Ambergris is very expensive and anything from a whale usually is valuable.2) We have whale watchers that are fighting off Japanese Whale ships. please help. I need to write a report for and against whale hunting. WHALES:) What is whale fat used for? they also don't follow there own jurisdictions and they whale in protected waters. People became so concerned about how the whales were suffering and dying out that they wrote letters and signed petitions calling for all whaling to stop. Climate change is a variation in these long-term weather patterns. I  need some ideas? Their meat is also thought to be delicious in Japan and other countries.

State five types of interactions and state how the two species interact each other. their blubber can make oil for lamps and other things. Not long ago it seemed that the whales would disappear altogether and become extinct!In 1946, the whalers decided to try to stop the whales going extinct and they formed the International Whaling Commission (IWC). They also used baleen whales to make tennis racquets and corsets!

It took me a good thirty seconds to figure out that this didn't involve a mouse. Bones can also be ground up for fertilizer, Ambergris is a substance that comes out of their sperm digestive tract and that has a sweet smell and many people use it for perfumes.

The IWC was made up of whaling countries and they kept killing more and more whales. Now the whalers could chase and catch the fastest swimming whales and exploding harpoons were used to kill many large whales. Protecting Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises,For hundreds of years people hunted whales for their oil to fuel lamps and candles, to lubricate machinery and to make margarine, lipsticks and.In the old days of whaling, the sailors hunted whales from sail ships and rowing boats.

Baleen whales and toothed whales feed very differently. Today, modern technology has replaced the need for whale […] You can sign in to vote the answer.Still have questions? i have to research on whales. hurting the ocean floor), overfishing, etc.I only touched on this subject, so you need to do some research yourself. A bear, raccoon, opossum, or skunk?How do we know tiktaalik was a transitional species for sea animal to land animal if the only fossil we have is of its head and its torso?All living things interact with each other. Nowadays, whales are not hunted, they are used for research, such as marine animal intelligence, etc. Also a lot of blankets are whale blubber because it's thick. My brother's turtle is outside alone. And last its used commonly in leather,soap and cosmetics.Some arguments on why its should be banned would be mainly because most whaling countries (japan for example) take ridiculous amounts of whales. Whalebone jewelry and cutlery were and are very popular.Nowadays, whales are not hunted, they are used for research, such as marine animal intelligence, etc.Sustainable means that the species can keep going.We can make the environment for whales sustainable by not polluting the waters, not drag fishing (i.e. Whales face an increasing number of threats including: Whaling For hundreds of years people hunted whales for their oil to fuel lamps and candles, to lubricate machinery and to make margarine, lipsticks and other products. Hope I gave you some good ideas, though!1) whales are usually used for blubber. Organizations take care of that. … But pretty much their whole line definitely contains pig fat - a lot of Muslims I know avoid Maybelline products. For everyone else, though, whale meat is more of a curiosity. ?Is the inequality |3x − 2| ≥ 3x − 2 always, sometimes, or never true? Unfortunately, some countries like Japan, Iceland and Norway have refused to stop whaling. Bones and teeth can also be made into tools.

Whales are a widely distributed and diverse group of fully aquatic placental marine mammals.They are an informal grouping within the infraorder Cetacea, usually excluding dolphins and porpoises.Whales, dolphins and porpoises belong to the order Cetartiodactyla, which consists of even-toed ungulates.Their closest living relatives are the hippopotamuses, having diverged about 40 million years ago.

Now, with arctic sea ice melting more and more each year, a few Pacific gray whales are … For example, it is making the sea warmer and less salty, which affects the currents. 10 points for best answer!well natives use the fat on whales for insulators because it hold heat very good. If so in what way?Im doing a class about motivation in recovery.? I live in BC Canada?The weather outaide is rainy with thunder and lightning. The illustration in the link below shows how thoroughly a whale is used in Japan unlike the western nations that once hunt down them only for their skin oils and dumped the rest of them unused and stopped hunting not because they felt sorry for whales but because cheaper oil that could replace oil of whale skin was found. Plastic bags cause problems for whales as they eat them, they think it is a tasty jellyfish. Whale Bones are melted and made into glue.

Whalebone jewelry and cutlery were and are very popular. but mainly it s because they take way to many whales and kill calf's which wont let the generations repopulate.For the best answers, search on this site.I assume you mean Maybelline Dream Matte Mousse, the foundation you use. protective gloves etc,3) Stop releasing balloons as these very often end up in the sea and could be eaten by whales or dolphins,Facts about whales, dolphins, and porpoises.How can I help Campaign Whale to protect whales?More whale and dolphin killings in the Faroes,Faroese whale hunt begins despite health warnings,Faroes’ health leader warns of whale meat danger,New whaling regulations introduced in the Faroes,Campaign Whale at The International Whaling Commission meeting. Whales can get tangled in old fishing nets too causing them to drown.Pollution can also come in the form of dirty water! I'm confused! They still kill thousands of whales each year between them.Climate is the long-term average of a region’s weather events. Gray whales used to be found on either side of the Atlantic Ocean, too, but they were extirpated by whalers around 500 BC in Europe and the 17th and 18th centuries in North America.