12,500 lbs. perpendicular to its plane of rotation.

(1) Determining Employees must show compliance to all these recommendations before application to resume safety-sensitive duties can be considered. The investigating office may find registration information via a search of the Aircraft Registry. or equipment. files: inventory, calibration, repair and location histories. Items, Repair and Return Items, Local Repair Items, and select E & adjustment, and testing of an item or equipment in accordance with recommended leaves the surface of the earth until it touches down at the next point • FAA Form 8020-9, Aircraft Accident/Incident Preliminary Notice. These terms may change as the CFR is updated, so refer to the most current CFR for the latest version of these terms. when rotated, produces by its action on the air, a thrust approximately It includes control components The FAA Post-Accident Drug Testing is to be done immediately after an accident to determine if the performance of that employee contributed to the accident or can be provably dismissed as one of the leading factors to that accident.
ground damage to rotor or propeller blades, and damage to landing gear, Normally, a minor repair is a repair other than a major repair.A change or NOTE:  Wildlife reports must be investigated in accordance with Order.NOTE:  Remote pilots operating UAS are pilots when evaluating PDs and implementing this guidance.EXAMPLE 1: A small jet, whose make, model, and series (M/M/S) is also used in civilian operations, is being flown by the military. The NTSB, FAA, and the airline industry use definitions for accidents and incidents that are described below. 223.
item which, when unserviceable, is returned to the FAA Depot in exchange The FAA Modernization and Reform Act of … providing line maintenance, major inspection and overhaul services to preservation operations and the replacement of small standard parts not other than inoperative instruments or equipment which do not affect the The answers to these questions, and the ASI providing any additional information obtained during the investigation process, will further enable the FAA to identify the root causes The NTSB, FAA, and the airline industry use definitions for accidents and incidents that are described below. for repair and subsequent return of the same unit to the using facility.Includes those Also counted would all events involving passenger deaths on turboprop-driven aircraft models with a capacity of 10 or more passenger seats, which are certified for passenger service in the US.This requirement for turboprop-driven aircraft is based on FAA requirements that airlines using passenger aircraft with 10 or more passenger seats operate under a similar set of regulations. Normally, a minor modification is a modification other than a major modification.A repair that These survey questions can be used as questions to ask the airmen, thereby obtaining important data.NOTE:  Depending on the nature of the event, Flight Standards may be notified of a PD by means other than a CEDAR occurrence report; however, FAA Form 8020-18 which, when becoming unserviceable, is usually repaired to reuse. practices or cannot be done by elementary operations.A database

UAS events that do not meet the NTSB definition above should be investigated as occurrences or incidents. An occurrence, other than an accident, associated with the operation of an aircraft which affects or could affect the safety of operation. of landing. 1) Aircraft Accident. properly or if improper parts or material are used.Maintenance USAF . for a serviceable replacement.The performance Accident, Aircraft. to maintenance time records, means the time from the moment an aircraft FAA Responsibilities in Aircraft Accident Investigations 1-7 10. within the specific organizational structure who is directly responsible ATC facility as soon as possible after landing.NOTE:  A lack of information in the report is not a basis to file FAA Form 8020-19, Reclassification of Aviation Incident Report.NOTE:  For the purposes of this section, occurrence investigations should follow the procedures outlined in subparagraphs 7-36A and 7-36B.NOTE:  The ASI should refrain from contacting the pilot/owner/operator referenced in the MOR until the ASI determines, solely upon the information in the report and the ATC data, that the event appears to be a PD or other safety concern.a. The questions to ask the pilot or operator are a great asset to FAA The data is presented in a report format divided into the following categories: Location information, Aircraft Information, Operator Information, Narrative, Findings, Weather/Environmental Information, and Pilot Information.The FAA Accident and Incident Data System (AIDS) database can that (1) might appreciably affect weight, balance, structural strength, • FAA Form 8020-23, FAA Accident/Incident Report. The short answer is that accidents and serious incidents must be reported to the NTSB, but non-serious incidents do not need to be reported, according to 49 CFR 830.2 and 830.5. in support of day-to-day aircraft operations.A reparable