You do tricks, gags to amuse... and play piano... Trucy: Drew: Apollo: The greatest of Magnifi Gramarye's illusions are true art. Of course, by "his"... ...he refers to our defendant, Zak Gramarye. If that document sees the legal light of day...'s going to put a bit of a damper on the big show. But, you saw something... ...and therein lies the trick. She gave it to this boy. Here goes with the second page, then. Ema: The whole time I've been on this case, no less! He realized that the person who sent that letter wanted him dead. ...I just have to do that when I see this pose. Kristoph: ), Leads back to: ), Apollo: ...I-I'm sorry, but I can't let you do that! Valant: Brushel: You know what really did them in though, don't you? In fact, that's the first thing you told them: “You're not in charge yet.” It seems premature. Apollo: Download at the Apple or Google Play Stores to compete for best accuracy scores against our Experts, Editors and Users while predicting the Emmys, Oscars, ‘Survivor,’ ‘American Idol’ and all Hollywood races! Well, who was it!? Enigmar: You’re meeting a character at the moment where they’re sort of given permission to try to be something for the first time in their life. ", SHIZUNE: (signing) "You're forgetting that if I did the bare minimum, we wouldn't do anything all year except hand out flyers, collect surveys, and plan the next student council election so the next Student Council could sit around for another year of doing nothing.

You need a horse beat? Phoenix: No mistaking it! Klavier:

Shall I continue? I saw a familiar face as I entered this restaurant.

What would then happen if he put the coffee mug to his mouth, hmm? Apollo: Ema: ...Which means we'd better find out as much as we can here at the scene. In any case, I wanted to fulfill my obligation. You... did think about it, didn't you? Your reputation as a prosecutor... your fame with the masses. He made my attorney's badge disappear, and he never even touched it. Maybe he thought that way was more artistic, you know? It sprouted from a warp in the Gramarye fabric, and grew, swallowing everything... ...wrapping itself around the Gramaryes' "power". When he hugs somebody, he really hugs Kendall sometimes and it’s a feel-good moment. First, we got this letter. Sorry to ask you so much all at once like that. Order! Hit it! Valant: Klavier: Good morning. Let's... take it easy for starters. ...My forbidden imagination is starting to imagine things. Every motion of hers is a push of some kind. Somehow. Now that you've revealed the very secrets of your magic for all of us, let's move on. Apollo: ...It's all here on this stamp. Did you notice the IV yourself, by any chance? A laugh that echoed in the halls of justice, lingering for what seemed like hours. Mr. Justice, please think the facts over before making accusations.

Kristoph: It was, of course, before streaming or watching on demand. Not there yet, but the new Student Council should be in good hands. The answer's quite simple. Trucy: (She's beautiful...). Ema: Do you think you could make that piano disappear? ), (I'm no good at this. ...He deserved to die for that error alone. Apollo: Klavier: Apollo? I have done many things in my life, some well, some poorly. You just couldn't resist, could you, Herr Wright? There is someone else with the "power". Trucy: Trucy Gramarye? Phoenix: So it was a standalone painting or something? Klavier: My crime was, in a way, more serious than that of murder. Drew: I am sorry. Brushel: You've got it set to display the outside of the envelope now, see? Judge: Until that sign whispered the answer to me. ), Leads to:

Your Honor. Zak Gramarye's wife... and Trucy's mother. Quite suddenly, at that. Did the defendant poison her father that night...?