Chinnock (1893); Voyage of Nearchus with the spurious Periplus, W. Hoyt's The Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence (New York, 1907) is the best presentation of the view generally adopted by competent historians that the alleged Declaration of the 10th of May 1775 is spurious; G. Of the former, his panegyric on the emperor Anastasius alone is extant; the description of the church of St Sophia and the monody on its partial destruction by an earthquake are spurious. He can distinguish between the spurious and the genuine. They alone are scientific, while the traditional methods of the sciences of human action are metaphysical, that is, in the terminology of positivism, superstitious and, 48. He regarded many books of the Old Testament as spurious, questioned the genuineness of 2 Peter and Jude, denied the Pauline authorship of Timothy and Titus, and suggested that the canonical gospels were based upon various translations and editions of a primary Aramaic gospel. Finally, in the court of Naples arose that most formidable of all critical engines, the critique of established ecclesiastical traditions and spurious historical documents. For a format that seemed so spurious in conception and then initially vague upon realization, I 'm a Celebrity... Cruel trick, writes Carrie Dunn from across my desk, inviting all kinds of spurious Zorro based comment about flashing blades. The smaller the drops, the greater the distance; hence it is that the spurious bows are generally only observed near the summits of the bows, where the drops are smaller than at any lower altitude. After Cicero's death his character was attacked by various detractors, such as the author of the spurious Controversia put into the mouth of Sallust, and the calumniator from whom Dio Cassius (xlvi. Other editions not based on Bretonneau are inferior; some, indeed, are altogether spurious (e.g. 3. It has been suggested that Marti is identical with Avellaneda, the writer of a spurious continuation (1614) to Don Quixote; but he died before the first part of Don Quixote was published (1605). This paper analyzes the spectral characteristic of the synthesized waveform by use of the Fourier Series,( and discusses the, 67. The second part is the collection of councils, classified according to their regions, as it figures in the Hispana; the few spurious pieces which are added, and notably the famous Donation of Constantine, were already in existence. This he did by setting aside the spurious gospels, purging the real gospel (the Gospel of Luke) from supposed judaizing interpolations, and restoring the true text of 2 On the relation of matter to the Creator, Marcion himself seems not to have speculated, though his followers may have done so. A very common spurious mushroom in markets is A. He was arrested in 1979 on spurious corruption charges. et Ign. , Despite the spurious statement the suspect made about his whereabouts on the night of the murder, the police had to release him because of a lack of evidence. They are either connected with genuine memories of the Prophet and his times, or have spurious legends to conceal the fact that they were originally holy stones, wells, or the like, of heathen sanctity. This response of the school - boy lies at the bottom of all, 57. Many have been cut down for entirely spurious reasons. 31. spurious detection toward the bottom of the field. Corneille has suffered less than some other writers from the attribution of spurious works. A spurious edition of his works having been issued, he himself produced a collection of twenty-two treatises, to which some time afterwards he added a second group of eighteen more. They do not represent the opinions of Despite many attempts to link drug use with social deprivation, the association is, 33. Check the meaning of spurious.