The bigger point is does it matter if we ban FoD? It's even playing the same music. According to the Fountain of Dreams trophy, the water is a mist that trickles down into the dream fog that is spread throughout Dream Land. Bottom blast zone is very low.The stage has large walls on either side which can allow for infinites. There are two platforms above the main stage being pushed up by water, with the height adjusting accordingly and a third platform in the middle that does not move. Let's say I'm in a best of five. Ultimate on the Nintendo Switch, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Rate this Stage! For Super Smash Bros. Stages like green greens honestly seem ok overall, and although hard walls are a bit less favorable, rainbow cruise doesn't seem that bad. For example statements like "Fountain of Dreams is not meaningfully distinct from Dream Land. Smashville) can work in Hazards on.Skyloft is banned for Sharking and Warioware is banned because characters can die before 30 off the sides.Legal stages depend on the tourney. Posted by. or "Battlefield is probably the most ban-worthy. Dream Land was too RNG based imo and depending on where you were you could get fucked over, it’s completely different from Fountain of Dreams where you can easily adapt,New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast.Welcome to Reddit's finest Smash Bros community!Press J to jump to the feed. Announced at E3 2001, Fountain of Dreams (夢の泉, Fountain of Dreams) is a starter stage in Super Smash Bros. Melee. Not to mention Hazards Off is default, making it even less distinct from Battlefield.Melee DL and Ultimate DL are quite different. There are many community preferences in terms of stage choices. Announced at E3 2001, Fountain of Dreams (夢の泉, Fountain of Dreams) is a starter stage in Super Smash Bros. Melee. Green Greens: Tier 5: Banned: Blast zones are very close to the stage; layout generally promotes camping. However, due to Miiverse shutting down, the possible distracting background no longer shows up which could make this stage legal.Too large; promotes camping and stalling, especially on the right side of the stage; unusual gravity mechanics and physics due to stage being curved,Yellow Devil is too powerful and disruptive a stage hazard,Stage has walk-off blast lines and frequently lacks a lower blast line; autoscrolling overcentralizes gameplay on navigating the stage and avoiding obstacles; unfairly benefits characters with good mobility,Right side of stage features walk-off blast line,Disruptive geometry, especially on the lower part of the stage and the triangular platforms; Bumper hazard is too disruptive,Too large; high ceiling creates over-reliance on horizontal finishers; Tent creates a powerful camping position and has a cave of life; tornadoes are too powerful and disruptive,Unpredictable stage layout; potential for walk-offs; disruptive stage hazards,Cannonballs and catapult are too powerful and disruptive as stage hazards; frequent absence of lower blast line; King of Red Lions and the area underneath the ship on the island create powerful camping positions,Overcentralizes gameplay on Materia, which can summon powerful and disruptive stage hazards,Some transformations feature walk-offs and caves of life; stage aesthetics can be distracting.Treated the same as Battlefield and struck alongside Battlefield when either is chosen. Ultimate. The East Coast is also well known for much smaller allowable stage lists than the West. Meta Knight legal tournaments that don't intend to be as limited as the Japanese ruleset may ban the stage solely due to Meta Knight's prowess on the stage.Over-centralises gameplay on camping; randomly appearing,Excessive camping near checkpoint hazard; walk off blast lines; bottom blast line is not always available; horizontal blast lines that are close with walk-offs and a high ceiling give a disproportional advantage to horizontal finishers.Stage has a rather low ceiling, giving a disproportional advantage to vertical finishers; the hovering platform portion of the stage allows sharking; the Halberd Bridge portion of the stage has powerful stage hazards. It returns in Super Smash Bros. The stage is fairly large, and it has walk-off blast zones. In All-Star Mode, this stage is played on when the player faces Marth and any of his teammates; unusually, in Classic Mode, Bowser is fought by the player on this stage during the giant battle, despite this being Kirby's stage and the abundance of Mario stages. We've got a lot more stages to work with that aren't disruptive gameplay-wise, and 4 didn't have a hard time with legal stages that aren't tri-plats either. Stage promotes circle camping due to extreme size.Contains caves of life, walk-off blast zones, unusual horizontal blast zone behavior, and no lower blast zone.Layout promotes stalling; unfairly benefits characters with high aerial mobility; 2D property results in unusual hitbox behavior.Features walk-off blast zones; no lower blast zone; uneven terrain favors short characters.Scrolling stage with walk-off blast zones.Features walk-off blast zones; bridge remains closed with hazards off, covering the lower blast zone.Uneven terrain; front of train is a damaging hazard; portions of stage may intrusively carry players offscreen.Scrolling stage with walk-off blast zones; 2D property results in unusual hitbox behavior.Some transformations have unusual geometry; walkoff blast zones in initial transformation.Bottom blast zone is covered by a damaging hazard; unusual layout promotes camping.Extremely powerful camping spot under the main body of the stage; generally unusual layout promotes camping.Randomized layout; often includes caves of life.High top platform; disruptive gap in center stage.Water negatively affects edgeguarding; very large size.Features walk-off blast zones; unusual horizontal blast zone behavior.Features walk-off blast zones and falling hazards (even with stage hazards off).Cage blocks KOs and creates a small cave of life; rock column on right and aforementioned cage promote camping.Blast zones are extremely close to all areas of the stage; layout unfairly inhibits characters with poor vertical movement.Steep slopes at the ledges; too similar to Final Destination, omitted from most rulesets to reduce redundancy.Main body of the stage is extremely large, and reaches very close to the horizontal blast zones.Features walk-off blast zones.