coeruleoalba). I found significant differences on the relative abundance and They do not commonly ride the bow. All rights reserved., killed in tuna purse seine sets in the eastern tropical Pacific.21 cephalopods not previously reported as prey,r region within ETP (see text). I

and Delphinus delphis) involved in the p...Cetacean remains and strandings in the Galápagos Islands, 1923-2003.Diversity, habitat associations and stock structure of odontocete cetaceans in the waters of America...Status of Dolphin Stocks in the Eastern Tropical Pacific. The stranding record reflects the odontocete communities of nearshore and upwelling environments in the Galápagos. Comparison of diet of striped dolphin.1% in other two spp.). It is a member of the oceanic dolphin family, Delphinidae. The cetacean community of the WTIO was similar to that of the eastern tropical Pacific (ETP) and the Gulf of Mexico (GM) in several respects. It ranks third in abundan,1998). The dolphins in two schools,sampled from a drive fishery in Japan were,having fed heavily on crustaceans, mainly the,not reported from the dolphin elsewhere.

Fami,lies listed in alphabetical order.

detection function using perpendicular distances for small and large cetaceans. Third, regardless of ocean, three species comprised the majority of cetaceans in the community, Stenella attenuata, S. longirostris, and S. coeruleoalba, representing 62%-82% of all individuals for all species. Stenella longirostris was the most abundant cetacean, in terms of number of individuals sighted, by an order of magnitude above any other species, while Physeter macrocephalus was the most frequently sighted, in terms of number of schools. Associated species: Spot.One stomach from either CCM0065 or CCM0067; tags partially obliterated in field.104) from the eastern tropical Pacific. PBDE concentrations suggest that the Mediterranean basin may be considered a hotspot for organobromine compounds. Measured beaks and,titis and Paxton (1968); calculated for this,within cephalopods and fishes. move towards the North Equatorial Countercurrent.

Striped dolphins, Stenella coeruleoalba, feed on cephalopods, crustaceans, and bony fishes. Both,diets consisted of about 2/3 fish and 1/3,represented in the striped stomachs, only 16 were,absent from the spotted stomachs, and only 5 of,these made up more than 1% of the items in the.the prey items in the 105 striped dolphin.11 species present in the spotted stomachs but,absent from the striped stomachs included a,scombrid and stromateid). There are one or two black stripes that run from the eyes to the back and flippers and two more stripes that start from the back of the ears. During and after identification, the,otoliths were stored dry. Sp,ranked first among the cephalopods except i,were close behind cranchiids in prevalence. Notable among these were mixed aggregations of Stenella attenuata, S. longirostris, yellowfin tuna, and seabirds. prey availability. This is the only species of dolphin that engages in roto-tailing where they leap up to 20 feet out of the water. future analyses.O Golfinho-comum (Delphinus delphis), o Golfinho-riscado (Stenella coeruleoalba), o Roaz (Tursiops truncatus) e o Boto (Phocoena phocoena) são as espécies de pequenos cetáceos mais abundantes na costa portuguesa. The belly and rest of the lower portion of the dolphin is either white, pink or blue. The lower species richness and

1968.Olson, R. J., and G. M. Watters. used a line transect during two climatic seasons identified in the region. visual effort was 7706.8 km at state conditions ranging of 0-3 in Beaufort scale. Crustacean remains were uncommon,(present in only 13 of the 105 specimens) and,Their rareness may be due to a small role in the,for fish and squid. Most El delfín listado tiene una dieta amplia y flexible constituida por peces mesopelágicos y cefalópodos, y en menor medida peces epipelágicos, y además puede alimentarse en aguas más profundas que otras especies del género Stenella,Document all types of fisheries interactions with small and large cetaceans in western Africa, in order to estimate fisheries-caused removals and explore the historical/cultural and demographic lin,Investigate genetic structure in a nearly continuously distributed coastal species throughout its range in the eastern North Pacific. Considering the qualitative and quantitative analyzes for each predator, it was possible to study the existence of common prey and the overlap between each predator diet.

The Striped Dolphin is a small sleek compact dolphin with a long well defined beak, prominent dorsal fin and short tapering flippers. Stenella,Blanco, C., J. Aznar, and J. The Striped Dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba) is an oceanic dolphin.