KNUZ-TV didn’t last long, less than a year as I recall. Plus, those cartoons didn’t appear on that telecommunications screen at all!
During the intermission, I (and friends that we would take along with us) would stand in the hall and talk with Texas Ruby. Anyone remember these folks?I remember a mustached, receding-hairline, older gentleman in a regular suit, that sat in a chair. nights, and I never got to eat there but always wanted to.I also got to thinking about other neat eateries, one was on a freeway feeder road (which one I don’t recall) and I think it was called “Safari” with the dinning rooms dressed in a type of jungle decor and the food was very good. I definitely have a snapshot photo of him my mother took at the Thanksgiving Day parade downtown – the theatre had a while convertible I sat on with Cinderella. They breed for a large rounded head, bold eyes, small and well-furred ears on a short compact body.Given the outstanding temperaments of the Dunham Farm bloodline their Netherland Dwarfs have made ideal pets for many people across the country and even overseas. Somehow, his shows flew under my radar. “Duffy’s Tavern” sounds iconically familiar, but I can’t truly say I ever saw an episode.Over the years I have managed to get most of the old movies that came on “Weird” in a DVD form. They generally became creased over time by the owner grabbing the crown to put the hat on or jam it down. Caboose was my dad. I don’t know if I even have that anymore.I know exactly the officer you are talking about, and the name is somewhere in the back of my mind.

As the owner of The Pecan Park Eagle site, I turn 79 on New Year’s Eve, but I plan to keep the site going as the active publisher, editor, and principal column writer for as long as I am alive and able to keep doing what makes me wake up every day and look forward to continue building the kind of freely spoken oral history of Houston we have going here as an ongoing file on so many fronts. I was also the voice of JOT – a cartoon sponsored by the Southern Baptist Radio and Television Convention. Bob and Twinkle were the hosts at Channel 2; Mr. Caboose and Twinkle were hosts at Channel 11.I definitely remember Mr Caboose! Their dwarf bunnies also are known for longer lifespans.Copyright © The Dunham Farm | Burleson, TX | 817-627-4789. Adoption fees are non-refundable.If—for any reason—the adoption doesn’t work out, we require that the bunny come back into our custody.Every bunny guardian should own (and read) a copy of.The House Rabbit Society (founded by Ms. Harriman) is the pre-eminent house rabbit organization in the world.
I don’t remember his program being the vehicle for showings of “The Thunderbirds”, though. 4428 N Main St. Gulfgate Skating Rink. Looney Town came out of the Bert Lynn show and featured puppets from outer space and had a theme song. Even in my memory, I remember it was exactly the same every time it played, with the exception of the announcer’s rundown of what the features were on any night.Anybody know if somewhere there is an old kinescope of the opening?Do you guys who were fans of WEIRD remember how they would show an old DRAGNET episode after WEIRD finished? Biskits and Gravy and Grits at the Tel/Wink Grill on Telephone Road at 3 AM. The witnesses on Divorce Court were always hilarious. Build your bunny’s condo/enclosure ahead of time, and be sure to have litterboxes and toys available. Since we began to publish in 2009, the 2,500th topic will “go to press” whenever I publish the next topic, either tonight or tomorrow.I also promise to write a column on the continuity plan whenever it does get worked out. They make wonderful, sweet-tempered compa This made it possible to produce local studio programs in color for the first time in Houston.

I believe this show was on Channel 11 when the station was still called KGUL. They had a great piece of “Big Band” music that they played during station identification breaks and for years I’ve tried to remember what they played. Does anyone remember who she was? Slenderbolic and Ace Rican Health Studios. Adopt Marie a White New Zealand / Mixed rabbit in Houston, TX (29390615)