Wetness is a result not a description of water.Let's try and simplify this...water: H2O (two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom) which is the chemical formula for water. With that the simple definition of water is defined as substance in a liquid state.but its the 2017 and MANY things have been corrected. Argument replies (both in favor and in opposition) are displayed below the original argument. You can't do that with water because it's already a liquid.Difference between drying and evaporation: 1. One argument is the fish is dry because the fish is constantly surrounded by water so it isn't considered wet until it is removed from the water. Argument #1: WATER IS WET. I'm not convinced one way or the other and like to see other's opinions. For something to be saturated, it is "imbued thoroughly; or charged thoroughly or completely". moistened, covered, or soaked with water or some other liquid.- This states that "wet" is a feeling that need to involve two or more physical matters, therefore water cannot be wet on its own unless accompanied by another object; such as a hand.so me and my boy..

Rinse a rag with water. Wetness is a description of our experience of water; what happens to us when we come into contact with water in such a way that it impinges on our state of being. No one ever said everything had to be one or the other.it is wet it is not dry if it waw not it would not be water,WATER IS NOT WET THATS LIKE SAY AIR INST DRY IF A FISH IS DRY IN WATER IS IT FUCKING DRY GET OUT OF HERE THAT'S RETARDED NO FISH IS DRY.pour or sprinkle water over (a plant or an area of ground), typically in order to encourage plant growth.synonyms: sprinkle, moisten, dampen, wet, spray, splash; More,That's a definition and some synonyms of Water.The definition of wet is covered in, or saturated with another object that is water or another liquid, so if 1 water molecule is surrounded by 1 or more water molecules then it is covered in a liquid and there for wet, BUT there is an exception to this; if the water molecule is by itself, it is not soaked in another object that is liquid, and there for not wet.If this is true, that all water is not wet, then you are conterdicting your arguement. Let's keep going anyways.

Once you come into contact with water you become wet. As I said in my previous post, water is water, and if something is itself, then it is not covered in itself.

if water isn't wet then its dry? It is not wet as itself.WATER IS NOT WET...... END OF STORYHSAGREHJGJFHSGHRGBFHGYSDHJFEWJHFHD,is is not becuz i said aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.You can share this debate in three different ways:©2020 TidyLife, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Makes enough sense. Wetness is a description of our experience of water; what happens to us when we come into contact with water in such a way that it impinges on our state of being. A lot of water is wet, much of the world's water is wet, however not all water is wet.

This is due to one of water’s most iconic property: polarity. I cannot say that sheep are brown because not all sheep are brown. All scores are updated in real-time. Hydrogen and Oxygen.Just because you mix both gasses doesn't mean water spontaneously forms.when a water molecule has both of it's hydrogens bonded with other water molecules then that molecule is saturated on a minute scale. Water,Okay water is water but the defininition of wet is to be interacting with a liquid, the liquid we are speaking of is water if there is one water particle that particle is simply 2 hydrogen and one oxygen but if you have two or more H2O particles together they are interacting with each other.So, water IS wet, I don't know why this is trending, this is the dumbest thing i've ever heard. But if you still aren’t convinced I will go a little deeper.The word “wet” is defined as “moistened, covered, or soaked with water or some other liquid.” You can not soak a liquid in another liquid. Ohhh burrrrr looks like Suzy overcooked her casarol again.Water is wet. Wetness is a description of our experience of water; what happens to us when we come into contact with water in such a way that it impinges on our state of being. Can you wet water? Therefore, water is not wet, because it cannot be dried.Water isn't wet. If you poured water on a towel, it would make it wet. Why wouldn’t be the same for water-on-water?Russia banned from competing in 2018 Winter Olympics,Spain Park Theatre Presents The Little Mermaid,The Cleveland Browns Pick Baker Mayfield at No.1 Pick. If you put in underwater, it is even wetter.

or if it cant be wet then it cant be dry either. lol. This website is basically to get people's opinion on this. There is a saying from Abdul Basir in Philadelphia, US:“Water isn't wet because it is a liquid that wets things. in a bottle, pool, lake),the interaction that each compound has with the others around it is classified as a liquid because they move loosely and without a structure. The other argument is the fish is wet because water = wet. because the H2O made it wet. If anyone says no then they obviously can't read.It is a liquid and it feels wet so it should count as being wet.- saying that waster in its liquid form is wet.1.

You arent wet in water because the water mixes with water inside of you to balance out when you get out of the water you drip and your body takes in the water on you.hot is a feeling. I actually hate all of you who try to say otherwise. If you say that the species human have white skin that would be incorrect because not all humans have white skin, it varies. I don't understand what you are even trying to say.Water is NOT wet, it is a WETTING AGENT. '.Since the property of being wet is the measure of the ability of a liquid to adhere to a solid surface, it would be impossible for water to be wet. For instance, if you take a single droplet of water, it is what it is. And since the question to the debate is "Is water wet?"

"Water isn't wet it just makes things wet". Water is water is water is water. Wetness is a.water is obviously wet bc e=mcsquared. moistened, covered, or soaked with water or.In most water (oceans, etc, which are by the way connected, so it is not different water) there are plenty of other liquids (oil, piss, etc), so according to this description some water is wet.Can you wet something with something that is not wet?