White, colorless, black, brown, yellow, orange, and purple colors are less common. General Elbaite Information : Chemical Formula: Na(Li,Al)3Al6(BO3)3Si6O18(OH)4 : Composition: Molecular Weight = 916.68 gm Sodium 2.51 % Na 3.38 % Na 2 O Lithium 1.89 % Li 4.07 % Li 2 O Aluminum 19.13 % Al 36.15 % Al 2 O 3 … Designed by. Crystals are frequently multicolored, containing two or more distinct colors.

Physics and Chemistry of Minerals Volume 39, Number 7 (2012), 577-588.Insel Elba (San Piero, San Illario), Brasilien, Madagaskar, Granulitgebirge /Sachs., Rozna(Böhmen),Quarz, Lepidolith, Albit, Clevelandit, Topas, Muskovit, Mikroklin, Cookeit, Montmorillonit, Morganit,Related minerals "Strunz Classification" (9. Elbaite Mineral Data Search Webmineral : Home: Crystal: jmol: jPOWD: Chem: X Ray: Dana: Strunz: Properties: A to Z: Images: Share : News: Help: About: Advertisment. Properties of Elbaite Different varieties of elbaite have … 2. Colors include green, red, pink and blue. Elbait (SNr: SyS-Elbait-2-1-18) Dieser auf der Basis pinselartig aufgefaserte, tief dunkelgrau-violette Elbaitkristall stammt aus der Himalaya Mine im San Diego Co., Kalifornien und hat eine Höhe von etwa 3,2 … Some specimens are Elbaite is a mineral in the tourmaline group.Elbaite is a classic mineral to collect. Throughout history, colored tourmalines including elbaite have been valued as cut stones and mineral specimens. Elbaite is a member of the tourmaline family, priced for its depth of color and quality of crystals.3. Classification" [Mineral | Chemical formula : Crystal system : Class (H-M) | Space Group | Indenture number],Paraibait ist eine blaue kupferhaltige Varietät des,Verdelith ist ein grün gefärbter Elbait (Edelstein-Varietät),Automatic Links to external internet sources (Responsibility is with the operator),1999-2020 © Stefan Schorn and other authors,Grotta d'Oggi / San Piero in Campo / Campo nell'Elba / Elba, Insel / Livorno, Provinz / Toskana (Toscana) / Italien,Himalaya Mine / Gem Hill / Mesa Grande District / San Diego Co. / Kalifornien (California) / USA,Pederneira Mine / São José da Safira / Doce-Tal / Minas Gerais / Südosten (Região Sudeste) / Brasilien,Sahatany-Pegmatitfeld / Vàkinankàratra, Region / Madagaskar,Search for minerals with similar chemistry,Mineralogisch-Petrographisches-Institut Hamburg,RRUFF - Raman, XRD and other mineral data,American-Mineralogist-Crystal-Structure-Database. This page can only be used with javascript enabled.Basispedien, Prismen, Pyramiden und Kombinationen,1300 (ungefähre Angabe abgeleitet aus der Mohshärte).IR-Spektrum ist publiziert, siehe G. Diego Gatta, Rosa M. Danisi, Ilaria Adamo, Martin Meven, Valeria Diella: A single-crystal neutron and X-ray diffraction study of elbaite. 61: Cyclosilicates Cyclosilicate Six-Membered Rings.You have disabled javascript at your browser. Pink elbaite (rubellite) is said to help feelings of anxiety and provide inspiration, green elbaite assists with sensitivity and compassion.Elbaite is the most common form of colored tourmaline and can be found in gem quality crystals on every continent except Antarctica, though it is still quite rare compared to many other minerals. Elbaite is one of the most varied minerals in terms of color. Elbaite is a chemically complex mineral containing sodium, lithium, aluminum, silicon, boron, oxygen and hydrogen.Different varieties of elbaite have different alleged metaphysical properties. Gem Tourmaline Variety. Elbaite comes from many localities.Expand your knowledge on crystals and gems!Copyright © 2020 What is Elbaite? Elbaite is a chemically complex mineral containing sodium, lithium, aluminum, silicon, boron, oxygen and hydrogen. Edition) [Mineral | Chemical formula | Crystal system : Class (H-M) : Space Group | Indenture number],Related minerals "Lapis Classification" [Mineral | Chemical formula | Crystal system : Class (H-M) : Space Group | Indenture number],Related minerals "Hoelzel Classification" [Mineral | Chemical formula : Crystal system : Class (H-M) | Space Group | Indenture number],Related minerals "Dana 8.