The Edgewood College Campus Store is owned and operated by Edgewood College for the benefit of our community. Unique to the Pietermaritzburg campus are the disciplines of Agriculture, Theology and Fine Art.

My mentors and advisors have been helpful in managing my success. Hello! About Student Senate. for Institutional Advancement, 1000 Edgewood College Dr, Madison, WI  53711, Collaborative Program with the University of Wisconsin, An Update for Parents from the New President. Feel free to stop me anytime to say hello. Strong discipline, Christian values, and a culture of excellence are the hallmark of our college. If you see me around campus feel free to come say “hi” or chat for a while. The city is also a major South African port. Our curriculum is based on the National Curriculum for England. College of Health Sciences, DVC and Head of While teaching and learning may feel different this spring, what has not changed is our commitment to our students, to our shared community, and to each other. Curriculum Overview; Secondary school; Sixth Form. We remain committed to on-campus, in-person living and learning at Edgewood College, beginning with welcoming our newest students on Sunday, August 16, 2020. I have the incredible opportunity and responsibility of representing each and every student on the Edgewood College campus, and I could not be more excited. Don’t miss a beat, be sure to follow our tweets. With my position on Student Senate I want to help make changes on Edgewood’s College Campus that will positively affect all of its students.

Why Edgewood ? The official crest/seal of Edgewood College is directly related to the Dominican Order, as its background is formed by the black and white shield of the Dominican Order. You help support the college through your purchases. All athletic teams are on pause from team activities for two weeks. We have a rigorous secondary school programme. people selected. Go Eagles! Strong discipline, Christian values, and a culture of excellence are the hallmark of our college. College Announces New Partnership with Boys & Girls Club of Dane County. I love to give a helping hand and volunteer when I have extra time. Learners are taught by professional educators in the heart of Lekki Phase 1, Lagos. They also learn the history, language and geography of Nigeria. If you ever have a question, concern, or are in need of a friendly conversation, please feel free to reach out or stop in the Student Senate Office during my office hours. Opened in 1931 following a generous donation by Mr T B Davis, whose son Howard Davis was killed during the Battle of Somme in World War I, the Howard College campus is situated on the Berea and offers spectacular views of the Durban harbour. This greatly broadens the knowledge base of the students and gives them a solid foundation should they decide to further their education here in Nigeria or abroad. The campus is also home to the Doris Duke Medical Research Institute which was launched in July 2003, and which will train a new generation of clinical researchers, enhance the clinical research infrastructure in KwaZulu-Natal, and foster collaborations between research groups working on similar projects in South Africa and other countries. During the first three years in our secondary school (Years 7, 8 and 9), students study a wide range of subjects: Art and Design, Biology, Business Studies, Chemistry, Christian Religious Studies*, Computer Science and ICT, Design and Technology, English Language, English Literature, French, Geography, History, Leadership*, Mathematics, Music*, Physical and Health Education*, Physics and Yoruba*. While we (like many of us) are today in an online learning environment, we are first and foremost a community. Hello, Welcome to Edgewood College, the leading secondary school and sixth form college with an established tradition of excellence. My major is Biology: Pre-Med and this year I am a sophomore. This year is my first year on Student Senate and I am the Student Senate Clerk.

The city has a rich architectural heritage, with many fine examples of Victorian and Edwardian buildings. I am Jordan Smith! Some things that I enjoy doing are: running, lifting, hiking, kayaking, and reading. I decided to be a part of student senate when I realized that Student senate has such an impact on the student body. I’m excited to act as an At-Large Representative and I hope to help make Edgewood College the best it can be. Mock Interview Day - Phone Interview Edition. At Edgewood College, we provide endless opportunities to discover and pursue what inspires you. Formerly the Edgewood College of Education before its incorporation in 2001, the Edgewood campus in Pinetown is the University’s primary site for teacher education and the home of the University’s School of Education.

The magnificent game reserves and estuaries of Maputaland, north of Durban, are a favourite getaway for staff and students alike. Continue your college experience as an Eagle. I am Jaiona Spell and this is my first year in student senate.