","Genetic analysis of human H2N2 and early H3N2 influenza viruses, 1957–1972: evidence for genetic divergence and multiple reassortment events","Indonesian pigs have avian flu virus; bird cases double in China",http://www.cidrap.umn.edu/cidrap/content/influenza/avianflu/news/mar3109swine-jw.html,"The Universal Virus Database, version 4: Influenza A","Q & A: Key Facts about Swine Influenza (Swine Flu) - Symptoms","Q & A: Key Facts about Swine Influenza (Swine Flu) – Spread of Swine Flu","Q & A: Key Facts about Swine Influenza (Swine Flu) – Diagnosis","Q & A: Key Facts about Swine Influenza (Swine Flu) – Treatment","Q & A: Key Facts about Swine Influenza (Swine Flu) – Virus Strains","Serologic and genetic characterization of North American H3N2 swine influenza A viruses","Cases of swine influenza in humans: a review of the literature","Update: Swine Influenza A (H1N1) Infections --- California and Texas, April 2009","In California and Texas, 5 New Swine Flu Cases","CDC Briefing on Public Health Investigation of Human Cases of Swine Influenza","Swine influenza A (H1N1) infection in two children --- Southern California, March--April 2009","Egypt starts pig slaughter, some farmers resist","What's in a Name? They stated “We believe that the use of killed cultures as described prevented the development of the disease in many of our personnel and modified its course favorable in others.” The investigators concluded that.E. Skr. A guide to what you can expect across the UK","Overarching Government Strategy to Respond to Pandemic Influenza. 1918 Spanish flu; 1957 Asian flu; 1968–1969 Hong Kong; 2009 swine; Outbreaks; 1976 swine flu; 2006 H5N1 India; 2007 Australian equine; 2007 Bernard Matthews H5N1; 2008 West Bengal; 2015 United States H5N2 outbreak; ආශ්‍රිත; Flu season; Influenza evolution; Influenza research; Influenza-like illness; Vaccine reformulations He told us, “The bacterial vaccines developed for Spanish influenza were probably ineffective because at the time it was not known that pneumococcal bacteria come in many, many serotypes and that of the bacterial group they called B. influenzae, only one type is a major pathogen.” They made the vaccine made from,Another group of investigators described the use of vaccines at the Naval Training Station in San Francisco. The total death rate from influenza or pneumonia is only one-fourth as great in the inoculated as in the uninoculated.” He would go on to test his vaccine in nearly 100,000 people.In an editorial entitled “Prophylactic Inoculation Against Influenza,”,“To specify only one case: The experience at a Rochester hospital—where fourteen nurses (out of how many?) Also, how are anti-bacterial vaccines different from the anti-viral ones?It is interesting that nobody mentions the role of homeopaths in healing the people with influenza.This activity is best viewed on larger screens.Subscribe to The History of Vaccines Blog by Email,The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices Expands Recommendations on HPV Vaccine, Leaves Some Decisions Up to Patients and Their Providers,National Library of Medicine: Circulating Now,National Network of Libraries of Medicine Blogs,Vaccines and Global Health: Ethics and Policy,http://www.instituteofscience.com/mental/Shakman-History-Rosenow.pdf,The College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Vaccinologist Stanley A. Plotkin, MD, thinks they were not. Vaccines are used in both humans and nonhumans. Philadelphia found out in 1918, with disastrous results","The Spanish Flu – Part II: the second and third wave","Here are Exact Facts About the Influenza and Its Toll in City, State, Nation, world","Mortality Statistics 1919: Twentieth Annual Report","Mortality burden of the 1918-1919 influenza pandemic in Europe","How the 1918 flu pandemic rolled on for years: a snapshot from 1920","Origins of the 1918 Pandemic: The Case for France","The so-called Great Spanish Influenza Pandemic of 1918 may have originated in France in 1916","Flu epidemic traced to Great War transit camp","A hypothesis: the , gas, pigs, ducks, geese and horses in northern France during the Great War provided the conditions for the emergence of the "Spanish" influenza pandemic of 1918-1919","No evidence of 1918 influenza pandemic origin in Chinese laborers/soldiers in France","1918 Flu Pandemic That Killed 50 Million Originated in China, Historians Say","What happened in China during the 1918 influenza pandemic? Similarities between a reconstruction of the virus and avian viruses, combined with the human pandemic preceding the first reports of influenza … ), and only one case (out of how many possibilities?) READ MORE: Why the Second Wave of the 1918 Spanish Flu Was So Deadly. This was not the case for the 1918 pandemic, which killed mainly healthy young adults. October 1918 was the month with the highest fatality rate of the whole pandemic.In January 1919, a third wave of the Spanish Flu hit Australia, where it killed 12,000 following the lifting of a maritime quarantine, and then spread quickly through Europe and the United States, where it lingered through the Spring and until June 1919.In spring 1920, a fourth wave occurred in isolated areas including New York City,The first confirmed cases originated in the United States.