Amit Ray: Divinity means unfolding and expressing life in new ways. The divinity of Hercules is evident in the ancient myths told about him throughout time.

20. Definition of Divinity. Modern architects are moving away from the,17. However separate in appearance they may be, the individual, the universe, and transcendent,1. How can you be a Christian and dispute the,19. 20. 4. RAWLINGS SCHOOL OF DIVINITY ... following sentence: Christ declares his exclusive salvific value when he states, “I am the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6). The college preacher in 1743-4 and 1746-7, he was dean of,27. He suspected the dominant divinity of shallowness and an undue optimism. How can you be a Christian and dispute the.Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved Contact. After 1946, the Emperor no longer claimed,12.

Divinity sentence examples.

What does divinity mean? Talk of a divinity in man! Yes, and breaths,18. 4 : … As in the Biblical version, so here, the being split in two is not the ultimate,21. Fire, then, may well have been the first enshrined,20. It could perfectly well be a professor of,Ukrainian Orthodox clergy are educated in,Queasiness at the sight of blood curtailed a medical career, and Darwin went to Cambridge to study,His love affair with The Stand began in 2000 when the comic came to Edinburgh to study,Having been an ordained pastor with a doctorate in,John Rogers, the first martyr, was a lecturer in,In 1984 he moved to Canada, where he did a masters in,When I give a fellow an honorary doctor of,But in 1973, Case's career took a sharp turn when he decided to study,Despite the involvement of Freeman, not enough is made of his blessed,True, he was a confirmed atheist, who had no patience for,We know several such fake god-men and claimants of,We don't need a directive or a definable god to feel the presence of,A subject in itself is cabalistic meditation, in which we attempt to climb up the tree to attain union with,The idols that have originally been introduced to serve as devotional media had got elevated to the status of,I think it is time to spread the word about human,Human history, particularly the history of the twentieth century, renders faith in an innate human,Frankincense, which was burned in the shrines of numerous deities, represented,And if they come from God, then it is a dark and awesome,Beneath his shiny pate and bulbous nose is true,His life was for all, bringing everyone in his midst to purity, upliftment and.This boy monk had a halo around him, a nimbus of purity,Saying that God assumes human form makes God small, diminishing both His unity and His,They believed themselves descended from demigods whose,This is a city that rarely sleeps, that never seems to rest in its quest for pleasure, in its endeavour at enterprise, in its inherent,We have within us a soul or a spark of inner,They're not philosophical concepts, beliefs or descriptions of an ultimate truth or,And for me, she was the greatest gift because she understood my soul and my spirit as an artist, even though I was a,But what's different about this human depiction of God, this notion of monotheism, is that it transfers real material scarcity to,This means, for example, that one may not say that the divine person performed miracles, since one may not separate,While fundamentalists are surely bibliolaters, mainline Protestants by contrast have usurped Scripture's,Again mathematics was his favourite subject but he also excelled at,As is the way with most messiahs, only the poor, the insane and the very young recognize his,At Oxford there are four bedels, representing the faculties of law, medicine, arts and,After his re-sits at a crammer, he journeyed north to Edinburgh University to study,Hindu gods are also frequently represented with a third eye in the middle of their foreheads, representing their,And it is crucial to see that the image of his humanity is not a disguise covering the truer reality of his,The constituents of divine knowledge essentially represent the inherent,In addition, both groups worship an earth,It is the only time in the Gospels where Christ's,But we must recall that in approaching the altar we receive our Lord, body and blood, soul and,The traditional repertoire of most classical dance styles is strongly based on the stories and characteristics surrounding,In the Church Donne held several livings and the,Indeed, when we attain higher consciousness through spiritual disciplines, we actually see or perceive,Secondly, being raised up to heaven is again no proof of,The fact that they changed the English word from godship in the 1969 version to,Her final plea that he entreat divine grace on her behalf can only be read, given the pains she took to equate,An Irish Protestant priest who faced being defrocked for publicly stating he did not believe in the,His tall, funnel-shaped headdress has two horns of,So some authorities hold that the hypaethral opening in the centre of an ordinary Greek house was the prototype of that in the house of the,As dean of Aberdeen University's arts and,The next time I see her I fully expect to be held at arms length by a series of heavies and faceless people who will deny me access to this,Death, a total vision for Masson, held sway over all things, and it became a tutelary,I ended up with something like transcendental animistic chaos with stress on the importance if imminent,Data eclipsed God in 1973, and its continuing ascendance suggests a culture that treats it as a surrogate,The practice of theurgy, then, becomes a way for the soul to experience the presence of the,Opposing all forms of Arianism, which denied Christ's,After his condemnation, all those who drew back from the most robust affirmations of Christ's full,He considers the beauty of athleticism and wonders if it is proof of the existence of some,The declaration seems to put the gender of the one being ordained on pretty much the same level as the,He revolted from the Roman Church and by 1613-14 was again a Protestant, later becoming a doctor of,Unlike his predecessors and most Lutheran clergy, Hanson earned his first,He was ordained an Anglican priest in 1960 and earned a bachelor of,When meeting a scientist who also believes in,Then, if one understands Brahma to be the transcendent aspect of,She mounts a scholarly exposition of the widely held doctrines of Trinity, original sin, and,The Paracelsians and Helmontians were clear advocates of examining the book of nature experimentally in order to understand,In 1840 Chalmers was unsuccessful in applying for the chair of,Mary is thus called the 'Theotokos' or 'Bogoroditsa' as an affirmation of the,His followers are completely committed to their beliefs in and of Brian's,In class, he hated mathematics, was fair at classics, and excelled at English and,He argued that Jesus made several implicit claims to,Thomas Tighe, he won a scholarship to St John's College, Cambridge, where he studied,King's opened in October 1831 with the cleric William Otter appointed as first principal and lecturer in,The doctorate has long existed in the UK as, originally, the second degree in,Unitarians believe in the moral authority but not necessarily the,The text addresses issues ranging from the,He refused the request of Alexandrian Greeks to dedicate a temple to his,Cynolatry is tolerant so long as the dog is not denied an equal,Apophasis is really the negation of rationality as a tool for approaching,It is taught as an academic discipline, typically in universities, seminaries, and schools of,Since divinity is intellectual, and all intellect returns into itself, this myth expresses in allegory the essence of,No one enters it except bound with a chain, as an inferior acknowledging the might of the local,The appearance of a comet during games in his honour was taken as confirmation of his,The school initially started out as a society for learned men in the fields of canon law, the arts and,St John's College was refounded by Cardinal James Beaton under the name St Mary's College in 1538 for the study of,Because the established Church of Scotland controlled the,Almost daily the 'just published' bookshelves display new works Darwinizing,That covenant can now be seen as setting the pitch for the catechism's pronaos and as offering the master key to the body of Hammond's practical,Macquarrie was a philosophical giant, translator and explicator of the German philosopher Martin Heidegger and one of the most esteemed,Several prominent kabbalists viewed the zimzum as a voluntary divine process intended to make,In Vietnam and Ghana, among other places, whales hold a sense of,There were no separate seminaries, law schools, or.In the subject rankings for 2017, Durham was ranked 3rd in the world for theology,Although Herodotus' overall emphasis lay on the actions and characters of men, he also attributed an important role to,These two deities are sometimes viewed as facets of a greater pantheistic,Upon the walls were painted two enormous serpents, sacred reptiles which protected the altar of Fornax, the culinary,The duty to extirpate and destroy it is admitted even by our doctors of,Licet UTI alieno vitio is a proposition as false in politics as it is in,Learn hence, ye swains, to fear the Gods, and to reverence the,Besides, is not the yearning for the divine simply a desire to behold the,And so what's to become of art since there's no belief in the,He was the special patron of the priests, who, in return, were unstinting in their insistence upon his,As in later periods, their names are there preceded by the determinative for,With dance and song the Delian maidens still hailed the,He was like one transformed, the cynosure of all initiated in the mysteries of this,Dagon, too, is held by some authorities to have been purely an Amorite,There again was castanet, a partisan leader in a voluminous peruke and with a taste for controversial,Herbert had passed as shiningly in mods and,With her maidenhood, departed the last vestige of her,We set up a monarch, too, King Cotton, and hedged him with a,Her crest is the straight Rajput sword, the khanda, for an account of the worship of which very powerful,So the instructorship was transferred to a,Phidian or Michael Angelesque forms gather their own peculiar associations of,The short inscriptions of the pyramidion bear the oval of the king and the name of the,Pantheism lends itself to this notion of an indeterminate and indeterminable disanthropomorphized,Such names as these have reference to Odins,To the rest of his court as well as to his people, the Mikado remains an invisible, dumb, and inapproachable,On the third day in Easter week, the 'spital sermon is preached by a doctor in,He had only one dogma, his own divine sonship and the,Allowing for its standpoint the book is not virulent, and is a respectable piece of hortatory,In consequence of a vision seen in a dream he had the,It must have been hard for a king's minister to believe in the,I go home in a state of unspeakable bliss, and waltz in imagination, all night long, with my arm round the blue waist of my dear,To say the truth, she had read much English,One contradiction is fatal to the claim of inerrancy and,Ate, the daughter of Zeus and Eris, was a,Antoninus says that the soul of man is an efflux from the,For if the world failed them, did not the,She thought of Hyacinthus as she might have thought of a,Oh that I had to learn astrology, or demonology, or school,He blended the complemental conceptions of,Everything happens quite involuntarily, as if in a tempestuous outburst of freedom, of absoluteness, of power and,You have heard me speak at sundry times and in divers places of an oracle or sign which comes to me, and is the,Rogojin asked his question like a lost soul appealing to some,The latter's throat literally gurgled with the name of his.

Seminaries, schools of theology, divinityschools, and churches must face the pressing and rising presence of diversity. 2. It was taught by a professor of religion in the,26.

20. 21. 4. Examples of divinity in a Sentence. Divinity in a sentence 1. 3 often capitalized : a divine being: such as.