For instance, what if a man begins to approach you and you fear he may assault you.

Fear of Imminent Bodily Injury; A man is approaching you saying, “I’m going to kill you.” He has communicated a threat of severe bodily injury.

Having that knowledge in your mind will enable you to more accurately judge your decisions and hopefully avoid you any unnecessary trips to the DA’s office or county jail.GH is a Marine Corps veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom and has served as a defense contractor in Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom.

Sounds insane, right?A man is approaching you saying, “I’m going to kill you.”  He has communicated a threat of severe bodily injury.

His daily concealed carry handgun is a Glock 26 in a Lenwood Holsters Specter IWB or his Sig Sauer SP2022 in a Dara Holsters Appendix IWB holster.not been charged with any criminal wrongdoing,you may advise the person he has the option of sitting down and waiting for police to arrive. Yes. Let’s Define Some Classifications Of Imminent Threat.

It can be classified as one.

If he doesn’t stop.Bullets are being fired in your direction.

And you will, if you survive, face the judge.In conclusion, check with your state’s specific definitions of what constitutes an imminent threat. The threat must be immediate or imminent. How to use imminent in a sentence. If your state acknowledges “Stand Your Ground”, that is considered an imminent threat and you’re allowed to defend yourself accordingly.There are a lot of gray, fuzzy areas inbetween.

This means, legally, you’re allowed to plant your feet and fight.But WAIT! This means that you must believe that death or serious physical harm could occur within a short time, for example before OSHA could investigate the problem. Of those who have, some have been criminally charged with negligent behavior and quite a few sit in prison cells. Imminent: giving signs of immediate occurrence.

If you’re unable to escape this scenario, you are allowed to use lethal force to protect yourself.This means you’re voluntarily placing yourself in harm’s way for the clear benefit of another. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding.First off, the reason this thread was started in the Virginia forum is because it is a Virginia issue... not any other state. HIPAA expressly defers to the professional judgment of health professionals in making determinations about the nature and severity of the threat to health or safety posed by a patient. (In actuality, the event imminent describes doesn’t have to happen right away, but simply soon.Still, it helps as a mnemonic.)

If the crime (or crimes) are deemed to be severe enough, the state’s Attorney General’s office may step in.And even if no criminal charges are brought up – civil charges are still an option.The suspect who allegedly attacked you or clearly communicated intent to do bodily harm, if he survives, will likely have the opportunity to press civil charges should he feel you violated his rights. Quiz Test your imminent and eminent skills with a quiz.The answers are at the end.

One is going to happen, and the other is happening.

This one guarantees you’ll make an appearance before the judge.When this happens, you are likely to have a day in court but your attorney will hopefully argue that you were not contributorily negligent in the eyes of the law due to your duty to care for another party.This becomes increasingly relevant if you were intervening in the assault on a family member or relative. An IMMINENT threat is defined by actions or outcomes that MAY occur during an encounter.

).If you ask 100 lawyers or psychiatrists or police officers to define and explain the difference between immediate and imminent danger you will get an interchangeable use of both words with an individualized interpretation.

This fatal flaw in thinking is the genesis of the problem we now face of psychotic mentally ill individuals as perpetrators of mass murder.Before I attempt to define immediate, we’ll review the synonyms used to define immediate: Occurring at once; instant, of or relating to the present time and place; current, Next in line or relation: acting or occurring without the interposition of another agency or object; direct (taking place or accomplished without delay, contiguous in space, time, or relationship.In summary: An immediate danger is a present danger that is next in order and,For example: A person who has shot someone and is hiding in a school office is an immediate danger (the next event will be danger).Before I attempt to define imminent, we’ll review the synonyms used to define imminent: near, coming, close, approaching, gathering, on the way, forthcoming, looming, menacing, brewing, impending, upcoming, on the horizon, in the pipeline, near at hand.You must log in or register to reply here.Western Prince William County, Virginia, USA,,'s_Citations,,,47. This is an unfortunate fact of life and inherent to the costs of successfully defending yourself in a “pay to play” court of law.That said, if you are a free man or woman whom accepts all your actions will have consequences and if you are firm in your willingness to accept those consequences – may the grace of whatever divine, benevolent god you worship look kindly upon you when you face the judge. Remember the difference To tell imminent and eminent apart, think that imminent means immediate. Imminent Threat: An IMMEDIATE threat is one that is ongoing. How many more cases do we need to look up?

Imminent danger refers to an immediate threat to life, which can occur under many different circumstances.

Some states have “Stand Your Ground” clauses which dictate that a person is under no duty to retreat from a perceived or real imminent threat. You are physically unable to escape a violent situation developing around you. Does that mean you’re allowed to defend yourself?In example, “I will interpret your advance as intention to do severe bodily injury and react in kind.”.You’ve just let this guy know that he can stop now or face the consequences.