We provide a comprehensive initial infertility evaluation in addition to addressing your personal concerns.

If the letter does not have an infertility diagnosis or sufficient evidence to support the need for IVF you will be placed as a patient in the Infertility Clinic. It also made the decision of how many embryos to transfer a lot easier to make. What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of John Csokmay at ART Institute of Washington? You can also wait for a nurse to become available. If your newborn needs special care, our Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) is ready. I never felt like he didn't care. Took the time to ensure the patients felt like individuals not just a number within the cycle group.... Dr. Csokmay will assist as he can and work with you in hopes of the results you want...Our embryos underwent genetic testing for C.F. Attention to detail is on a 1 - 10 scale, and is scored based on the rate, and severity, of errors committed by the clinic according to the patients. Initial laboratory testing: From Visitors’ Garage (Bldg 55): Take skywalk on 2nd floor, enter blgd 9, pass the Pharmacy, and the clinic will be on the right. Day 13 we did the retrieval. Ratings of 10 indicate an excellent nursing team.

You will be on birth control pills for a minimum of 2-3 weeks and a maximum of 6-7 weeks prior to the start of your cycle.

Yes, but it is the responsibility of the patient to research their local facility. This expense is out of pocket and is not reimursable.
His tone of voice indicated that he knew how special this was for my husband and myself and that meant a lot. Get answers to all of your questions and concerns during these visits.

Everyone was professional and caring. Although the DHA may or may not use these sites as additional distribution channels for Department of Defense information, it does not exercise editorial control over all of the information that you may find at these locations. We did PGS testing due to my RPL diagnosis and Dr. Hill was the one who personally contacted me after our results came back letting us know we had 1 healthy embryo. The antagonist protocol was used with a Lupton trigger and an HCG shot after retrieval. Because I was in the military I only had to pay for the actual embryo/sperm lab related work that was done by the ART institute of Washington. A doctor called to tell me it was an issue, left a voicemail asking me to call them back, but then didn't respond to several of my attempts to reach them. I never actually met Dr. Csokmay but all the Dr's I interacted with knew my history. Note: Patients with complex medical issues will be required to have a formal high risk obstetrical consultation with maternal fetal medicine. But know that the doctors do talk and decide on your treatment as a whole. Darshana knows every patient by 1st name during the cycle period. Describe your experience with your monitoring appointments at ART Institute of Washington. I used suppositories for my progesterone. The lupron trigger saved me from OHSS. Institute of Washington, Inc., Walter Reed National Military Medical Center 8901 Rockville Pike, Bldg 10, Rm 2104 Bethesda, Maryland - 20889 Phone: (301) 400 … This patient has provided documentation of treatment at this clinic. Describe your experience with the nursing staff.

Once you get through the initial process, which can feel like being herded cattle, the staff is really caring and interested in your care. Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Diminished Ovarian Reserve, Uterine Fibroids. The clinic is easy to access if you are a military family seeking treatment from the surrounding area. A new patient would want to know about the single embryo transfer policy, the way the clinic does cycles every other month (it's not continous so you have to wait a month or two in between treatments. They are sometimes hard to get on the phone, but also respond to emails. They lost my husbands power of attorney paperwork, and they didn’t know when my husbands surgery date was and my body was ready for retrieval but we could not retrieve exactly when my body was ready due to my husbands procedure “TESA” scheduled for the same day at the same time with Dr. Dean the urologist. The address is as follows: 8901 Wisconsin Ave. Bldg. The clinic has a strict single embryo transfer policy, so only one embryo was transferred.

This is a referral based clinic. This was my second round of IVF with ART at Walter Reed. I still didn’t produce as many eggs as other women but I had 11 retrieved and 7 were mature and fertilized.

A t Shady Grove Fertility, our physicians' 300 years of highly specialized collective experience offers the power and promise of collective impact. If you aren’t looking for someone to hold your hand through the process and give you all the information you need as a first time patient then this is not the place for you.

They lost my husbands power of attorney paperwork, and they didn’t know when my husbands surgery date was and my body was ready for retrieval but we could not retrieve exactly when my body was ready due to my husbands procedure “TESA” scheduled for the same day at the same time with Dr. Dean the urologist. Describe the specific things that went wrong at ART Institute of Washington. Also they only had 3 or 4 sessions a year so there were always a lot of women to see. Dr.Csokmay & his team kept us informed as they spoke with the genetic team (off site), we initially had to delay our cycle because our c.f. My husband is In the service so we were able to go to ART Institute of Washington.

You took a number, sat down and waited to be called. The only reason I switched to a local clinic (I do not live in Bethesda) was because of ease of access to care, driving down to WRMC fighting 270 traffic was a huge pain and time suck. However my estrogen levels got super high so they took me down at one point to 75 of Gonal F however i was not made aware of this until the day before retrieval. My husband and I are tying to plan ahead and determine how many cycles of IUI to pay out of pocket for before going on to IVF or whether to just skip over IUI and go straight to IVF as it might be more cost effective.