This is an excellent riddle which is tricky at the same time. — Josh (@Yoshi_NY) April 22, 2020 Answer: How many sides does a circle have riddle. So this appoach doesn’t take us very far forward. In primary school, it seems that “one” is the answer that gets the tick. (0) "Let's write a 0 on the line. 3. A circle is convex, so perhaps we needn’t worry. The trouble is that from that point of view, while a circle may be a sort of network with no vertices and one edge, so too is a square (if that’s how the Tube line happens to be laid out). First grade teachers, Sarah and Ariane, posed it to their students to see if they could apply the skills they had learned about defining geometric attributes to this question. But this has got to be wrong, as we surely want a square to have four. The question is whether that interpretation of “side” is not merely coherent, but natural enough that it can simply be presumed without being stated explicitly (which it seldom if ever is).

Kuhner and her husband, Edward, 41, a civil servant, agonized, totally overthinking the problem, she says. “I was like, ‘There’s not many species where the fathers are really more the caretakers biologically,’” Kuhner says. Even if a circle isn’t one, are there such things as polygons with infinitely many sides? 7.

Don’t you?” Davis did not. A “closed curve” is one which loops around to meet itself so that it has no free ends. What happens when smoothness and straightness tally up differently? It might seem paradoxical to argue that a circle (or any shape) has “no sides”. ( Log Out / 

Sometimes it is absolutely sensible, as a convenient shorthand, to think of a circle as being like a polygon with infinitely many sides. As already mentioned, it’s common to think of a polygon as a very simple sort of network called a closed polygonal chain: a string of vertices (in this case the corners of the polygon), linked with edges, in such a way that every vertex lies on exactly two edges, and the whole thing forms a single loop. We return to definition 2: This is a simple, easily understandable phrase that perfectly captures the sides of a square. Are they supposed to be considering a circle as two semicircles?

The point of this exercise is to extrapolate from a situation (rectilinear figures) where the two notions mesh pretty well. First Day Of Online School: Some Glitches, Mostly Resolved | New Haven Independent, How Melania Obtained Her ‘Einstein Visa’ Under Scrutiny After She Lied About Having University Degree, Whidbey Children’s Theatre offers online classes | South Whidbey Record, Trainees at Skidmore College need teacher be fired for participating in a 'Back heaven' rally. (Pic in the previous tweet. Their conversations evolved from seeing a shape as a “whole” such as a triangle, to analyzing and deciding the specific features that prove that it is a triangle. We have failed to find a satisfactory generalisation of this to curved figures, so the best thing to do is stick with the original. Take this one: How many sides are in a circle? Change ), You are commenting using your Google account.

So, what should you do if you’re asked the question: How many sides does a circle have? Once again it depends on your terms.

An edge is defined as the line where the circle ends; that is, it forms the boundary of the shape. They also come to the rescue if you as a parent are finding it tough to maintain your children’s interest in studies. First grade teachers, Sarah and Ariane, posed it to their students to see if they could apply the skills they had learned about defining geometric attributes to this question. It might be more defensible to say that a circle has infinitely many corners than infinitely many sides (although this is not a question that seems to get asked very often).

But if I was to insist that my (perfectly ordinary) square really does have eight sides, you might raise an eyebrow. Turns out a digraph is two letters that together form a sound, such as ch, sh, ck. The coco de mer, the seed of a palm tree, shares Krista Calvanese, 38, of Hauppauge, a secondary school math teacher whose son, Vincent, 5, is in pre-K. (It can be up to 12 inches long and weigh up to 40 pounds, according to Wikipedia.) The Benefits of Online School Might Surprise You.