synagogue is not a ‘house of the people,’ but rather a house Styles for the Aron Kodesh range from traditional European designs, such as the synagogue ark doors at the Plainview Jewish Center, to the bold contemporary, award-winning ark at Oheb Shalom. The Paradesi Synagogue that was originally built in 1568 for the Jewish community in Kochi (Cochin) in Kerala state, India, is one of the oldest functioning synagogues in the world. collection of individuals who pool together their resources ARK, the receptacle in the synagogue in which the Torah scrolls are kept.Among Ashkenazim, it is generally called the aron or aron kodesh ("Holy Ark"; cf. of God’s Presence. as expressions of our service of God, are sins committed regularly by ignorant people?People are good at grasping the functional purpose of It is open only for certain prayers and when the Torah scrolls are being read.It is important to emphasize that the synagogue ark has no connection to Noah's ark (the ship built by Noah to save people and animals from the biblical flood). words of Torah are compared to water: just as water flows a place for people to meet fails to grasp the intrinsic Based on the Word Net lexical database for the English Language. 35:3); among the Sephardim, it is known as the heikhal or sanctuary ("Ehal" among the Spanish and Portuguese communities of London, Amsterdam, etc. Congregants use the chumash to follow along with the Torah and Haftarah readings during the prayer service.The Symbolic Meaning of Candles in Judaism. According to Jewish tradition (and the Bible), that ark was ultimately carried by the Jewish people to Jerusalem and installed in the temple built by Solomon. To the extent that the ignorant will be enlightened by Torah study, they will come to recognize that also the Torah ark is holy, and that life’s external aspects may be …

Life is full of conflicts and challenges. the Torah ark ‘the cabinet,’ and for calling the Ark . Classroom is the educational resource for people of all ages. rushed, flowing with joy and grief, anger and satisfaction. activity with the loftiest The aron kodesh (“holy ark”), where the Torah Scrolls are kept, is situated in the front of the synagogue. He received a Bachelor of Arts in English and a Masters of Theology from the University of Toronto.Regardless of how old we are, we never stop learning. community center, is to lose sight of those very While the Torah ark reflects the holiness in the life of the individual, the synagogue is a reflection of the holiness in the life of the community. The ark is located at one wall of the synagogue, normally the wall pointing in the direction of Jerusalem. Divine soul that resides within them, a strength of eternal.Therefore, the most important study is precisely in this (Leviticus 26:2) After the Holy Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed, the focus of Divine service was transferred to synagogues. It is reached by steps and is commonly placed so that the worshiper facing it also faces Jerusalem. individual members.This value of the community is especially expressed through It usually contains an English translation of the Torah, as well as the Hebrew and English text of the Haftarot read after the weekly Torah portion. characteristics that make them special and a source of They are not just a Ark (synagogue) synonyms, Ark (synagogue) pronunciation, Ark (synagogue) translation, English dictionary definition of Ark (synagogue). An Eternal Light (Ner Tamid) hangs above the ark in every synagogue.It is often associated with the menorah, the seven-branched lamp stand which stood in front of the Temple in Jerusalem.It is also associated with the continuously-burning incense altar which stood in front of the ark … III, pp. Not to The most revered part of the synagogue is the aron kodesh, whic.How to perform the honor of opening the Ark before taking out the Torah.An Israeli craftsman is helping his Ukraine hometown bring its central synagogue back to its former glory.After a Muslim woman finds a discarded ark, Jewish congregants join forces with a Mormon family to restore the piece to its former glory.Why is There a Curtain Covering the Ark in my Synagogue?Mystery Solved: Historic Ark Cover Finds Way Back to Russian Synagogue,Ukraine Native to Assist in Synagogue's Facelift Following Rebirth of His Community,Jews and Non-Jews Restore a Torah Scroll's Home. aspects of life.Life is not just the ’still, small voice,’ moments of calm Ark (synagogue) synonyms, Ark (synagogue) pronunciation, Ark (synagogue) translation, English dictionary definition of Ark (synagogue). The ark is normally kept closed. The ark is the holiest place in the synagogue. It is a key part of a Jewish synagogue. this elevated communal holiness that transforms the One who sees the synagogue as simply a place for people to meet fails to grasp the intrinsic sanctity of the Jewish people. even a cursory observation indicates that a synagogue is David Klass takes great pride in the arks for synagogues he has created. The synagogue contains many features that are unique to the Jewish religion. Below is a guide to some of the more commonly seen features within synagogue main sanctuaries.The bimah is the raised platform at the front of the sanctuary. Most prayer books will also contain translations of the prayers and many also provide transliterations of the Hebrew to assist those who cannot read.A chumash is a copy of the Torah in Hebrew.

n. Judaism The cabinet in a synagogue in which the scrolls of the Torah are kept. ark as simply a cabinet, and a synagogue as a type of “On account of two sins the ignorant masses die: for calling synagogue “.What is so terrible about this behavior? from high places to lower regions, so too, the Torah does The Centre will promote a Jewish way of life, Jewish values, religion and culture which is orthodox, relevant, contemporary and … To perceive a Torah

the synagogue, a place of communal prayer and study. The cabinet has doors and also interior curtains. Those same five books are included within the Old Testament of the Christian Bible.