If you're even considering going to volunteer in Cusco, DO IT. I felt safe even late at night and usually walked home (about 45 min) if I was coming from the Plaza at night with no problems at all.Every weekend I took a tour and I took off one week of volunteering to travel. This also made extra traveling much easier in terms of price.

They would seek to include me in their games, All decisions and actions are based around one single goal: Helping as many people as possible - where help is truly needed.

Public transportation is only 80 cents by bus or you can catch a cab for around 5-6 soles (4 soles only for locals). The best part was the team: they gave me a kind and hearty welcome and everyone was very nice and willing to share with me everything they could about both cardiology and Thai culture. The kindness and warmth in each one of their hearts was pretty extraordinary, unlike some other countries I have visited. Love Volunteers was there every step of the way. You won't regret it!Easy. Palestine and Ukraine crisis, Love Volunteers still remain to send volunteers there, despite there being a war going on,although they are both very dangerous counties just now.

In Australia we have a saying. It's lovely to get away from city life.The turtles were wonderful and so cute, I loved taking care of them. We had a volunteer dinner every week which was a great way to get to know new people coming in (at max there were eight of us total). Love Volunteers, very, very cheap,it seems far too good to be true, but there must be a reason............? The media has spread stereotypes about Islam that have really affected the way we see Muslim countries and sometimes family members are not very encouraging.However, once I was living there I found it ridiculous that it was my fear before coming. All of my questions were answered quickly and they made sure I had all the necessary information. The affection, smiles and laughter from the children I worked with will be in my thoughts and heart forever. My contact at Love Volunteers was very helpful and extremely quick to respond to any inquiries. As awful as it was in the beginning I am so grateful for it now because it made me get out of my comfort zone and really immerse myself in the culture. I am forever grateful to them!Join Love Volunteers for the volunteer experience of a lifetime in...Join Love Volunteers and their local partner organizations to connect...Volunteer abroad with Love Volunteers in Morocco!

Yes there are some less than desirable parts of the country (as there are in any country), but we only operate projects in areas that are completely safe. The staff and the Kenyan people are so lovely … My decision to go overseas to volunteer was made very last minute but I was still thoroughly accommodated.It has truly amazed me how much you can contribute to helping a community if you only have the initiative to start.My time spent in Ghana was such an indescribable experience. The Honduran people are so welcoming and with palm fringed, white-sandy beaches literally on your doorstep, it is like volunteering in paradise! With Love Volunteers you will never find yourself at a school or orphanage with 20 or 30 other volunteers when only 5 are needed. Unlike some of the large 'corporate-type' organizations out there, our aim is to meet the needs of each project, not fill spaces in volunteer houses.

They were teaching me also.I got so much more out of two weeks in Ghana than I could have got out of a practical work placement here in the UK, and the exposure really...I had the opportunity to take food to people living in townships, which was so incredibly rewarding.Albania is a country with many stray animals and this made volunteering at the rescue center in Tirana so much more meaningful and worthwhile.it is a lovely, chilled and thankful community, wonderful kids and a great possibility to live another life than we are used to it.I highly, highly recommend coming to Zimbabwe and Victoria Falls and working with Love Volunteers!I learned a lot and did more than expected. Being in a place of such history and culture was like stepping into a book.I learned so much about myself and really learned to take every chance that comes my way so I can look back on my life and say I truly lived it through both traveling and helping those in need. I've just been looking into Love Volunteers too. The local partner team in Mombasa were amazing and really added to the overall experience. Yes, they are much more inexpensive than some of the other companies around and that is because they truly care about giving to our global community and making it affordable for everyone to be able to help others in another … The Love Volunteers staff also helped me immensely and have a fantastic support system with a lot of people who really care about your experience. and they would...Thank you to the NGO of Love Volunteers for giving me this opportunity, I know this is the beginning of an entire life of volunteering.I highly recommend all interested volunteers to take the plunge and make their next destination Ukraine with Love Volunteers!Remember to always keep an open-mind set, and don't forget to appreciate this extraordinary experience!They are bright, polite and very loving.