500 kilograms.

Family Sights Right Whale On Indian Inlet,Right Whale takes wrong turn into Delaware River,Right whale sighting closes Cape Cod Canal,Jacksonville Drum, Sheepshead, Right Whale, fishing,https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/endangered-whale-experiencing-mini-baby-boom-off-new-england/ar-BBVU8m9?ocid=spartandhp,"Habitat-based cetacean density models for the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico","Twentieth-century Records of Right Whales (Eubalaena glacialis) in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean","ON THE NATIVE STATUS OF THE SOUTHERN RIGHT WHALE EUBALAENA AUSTRALIS IN PERU","–Spatial Ecology of the North Atlantic Right Whale (Eubalaena Glacialis)",Ancient whale exploitation in the Mediterranean: species matters,Radical changes in the Wadden Sea fauna and flora over the last2,000 years,"North Atlantic right whale: historical summer records – Morse Project","Historical summer distribution of the endangered North Atlantic right whale (,"Cetaceans and Seabirds of Ireland's Atlantic Margin Volume II CETACEAN DISTRIBUTION & ABUNDANCE","SEA678 Data Report for Offshore Cetacean Populations",Species Information Sheet – Northern Right Whale in UK waters,"Who has an idea what animal we are looking at here?

Scientists believe that this population may be functionally extinct.Predicted summering range models suggest that small numbers of right whales could have been present year-round in the Mediterranean Sea although it is unclear whether whales ever penetrated,There have been a few sightings further east over the past few decades, with several sightings close to,Few recent sightings have also been recorded from pelagic waters such as off Hebrides,Right whales have also on rare occasion been observed in the.Below is a list of some of recent records of right whales in eastern North Atlantic (not all of above-mentioned records and excluding vagrant records, according to the Spanish edition of this article). The right whale's callosities provide habitat for large colonies of cyamids or whale lice, which feed on the right whale's skin as these small crustaceans cannot survive in open water.

Among these, only off Iceland right whales have been encountered during watching tours (save for expeditions and land-based observations targeting for birds and other faunas), and several observations were made in Iceland during the 2000s.Sightings and confirmations in recent years.Provincetown Center for Coastal Studies. 39 new calves were recorded, born off the Atlantic coast of Florida and Georgia:"Right whales, for the first time in a long time, are doing their part: they're having the babies; they're having record numbers of babies. They weigh approximately 120,000 pounds (54,000 kg). Records and confirmations close to Newfoundland, Iceland, and Cape Farewell are also excluded.Some eastern sightings have been officially confirmed to be of vagrants from the western population.

Northern right whale females grow to be about 50 feet (15.2 m) long, males are about 49 feet (15 m) long.

Although they are slow swimmers, these whales are highly acrobatic, doing 'head-stands' by tipping upside-down vertically while waving their flukes about, waving their flippers and slapping them on the water's surface, as well as breaching - for as many as 10 times one after the other: turning while in midair and falling back into the water on their back or side. Males do not typically fight or show jealousy with regard to mating. Now, tragically, their sole remaining habitat is in the western North Atlantic, along the eastern US and Atlantic Canada, with a few individuals known to wander as far as Iceland, Norway, England and the Azores. Age of right whales can be determined by examining their ear wax postmortem.Aside from mating activities performed by groups of single female and several males, so called.North Atlantic right whales recordings are available online.Another so-called species of right whale, the "Swedenborg whale" as proposed by,As the "right" whale continued to float long after being killed, it was possible to 'flense' or strip the whale of blubber without having to take it on board ship.