Study of the mechanisms regulating metabolism at various levels made new therapeutic methods possible.Genetics, which established the laws and mechanisms of heredity and variability, has greatly influenced medicine. In 1928, A. Fleming found that one of the species of mold fungi releases the antibacterial substance penicillin. Initially, the principal methods of general pathology were clinical observation, the description of symptoms, and the systematization and generalization of practical medical experience. [Fr. In the United States, medical practice is characterized by a patchwork mixture of government and private control. Based on his research, J. Lister proposed the antiseptic method of treating wounds, which helped to reduce considerably the number of complications with wounds and surgical interventions.

Like Bernard, they believed that the experimental method could “replace authority with scientific criteria.”.New branches of study grew out of internal medicine in the middle and late 19th century. : Camus,invoked against epilepsy and chorea (St. Vitus’s dance). But the fascination with bacteriology also had a darker side, manifested in monocausalism, an approach that greatly exaggerated the role of bacterial pathogens in the etiology and pathogenesis of disease and that, as a result, came into constant conflict with medical practice.
The work of H. Selye, author of the stress theory and the concept of the general adaptation syndrome, has made a number of contributions to the development of endocrinology and hormonal therapy.Chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, and the development and use of agents capable of acting on the central nervous system have altered clinical medicine and enabled physicians to intervene actively in the course of diseases.Among the disciplines emerging from internal medicine, cardiology is particularly important. The materialistic reflex theory, which established the relationship between the conscious mind and the environment, had a decisive effect on the development of Russian psychiatry, which acquired a distinctly physiological tone in the USSR.In the USSR and other socialist countries medicine is distinguished by its emphasis on prevention.
),American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene,Global Infectious Disease Epidemiology Network,Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene,"Health risks and precautions: general considerations - Contents of a basic medical kit",,International Association for Medical Assistance to Travellers (IAMAT),Reproductive endocrinology and infertility,American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute,Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Report, By the 13th cent. There were 731,800 physicians in 1972 (more than a fourth of the world total, and an average of 29.4 physicians per 10,000 inhabitants). Others emphasize the physician's responsibility to help patients and families in the overall management of their health problems, many of which are thought to reflect the social ills of living in an urban, industrialized society.In some countries, such as Great Britain, medical care is under government control and is available virtually without charge to all. Revealing a mistrust of “systems,” T. Sydenham and the Italian physician G. B. Montano called on physicians to investigate diseases by observing them carefully. the heart drug digitalis was introduced, scurvy was controlled,The 19th cent. History of Medicine Ancient Times. During the 1950’s research led to the discovery of immunological tolerance.