This compound event is independent then. probability(H and H) = probability(H) × probability(H) Coin #1: This is an important idea!A coin does not \"know\" it came up heads before. When two events are independent, you can use the following formula. Practice: Independent probability. PA & PB = PA*PB Where PA&PB is the probability of both events A and B occurring PA is the probability of event A Independent Events are not affected by previous events. In many cases, you will see the term, "With replacement". Two events, A and B, are independent if the outcome of A does not affect the outcome of B. . When two events at the same time, the probability of occurrence of one event does not affect the probability of occurrence of the other event, then its called as Independent event. You may also use the rules below: Probability of independent events (Multiply the probabilities): P (A and B) = P (A) * P (B) … As we study a few probability problems, I will explain how "replacement" allows the events to be independent of each other. Remember that you can use sample spaces (tree diagrams, tables, and organized lists) to find the probability of compound events. Three-pointer vs free-throw probability. In probability, events can occur in two ways: Independent of dependent Events. The probability of a compound event is the ratio of favorable outcomes to total outcomes in the sample space for which the compound events happen. Independent Events Calculator. Independent Events. Compound probability of independent events. Compound probability is a mathematical term relating to the likeliness of two independent events occurring. Dependent probability introduction. Practice: Probabilities of compound events. probability(A and B) = probability(A) × probability(B) Let's use this formula to find the probability of getting 2 heads when two coins are tossed. This is the currently selected item. Independent events example: test taking. Free-throw probability. The following formula is used to calculate a compound probability.