The researchers don't yet know why these seasonal brain changes occur, and they're not the first to study seasonal biological processes. We use our cognitive resources differently based on the season, study finds. These chemicals in turn respond to the body’s circadian rhythms and corresponding light/dark cycles from season to season. Plants and animals also change their ways with the seasons. Most every living organism operates according to an internal clock. “The scientific evidence says that length of day, which is shorter in the winter and longest in the summer, is the main seasonal variable that affects mood,” she said. "Lower activation in winter can mean that the brain is less efficient and that it will be more difficult to do the task and in a way more costly because requiring more other resources to maintain performance.". As a form of major depression disorder, SAD can also play a part in bipolar disorder conditions in cases where a person experiences depression episodes during the winter months and manic episodes during the warm times of year. And, in humans, "mood is well known to be impacted by seasons."

These are more common in countries located in higher latitudes and can affect one out of 10 people living in these countries. According to the U.S. Library of Medicine, symptoms of depression, anxiety and fatigue typically characterize this condition. Seasonal changes in precipitation and temperature affect soil moisture, evaporation rates, river flows, lake levels, and snow cover. Their test scores did not change at different times of the year, however the neural "cost" of that performance differed.

Call, Response time about 1 min | Response rate 100%, Skin Picking and/or Hair Pulling Disorder, Depressive Disorder Associated with Another Medical Condition, Paranoid, Schizoid & Schizotypal Personality Disorders, Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder, Male Erectile Dysfunction and Premature Ejaculation Disorder. When extreme feelings of sadness and plummeting energy levels persist for most of the time, a person may be dealing with seasonal affective disorder. So, the brain is more active in the summer when attention tasks are being performed, where as in the fall memory recall uses more brain activity.

Leaves fall and plants wither as cold and dry seasons approach. The human exception.

Many people choose where to live based on the climate. CALL NOW! In many cases the change of season affects humans by increasing anxiety, migraines and rheumatic problems that are accompanied by the aforementioned depression.

". "Mood and immunity are well known to change with seasons in humans and there are indications that several brain aspects could also be seasonal.". Here in the beautiful Midwest, we see each of the four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter. Weather can be both a helpful and destructive force for people and their property. Animals in temperate and polar regions must find alternate food sources, move to warmer locations, …

Someone with seasonal affective disorder may have a lower sensitivity to day/light cycles resulting in higher neurotransmitter levels than normal during the winter season. DISCLAIMER: The information provided on this web site is for informational purposes only and is not medical or behavioral health care advice. While it may be hard to admit something as random as the weather or the seasons can alter a person’s mood, seasonal changes can influence emotional response in some people. For some people, this can cause chemical imbalances in the brain that trigger seasonal affective disorder effects.