Thena a un intellect doué et a étudié avec les plus grands érudits éternels et humains tout au long de sa vie. The Eternals generally use their powers for good, unlike the Deviants, a rival race who have been at war with the Eternals for millennia and are set to be the antagonists of the movie. Like the Guardians of the Galaxy movies, you might need to see it in action to truly understand why these characters are appealing, but history shows that Feige and company have form at introducing new sides to the MCU. The series will be written by Kieron Gillen (The Wicked + The Divine, Uncanny X-Men, Thor) and will feature art by Esad Ribić (Secret Wars, King Thor), set for release this November, when the film was originally slated for release. Marvel Releases New Eternals Trailer. MCU Cosmic’s Jeremy Conrad has theorized that Giant Apes developing the music for Eternals’ trailer now could mean it’ll be ready to show to Disney investors at their next conference call in mid-March, as well as played for attendees of CinemaCon at the end of next month. You will receive a verification email shortly.

Jeff Goldblum’s Grandmaster is supposed to be another, but we never get the sense in Thor: Ragnarok that he’s a super-powered individual.

Bien qu'elle vive depuis plus de 4000 ans, Thena est toujours considérée comme une jeune femme selon les normes éternelles. The Eternals is one of the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s most anticipated films coming up in Phase 4. Metal Gear Solid Reportedly Getting Another Remake For PC & ... One Of 2019's Biggest Games Is Now On Sale For $1.49. We must protect them,"; and Nanjiani's Kingo wearing very colorful garb and surrounded by dancers in a Bollywood-style dance sequence (a fact recently confirmed by the actor in an interview on the New Hollywood podcast, via The Daily Dot).

The Celestials are a race of godlike beings fans of the MCU should recognize. Thena est également un redoutable combattant au corps à corps, avec une formation approfondie au combat sans armes et l'utilisation de nombreuses armes de haute technologie anciennes et éternelles. Given just how towering and cosmic these characters are, it's not outside the realm of possibility that they will help tease, say, the next big MCU villain's arrival or the next major stand-off between good and evil, similar to the way MCU Phases 1 to 3 helped set up and reveal Thanos' arrival and plan. So who are they? For instance, Thor: The Dark World‘s was April 24th, Doctor Strange‘s was April 12th and Thor: Ragnarok’s arrived on April 10th. Voir site : C'est bizarre une si longue période sans le moindre trailer pour le MCU... Surtout que ça laisse le champs libre pour Warner/DC qui ont quand même tapés fort avec leur DC Fandom dernièrement. Non, je veux que tu sortes en pensant que c’est une famille. La recherche de Phastos est peut-être la raison pour laquelle il est resté sur Terre lorsque la plupart de ses compagnons Éternels sont partis pour l'espace extra-atmosphérique.

Visit our corporate site. Remember, when Guardians of the Galaxy blasted into cinemas in 2014, few could have picked Star-Lord, Gamora, Drax, Rocket and Groot out of Nova Corps line-up. In any case, footage shown at CCXP gave us our first indication of various elements of the storyline, including that Brian Tyree Henry’s Phastos is the film’s gay leading character, the first in the MCU. And continuing Marvel’s long-running trend of hiring new-ish filmmakers with indie pedigree (think Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck on Captain Marvel, Jon Watts on Spider-Man: Homecoming), The Eternals is directed by Chloe Zhao, best known for Sundance hit The Rider. Marvel Studios boss Kevin Feige has confirmed The Eternals will be an ensemble movie in the vein of Guardians of the Galaxy, and that means a big cast. Like the X-Men they all have their own unique abilities but – in a Power Rangers/Voltron-like twist – they can combine to form a powerful entity known as a Uni-Mind.