"This is goodbye to the age of the presumption of prosperity, and welcome to the age of anxiety and change," says pollster Michael Adams, president of Environics Research Group Ltd. "If politics and politicians in Ontario were once bland, bland is no longer grand. One third (34%) feel the PC government has moved much too quickly, while 43% say it has acted somewhat too quickly. Pollster Adams says that Harris cobbled together a coalition of three groups: disgruntled small-town voters who are dismayed by the pace and scope of social change; suburban voters who fear for their jobs, have watched their purchasing power plummet and want tax relief; and the so-called Red Tories who espouse a more traditional blend of fiscal rectitude and progressive social policies. Ont1999.PNG 1,088 × 2,040; 106 KB. Within days, his ads began to contrast his position on employment equity and welfare with what he portrayed as the Liberal position, leaving the impression that his opponents would do little to change the system. Long adds that Harris has great admiration for premiers such as New Brunswick's Frank McKenna, who have already tackled their debts.Most important, the Ontario election results put all governments on notice that the public mood has shifted dramatically to the right. And Harris has vowed to join Ottawa in merging the provincial sales tax with the federal sales tax, eliminating costly paperwork. Another 26% disapprove while the remaining 37% were unable to offer an opinion of Hampton's performance.When Ontarians were asked to disregard which party they will vote for and are asked, which of the three party leaders would make the best Premier of Ontario, four in ten (42%) say Mike Harris would be the best Premier for Ontario followed by Dalton McGuinty (22%) and Howard Hampton (12%).Ontarians were asked whether the parties' stand on the issues, the ability of the party leaders or the qualities of the individual candidates in the constituencies would be the most important in deciding which party to support in an election. In the event, however, provincial trends overrode local factors. What's New. We will deliver. And, although Ontario's first socialist premier held his Toronto seat, the NDP plummeted to 17 seats - and a mere 20 per cent of the vote. The results gave the Tories a reduced seat majority.

In contrast, McLeod went up against Harris's focused campaign with a hodgepodge of 142 promises, including the extension of GO-train service from Toronto to Peterborough and the nomination of a minister responsible for children's services. Forty percent disapprove of the government's performance in this area.Performance ratings for managing education (47%), the second most important issue mentioned by Ontarians, are much the same with more than four in ten (45%) who approve with 38% disapproving.Three quarters (76%) of Ontarians believe the changes the provincial government has made in the past few years show that the government has acted too quickly. ),Six by-elections were held between the 1999 and.Popular vote by riding. The Tories had 30 per cent. Ontl1999.PNG 435 × 263; 1 KB.

"People are saying that if all these fancy economic theories don't work, then the theory I understand is the theory of household economics: you don't go to the bank to borrow for a trip to Florida," observes Adams.But key elements of that disparate coalition were also drawn to the Tory's pivotal social promises, especially the pledge to institute radical changes in the welfare system.

The party first released its 21-page booklet.Some of their tactics were nothing short of brilliant. 100-year anniversary – Explore the history of elections in Ontario. Half (52%) of those who intend to vote NDP would choose the Liberal party as their second choice with 9% who would move to the PC party.Ipsos / King's College London multi-country poll on public attitudes and favourability towards NATO and its objectives.These are some of the preliminary findings of an Ipsos poll conducted on October 21st, on behalf of Global News.Join Ipsos for an exclusive opportunity to hear more about our latest social intelligence offer in Brand Health Tracking – Brand Signals.With award-winning creative driving 11 times the return, advertisers need to ensure their investment drives the desired behaviour change.The crises under way in the U.S. – Covid, racial injustice, economic downturn, political uncertainty – have propelled massive changes in consumer behavior and the need for brands to rapidly redraw their innovation pipeline.A lot has changed since we last hosted our Covid Ask Us Anything Webinar on March 20th.Join Ipsos’ Mike Colledge for a complimentary Institute for Citizen-Centred Sevice webinar exploring how Covid-19 and its impacts are evolving rapidly for all citizens and businesses in Canada.TORIES TUMBLE IN ONTARIO ELECTION RUN-UP AS GRITS TAKE 12 POINT LEAD.Support for the PC government has waned across all demographic groups; however, men (down from 52% to 38%) and the more affluent (down from 53% to 42%) show the most significant erosion between February 1999 and the current numbers.Regionally, the Tories have lost support in Southwestern Ontario (down from 48% to 38%), the GTA (46% to 35%) and more specifically, the 905 region of the GTA (a drop from 61% to 47%) between February and April 1999.

The new premier has vowed to call a summer legislative session, to take immediate steps to reduce the number of government employees and to scrap the NDP's labor legislation before the end of the year. In.Kaihla, Paul, and Mary Janigan , and Tom Fennell . Some strategists privately complained that the party needed to find something, anything, to galvanize its troops and its leader.