How to use crooked in a sentence. 2. Every crook in the pathway was remembered. All Rights Reserved. 5. The roads were crookedand muddy and rough. .Crosier in a sentence Definition of Crosier . I'll get her to marry me, by hook or by,9. For every anxiety and every need, there is a crook.

3, The police are going to get these guys, by hook or by crook. (Australia, New Zealand, slang) Bad, unsatisfactory, not up to standard.

by BuildMyVocab. 2, I'll get her to marry me, by hook or by crook. I'll get her to marry me, by hook or by,27. He has probably been a crook all his life. She fed, ensnared by his scent, until she was soothed then tucked her head in the,The real programme was to secure, by hook or by,Jessi's arm was across his chest, her face nuzzled in the.Sandstones and quartzites were also quarried in 1902 in Albany,He then lived as tutor in the family of Lord Stourton, but in October 1794 he settled along with seven other former members of the old Douai college at,Treaties and military operations were at first of no avail, but in 1876 the United States government took steps to reduce them to submission, and Generals George,As regards the development of the form of the pastoral staff, there are four principal types: (I) staves with a simple,It is some five feet long, ending at the top in a,Sometimes he has goat's feet and horns, curly hair and a long beard, half animal, half man; sometimes he is a handsome youth, with long flowing hair, only characterized by horns just beginning to grow, the shepherd's,distinguish abbots from bishops, it was ordained that their mitre should be made of less costly materials, and should not be ornamented with gold, a rule which was soon entirely disregarded, and that the,On the 29th of September a band under American Horse was defeated and their leader killed; in October some 5000 Indians surrendered; and on' the 22nd of April 1877, 2000 more under Crazy Horse laid down their arms. Sentence with the word crook. 4. An all-star cast fills this remake of a classic 1960 Rat Pack film about a,It takes less than 15 minutes for a skilled,As it descends, it progressively courses anteriorly to the,Meanwhile, an elderly woman was left shocked after a,Reaper stood calmly with the base of his scythe planted on the ground, looking like a shepherd with his,The lover lies face down on the ground under the full moon, with his head barely resting in the,Her green jacket was loosely draped in the,That's not as easy a task as it was when I was a young man, but there one was, neatly in the,Then I grab the TV controller and bottle in right hand, baby safely tucked away in the,Her basket no longer swung jauntily from its place at the,I suddenly found it hard to concentrate on the needle the first doctor had shoved into the,She brought the free arm up to join the other one under her head, and settled her forehead into the,Rather than lead him home like a child, she made him,We had a bad phone call at about 1.30 in the morning and after that have had a couple of,This is about units in the normal market, which are regarded by many as a,What fascinated me though was in Wallace's communist football Utopia he was,I don't know how you do it, but whenever you,Bobby Orr was single then, and all he had to do was,I had seen him in procession with his golden,He is innocent by his ignorance, a simple dullard who can return to his yacht or gated manse comforted by the knowledge that he is not a,That is what happens when you buy bent goods off a,The only thing managers can do is to try to put off the evil day by hook or,The present set of officials, according to Rover, want to be elected by hook or by,I made a mental note to try and procure some guest passes by hook or by,Their only concern is to win the match by hook or by,A driving-school trainer said that people want a licence by hook or by,I carried the plastic tray with the curried cheese pieces down the steps to the basement, a glass of milk held in the,Her back was now on my chest, and she was resting her head in the,Although the sounds were soothing, I felt a bit,The CIA man was creeped out, but he knew he could hock the watch for 10 bucks, probably to the same,He is an extraordinary humpty-dumpty figure with an enormous head and stomach set upon tiny legs, supported by a shepherd's,Feeling the cold touch of fear grip his heart, the,I will put it indelicately and say that the accused is a,The shooting hand holds the rifle above the pistol grip and the fore end of the stock is cradled in the,She walks forward, her staff resting in the,I have told them I will replace everything by hook or by,By my side, waiting at the next till, was a young woman, bright and bonny, holding a tiny baby in the,He's a pious hypocrite and a greedy, petty, stupid, mean-minded,It doesn't matter what we think, say the focus groups, the political elite wants to join the euro and, by hook or by,Coming forward, I looked at our canonical,Before walking in I'd removed my shoes so as to make even less noise and now I held them in the,Sometimes, it takes years and years to finally get it done, but by never backing down, by never giving up, they get these films to the screen by hook or by,Scars face me, across her wrist and in the,Roemer lost his reelection bid because he got caught in a pincer move between a,Rebekah looked lovingly down on the sweet face in the,She nodded silently and stared stupidly down at the,The stethoscope that comes with some models is used to listen to the sounds your blood makes as it flows through the brachial artery in the,To draw blood for the test, a nurse or technician cleans the skin over a vein, usually in the,William did so like a true professional, nestling the mercifully quiet baby comfortably in the,Kevin Kline won the Best Supporting Actor Oscar for his hilarious turn as Otto, an Anglophobe,You guys are about to write a story that says the former attorney general, the highest ranking law enforcement officer in this country, is a,If it wasn't about milk, I'd sit with her in the,Once I exposed the leading citizen of Dallas, the very top guy, as a,He savagely pummels Lane over the head with the,Reports of a nation humiliated because it has been reduced to choosing between a,We're in a dogfight and we've got to get enough points to stay upby hook orby,Ann explained to the teacher what had happened and the nuns went,It was a long day and everyone cheered when we turned into Oban, nestled in the,Miriam Lawton found the pipe, called a cannula, still embedded in the.Or a pickpocket, thief, traitor, lecher, syphilitic, gorilla,The ring-tailed lemur, with its distinctive black-and-white striped tail, perches in the,How can they be, when they're led by a smart-aleck shyster who believes in nothing except hanging on to his job by hook or by,After a bungled armed robbery, dim-witted,The inhumations, three of them preserved in situ, were buried together with shepherd's,David Fincher directs and pretty boy Jared Leto plays a,Iranians preferred the populist they did not know to the,Multiple regression analyses were conducted by regressing growth rings and the presence of pith on bow, twist, and,There's a building in St. Louis called the MEPS Building where doctors probe every,On December 8 that year, Hall had been drinking with an ex-girlfriend, Irish barmaid and prostitute Mary Coggle, who introduced him to petty,Upon the completion of the victory, four fan-bearers, each with,And she went off with the lad, while bru seized his,The guard was a big man, with a heavy-duty stunner resting in the,I am an outlaw, and get my living by hook and by,Thornton shows that jag, bust, bat and to,Again the man sniffed the dead air and, swinging the rifle into the,One is a Cuban, who, from your description, seems to be a large-scale,I've thought of every possibility, every possible,I had to watch the steering, and circumvent those snags, and get the tin-pot along by hook or by,He walked over to Spud, lifted the dummy into position in the,One citation for shooting it out with a burglar and another for nabbing a past-post,And as I strolls along home with this warm, wriggly bunch of fur in the,She radiated gladness as she made her way towards the lake carrying an express rifle in the,It was a foregone conclusion that they would consider him a fakir and a,But Carson and rosser were both up to every hook and,The aperitive virtue of a key, the attractive virtue of a,She nodded happily from her cozy position in the,And he's promised to pay for the pinto, so that don't make him a,Now, the stool-pigeon in this trick is a swell English,It dawned upon him that this was, indeed, not a common,A SCAM victim has helped bring to justice a,It's no job at all to run a bluff on a small-time,But the dogs raised the alarm and prolific,He swung out his trunk with a fascinating,And with that he made his heavy halberd to play around his head as a shepherd boy flourishes his light,For five years I've sworn I'd have that dog by hook or,Then he must get into Ratisbon and bring out horses by hook or by,He unbolted the door, called in the bearers, wished us good morning, and with a look full of meaning and a.