​-genre and discipline specificity You may want to read what follows closely. Get Personalised Advice: The publication will be included in Academia.edu and indexed in Google Scholar. ​-educational technology Major events for this year are the FIFA Women's World Cup, Asian Games, African Games, … From translation and interpreting to coaching and intercultural training: at EXPOLINGUA you'll find the newest trends, innovative methods and best practice models relevant to your work!Due to the Corona virus situation ENROPE decided to transform Intensive Study Week #2 into an online/blended learning event taking place from November 23 to 27, 2020.Abstract Submission Deadline: 21 October 2020. From Arabic to Zulu, English, Japanese or Portuguese, whether it is an inland language course, innovative apps or a new textbook: at EXPOLINGUA we've got everything related to language learning and teaching. Our seventh international conference considers how we can safeguard fair, valid and ethical practices in the light of new developments and innovations in our multilingual field. Selected papers will be indexed by Ei Compendex, SCOPUS (Elsevier), Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI - Web of Science).A Whole World of Languages: Pulwama attack, Balakot and Wing Commander Abhinandan bccl. ​-inter-disciplinary writing The theme of this year’s FEL conference is teaching and learning materials (including primers, grammars, dictionaries, textbooks, websites, language documentation and other audiovisual material, apps, etc.) A Festival of Cultures: These are the international days currently observed by the United Nations. * Deadline Call for Papers extended: 23 August 2020.ALTE's mission is to set standards of language tests and assessment, sustain diversity of languages (both spoken and signed) through our commitment to multilingualism, and maximise impact of language teaching, testing and assessment in Europe and beyond. ​-writing for publication 1. Your Future: * Deadline Call for Papers: 1 September 2020.Deadline Call for Papers: 21 September 2020.The objective of the Conference is to promote transnational cooperation and share good practice in the field of the application of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to Language Learning and Teaching. Careers and internships with foreign languages, opportunities to study or take a business course – Languages expand your horizons and drastically improve your career prospects. ​-reflective academic writing Below is my list of the top ten world events of the year, listed in ascending order. Here is a list of the major events that Indiatimes covered in 2019.  Show all items Search. Several of these stories will continue into 2020. The Innovation in Language Learning Conference is also an excellent opportunity for the presentation of previous and current language learning projects and innovative initiatives.Papers will be presented in virtual synchronous or asynchronous modes.All accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings with ISBN, ISSN, DOI and ISPN codes. Not even a single Indian can forget those back-to-back events that made the Indo-Pak relations hit rock bottom. You can now follow your favourite athletes, horses and events You can now have access to the entire participant list for upcoming events You can now access detailed statistics of competitions, atheletes, horses and events Your Career: Practitioner-focused proposals in the following non-exhaustive but indicative areas are also invited: Grow your network and learn from the best at Europe’s leading anti-conference with 6,000 attendees.Subscribe to the Start:up Alpe-Adria newsletter and stay updated on the latest regional developments, startup success stories, events and more!Project is co-financed from the European Regional Development Fund in the frame of the Cooperation programme INTERREG V-A SI-AT. Presentations will also explore how such resources can contribute to the status and profile of a language, and what practical and pedagogical solutions and resources work best for first, heritage, and second language speakers and learners.We invite submission of papers for reporting empirical research, systematic reviews of the literature, as well as theoretical and practical demonstrations. You will be able to find/advertise details of conferences, workshops and other language-related activities taking place in Europe and beyond. 09:00. The International events calendar allows you both to search for events and promote your own activities related to languages and language education. ​-teaching methodology ​-corpus concordancing ​-semiotics,Discussion du 28.09.2020 | 17h15-18h45 | Aula HEP 1 Fribourg | langues de discussion: français-allemand. ​-teaching English to speakers of other languages (TESOL) ​-teaching in multi-cultural contexts Brazilian rhythms, Chinese martial arts, Indonesian musical instruments or Persian calligraphy: take part and dive into the rich world of cultural diversity! Whether its Spanish in Argentina, Guatemala, Mexico or Spain itself, whether its Chinese in Taiwan or English in Ireland, Malta, USA, or the UK – at EXPOLINGUA you'll meet experts that are eager to share their own experiences and answer your individual questions.