So the narration concentrate on the hopefulness that hey, they will meet soon. However, I don't think that it's absolutely necessary for the story and it will feel like a repeat instead of something fresh and new.Kudos to PO and Mina tho! With Jang Man Wol’s final farewell, the story concludes well.”,Regarding Kim Soo Hyun’s surprise cameo in the epilogue, they shared, “It’s not that we have concrete plans for a second season. I get that she forgives him, but at least make it more dramatic since she's been waiting for thousand years. I’m highkey hoping for a happy ending for Man Chan but it probably won’t happen.AH! Hotel del Luna, the popular K-drama starring IU and Yeo Jin-Goo, has concluded. And I'm pretty sure she hasnt left yet.Anyways my favourite parts are when they show her character’s past life,, Lee DoHyun’s character makes my heart skip a beat istg.I think this drama is give me some vibes of other movie, like Beauty and the Beast, Goblin, etc.

Their emotions were so vivid even when they were just gazing at one another.” Hong Jung Eun added, “The reason for their good chemistry is that IU and Yeo Jin Goo are both kind, thoughtful people who look after and cheer on one another.”,Although IU was the perfect Jang Man Wol, the Hong Sisters shared that they did not necessarily write the script with her in mind.

Enrich your vocabulary with the English Definition dictionary I am excited for this drama. A Korean Odyssey.Originally, I wondered about the casting; and to be honest, it prevented me from even considering to watch this series. Because of this, he got to run the hotel with the beautiful and aloof but ill-tempered boss.

Everything is simply beautiful!I highly recommend this series; and I would even suggest that a second series could do just as well... if they have enough new characters involved.I don't have questions with the whole plot, the actors (although PO's expressions was a bit not for drama - sad scene) and the roller coster emotions they want viewers felt..

Hoping that someday soon, IU and Lee Do Hyun lead in a RomCom drama. However, this is where i felt it started to felt draggy a little bit.

I actually aready feel the sad ending would end this drama from the beginning, because we know that manwol is not human while chanseong is human and that would make the most "make sense ending" since Chanseong was brought to the hotel to send off manwol.

I LOVE how deep their stories, especially Mrs. Choi's, I cried so hard on her story, I think both of hers and Mr. Kim's stories could still be relevant in today's society. For example the seol ji wan story, I though he's supposed to be the villain but ended just defeated like that. The series also got more chills as it contain cinematography far from the ordinary series. It was to showcase that there was still a space, now called ‘Hotel Blue Moon,’ for ghosts to come and rest.” But they did not completely shut down the possibility of season two, adding, “As ‘Hotel Del Luna’ has had a female owner until now, we thought that it would be fun to switch to a male owner.”,While the drama was popular for many reasons, the chemistry between IU and Yeo Jin Goo was a key point.

Meaning all another ghost are just another simple details in the story. And he terribly crushed everyone's hearts with his sad ending.Good thing the Hong sisters made up for that writing glitch by how they've beautifully weaved each of the ghosts' stories and how each one had a great resolution. with the same casts :( Omyy I can’t still move on???? I think it is a happy ending for the story,” Hong Mi Ran said.She further explains how the impeccable chemistry of Lee Ji Eun and Yeo Jin Goo is expected to draw sympathy for them to be together. And props to the rookie Lee Do Hyun! Huhuhu.Somehow, I hope they have season 2 or the movie.I haven’t been able to find a drama to watch in awhile until now because none have really kept me interested or invested.I know that many people were rooting for Man Weol and Chung Myung but there’s just something that kept me rooting for ManChan from the beginning until the end.

!This is a better drama than what the Hong Sisters has done in the past years.