Judith is seen teaching R.J. how to ride a bike. Though saddened by Mika's death, Carol focuses on the situation at hand and dissuades Lizzie from harming Judith, telling her that, "She can't even walk yet," and would therefore not make a very good walker. We don’t know … and neither does “Talking Dead” host Chris Hardwick. Judith reveals that she repaired the wing on Daryl's vest. She also witnesses Mary being punched by Rosita. Judith didn't want to tell Daryl about this, as she was afraid that he'd leave, too.

After they leave, she looks at Michonne with disappointment.In the past, Judith is taken captive by Jocelyn's group alongside the other community children. Rick and Carl seemed to take the bloody baby carrier as a sign that Judith didn’t make it through the battle, but fans of “The Walking Dead” don’t believe that “Lil A**kicker” is gone for good.In “The Walking Dead” comic book series, Judith died during an assault on the Prison from the Governor. Since the TV series doesn’t always follow the comics, we have a couple of theories regarding what could have happened to Judith in episode 8.One theory that we have is that Lizzy and the kids hid baby Judith while they gathered guns to fight. She then tells him she has to do her homework and signs off.Some months after the blizzard, Judith and the Coalition form a militia in order to train the several residents of the communities to face any future treats. While fans watched a gruesome scene with Hershel getting beheaded by the Governor, AMC might not be ready to let an infant die on screen.

A lot of Michonne's personality is reflected in Judith.Michonne has also raised Judith to be a capable fighter, knowing how to use her katana. Negan uses an anecdote from his childhood about a seemingly nice stray dog that turned violent, meaning just because someone looks nice doesn't mean they are. He puts Judith on his shoulder, grabs Dog's leash and gives her his coat to stay warm. A while later, Michonne tells Judith her plan of helping the man get back to his family on a naval base in exchange for weapons to destroy Alpha's horde but says she needs to go alone. After being informed that The Governor is planning to attack the Prison, Beth became concerned about Judith's safety and feels that the group should flee before they attack. During the attack, Judith is held by Beth, who is with Hershel and Carl hiding outside the prison in the woods. Judith shows to have taken a liking for Negan, although she does admit understanding he is imprisoned for a reason. Judith promises after some hesitation, and the two hug each other goodbye.Hiding in a shed, Earl reassures Judith and the other kids that they will soon be reunited with their parents before entering another room. They circle around to the front and shut the walkers inside.Just as the front door begins to give way, Abraham and his group, who had left a few days previously, return with a firetruck and block the door, preventing the walkers from escaping. Daryl explains that he is walking the perimeter and looking for anything out of the ordinary, and if he spots something, he retreats and radios it in.

Six years later, Judith is now the adopted daughter of,Judith appears to be a kind, intelligent and caring young girl mature beyond her years who is more than willing to protect others from harm, as shown when she protects.Like Negan, she has a sarcastic sense of humor.Judith Grimes is the second child born to,From the moment when Lori discovers that she is pregnant with Judith, questions arise as to who the baby's biological father is. She then sees as they all sign the charter.At the fair, Judith plays the dunkee both with Eugene. It is unknown if she is even aware of the fact that Shane has ever existed in the first place.Due to his medical training, Hershel was the primary caretaker of Judith. Later, she visits Mary in her cell and asks her about her name and her life. Judith reveals she knows Michonne still talks to Rick and Carl while she's beginning to forget their voices, shocking her. Judith appears to be a kind, intelligent and caring young girl mature beyond her years who is more than willing to protect others from harm, as shown when she protects Magna's group from a horde of walkers.

Realizing that he would never win Lori with Rick being present, Shane plotted to kill him, but catching on to Shane's plan, Rick beat him to it. Carol quickly dispatches the walker just in time to notice that a large herd is heading their way. As she is holding Judith, she starts to cry and holds her close. Later, by the lake, Judith tells Daryl she's happy he helped Lydia and suggests they could all defeat the Whisperers if they came together since it's what her dad would have done.In the past, at Alexandria, Jocelyn's kid group enjoys a bonfire with a younger Judith and the community kids. The midseason finale of “The Walking Dead” had many jaw dropping moments, but the final few minutes left fans with one question -- What happened to baby Judith?AMC viewers said goodbye to Meghan, Hershel, the Governor and countless other survivors during the battle to take over the prison in.For those that missed it, Lizzy and the rest of the young kids at the prison took baby Judith and her carrier outside when the shooting began. Judith is currently unaware that Shane is her biological father. However, Michonne then gives in and takes her uneasily. Beth was skillful when it came to nurturing Judith, as she instructed her sister to hold and give her food when Maggie took Judith away from Beth for a short time. Later, Judith pulls a blanket over herself and her brother to keep them warm, before Gabriel decides they're moving to Aaron's house. Little Ass Kicker will probably continue to be safer onscreen than she was in the comics, for a while at least.