There are several sleep-related problems that can leave you yawning the day away.Any condition that keeps you from getting good quality sleep at night can cause excessive sleepiness during the day. You may sleep fine through the night if you have narcolepsy. Sleep apnea is a potentially serious condition in which you repeatedly stop and start … The Earth rotates in the counterclockwise direction, that is from west to east on its axis. This may help cut down on sleepiness during the day.Treating depression can be done with a combination of therapy, medications, and lifestyle changes.

Sometimes sleep changes are an early sign of depression.

They can prescribe sleep medications that can improve your quality of sleep.Getting enough sleep is crucial to good health. The Earth is constantly spinning on its axis, allowing sunlight to shine on different areas of the Earth at different times of the day, creating daytime when the Sun hits a specific area.

Sleep apnea. For other people, changes in your sleeping habits occur after other signs appear.Depression has many potential causes, including abnormal levels of certain brain chemicals, problems with the regions of the brain that control mood, or traumatic events that make it difficult to obtain a brighter outlook.Some medications cause drowsiness as a side effect. Excessive sleepiness is the feeling of being especially tired or drowsy during the day. When the Sun is not shining on a specific area of the Earth, it is nighttime. If your doctor recommends them, they may be needed temporarily.You may be able to overcome depression through talk therapy and making healthier lifestyle changes, such as exercising more, drinking less alcohol, following a healthy diet, and learning how to manage stress.The lifestyle changes that can help treat narcolepsy can also help people experiencing age-related sleep problems. Learn more about what sleep specialists are, what types of conditions…,8 Relatable Memes If You Have Daytime Sleepiness,When you live with daytime sleepiness, it can be challenging to get through the day.

You may be lying down peacefully when you start to feel a throbbing or itching sensation in your legs that only gets better when you get up and walk. The side facing away is cooler and darker, and experiences night.

Don’t live with feeling tired every day when you might have a condition that is easily and safely treated.© 2005-2020 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company.

The part of the Earth tilted toward the Sun experiences summer. This phenomenon also explains the seasons. Sticking to a regular sleep-wake schedule every night and morning is also recommended.

Brief, scheduled naps may help. They can all cause excessive sleepiness, because they all keep you from getting enough deep sleep during the night.

Antidepressant drugs aren’t always necessary. Winter occurs in the part of the Earth that is tilted away from the Sun.Will 5G Impact Our Cell Phone Plans (or Our Health?! However, if your tiredness is getting in the way of your happiness, it might be time to make a few lifestyle…,10 Reasons You’re Always Tired (And What You Can Do About It).Feeling tired on a regular basis is extremely common. The Solstices.

Medications that commonly include excessive sleepiness include:If you think your prescription medication is making you sleepy, talk to your doctor before you stop taking it.The treatment options for excessive sleepiness vary greatly, depending on the cause.Newer versions of CPAP machines have smaller, more comfortable masks. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.Last medically reviewed on December 14, 2017.less than 200,000 people in the United States.continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP),Find Relief from Excessive Daytime Sleepiness,CPAP Alternatives: When a CPAP Machine Isn’t Working for Your Obstructive Sleep Apnea,Excessive Daytime Sleepiness: When to Talk to Your Doctor,Hacks for Managing Daytime Sleepiness at Work.Dr. If you can identify the cause of your excessive sleepiness and get treatment, you should find yourself feeling more energetic and with a better ability to concentrate during the day.If your doctor doesn’t ask about your sleep routine, volunteer your symptoms of daytime sleepiness and discuss ways to overcome them.

Other signs, such as snoring or kicking, may be occurring while you’re asleep.For many people with sleep disorders, it’s a bed partner who observes other key symptoms. Although a solar day is 24 hours, not every day has 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of night.

If lifestyle changes alone aren’t enough, talk to your doctor. Direction of Rotation. A leg massage or a warm bath before bedtime may help. Your doctor may also prescribe anti-seizure drugs to control RLS symptoms.

Like RLS, it’s a neurological disorder.

You may even fall asleep in the middle of a conversation or during a meal.Narcolepsy is fairly uncommon, probably affecting.A noticeable change in your sleep schedule is one of the more common symptoms of depression.

What Causes of Day and Night on Earth Speed of Rotation. Unlike fatigue, which is more about low energy, excessive sleepiness can make you feel so tired that it interferes with school, work, and possibly even your relationships and day-to-day functioning.Excessive sleepiness affects an estimated.The key to overcoming excessive sleepiness is to determine its cause.

),The Secret Science of Solving Crossword Puzzles,Racist Phrases to Remove From Your Mental Lexicon.Is the Coronavirus Crisis Increasing America's Drug Overdoses?Fact Check: What Power Does the President Really Have Over State Governors?Festival of Sacrifice: The Past and Present of the Islamic Holiday of Eid al-Adha. It’s typically the.RLS can sometimes be controlled with lifestyle changes. Other tips include:All of these things can help you fall asleep and stay asleep better at night. Some of them include:Sleep apnea can also contribute to high blood pressure and other heart problems, as well as.There are actually two main types of sleep apnea. The Earth rotates on its own axis.