4. The dolphin are in the top of their food chain. Support WDC by shopping for yourself or a friend.

Assisted by their big, paddle-shaped flippers that they can circle independently of each other, botos are natural gymnasts, swimming backwards, upside down and pivoting like pros. The prey present in the muddy river water gets detected by  echo-location, which gives an estimate of the distance the prey is from the dolphin and in which direction it is. ( Log Out /  But humans have done the damage by disturbing the eco-system, excessive hunting, construction of dams and deforestation.
Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. You can join our team and help us save whales and dolphins. The average adult dolphin weighs approximately 200 pounds and measures seven to ten feet in length. River dolphins are relatively small compared to other dolphins, having evolved to survive in warm, shallow water and strong river currents. The methods of a Dolphins are the eye to see his or catch his prey that is one of the methods they have other methods are the “tune” of a dolphin signature whistle.

What Is The Pink Dolphins Food Chain ? Currently, pink dolphins are declared as a threatened species nearing extinction by the International Society for the Preservation of Tropical Rain Forest in South America. Protecting areas in nature that river dolphins need to survive is challenging but essential for their future survival. The Amazon River dolphin, or, otherwise called Boto dolphin is one of the five river dolphins and is the most famous species of the group. River dolphins are among the most seriously threatened dolphins in the world. They use their long beaks with strong sensors. Change ). ( Log Out /  ( Log Out /  The fresh water varieties, of which the most popular one is the pink dolphin, inhabit the Amazon River and its tributaries in South America. The river basins are rich in different varieties of fish which fishermen hunt aggressively. The body of this mammal is long and plump, whereas the fins remind paddles by their shape. Your gifts help us take action for whales and dolphins. Once transformed, the encantado leaves the river to attend parties and seduce young girls. They are also called 'Susu' because of the sound they make when they breathe . The dolphin are in the top of their food chain. The Dolphins use a several methods to get their own food. The boto is an ‘encantado’ – an enchanted shapeshifter living as a river dolphin by day and morphing into a handsome young man at night. These animals belong to the Cetacea family. The pink dolphin is a fresh water mammal that lives in the Amazon River system. They lay nets practically all over the water surface; thus causing dolphins to get entangled. eHow: What Is the Pink Dolphin's Food Chain?
The pink dolphin is a fresh water mammal that lives in the Amazon River system. Living in huge rivers, small tributaries, lakes, flooded forests and submerged grasslands, botos can be found in six countries: Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela. Interesting Facts The female Ganges River Dolphins are pregnant for 9-10 months. They are very large sharks and the great white shark, will kill and eat the dolphin. Out of the 24 species of dolphins discovered, only 4 inhabit fresh waters. Unlike the gray dolphins which reach up to the beginning of the conjunction of the river with the ocean, the pink dolphin tends to inhabit the upper reaches of the Amazonian basins. Support grass roots conservation efforts in Colombia, Peru and Bolivia. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account.