Plus the more experience you gain as a bartender, the more job opportunities will open up, with a potential for higher income.More and more businesses are discovering the benefits of hiring remote workers — allowing employees to work from home or anywhere with a wifi connection. It’s a two-year commitment, you have very little influence on where you are stationed, and you only get two days off per month.You don’t get paid much but, hell, you will be earning and you will get paid to travel to somewhere new.There are so many ways to work and travel, sometimes you just gotta get a bit creative! Next time you’re walking by a street performer, take a look at their tip jar.If the musician chose the right location and is talented enough, there’s a pretty good chance they are making some dough! Depending on the company you work for, you can choose your own schedule and commitment level that aligns with your own needs.Teaching English online is fast becoming one of the best ways for backpackers to make money online without a doubt. There is little that personal assistants can’t do remotely these days.Social media scheduling, responding to customer inquiries, calendar management, and all sorts of other tasks can be taken care of by a competent virtual assistant. But before that, I worked all kinds of awesome – and terrible – traveling jobs to make ends meet and keep my travels going.In today’s post, we give you the lowdown on some of the best travel jobs for backpackers, ex-pats, and aspiring digital nomads. What’s the best part? This is particularly true in seasonal European cities (but I’ve seen it in South America, Australia, Asia… basically everywhere).Single-use plastic bottles are a huge threat to Marine Life – Be a part of the solution and travel with a.This is a large category that encompasses many different travel jobs. All you need is your computer, an eye for design, and knowledge of certain software programs and online platforms. Acrobatics, painting, fortune telling, music, break dancing, henna art, it could be anything. Try volunteering with the Peace Corps or a Non-Governmental Organization. You’re a certified fitness instructor… sort of.Certifications are for losers without glorious muscles.If you have some cooking abilities or some legitimate kitchen experience you can find a job by asking around at kitchens in hotels, cruise ships, boats, or retreats. You can teach classes on pilates, yoga, zumba, dance, or provide services as a personal trainer if you have enough experience.Some yoga instructors make deals with local gyms, backpacker hostels, or fancy all-inclusive resorts in order to use their facilities with clients during trips. Tap into your inner performer! There are different types of positions and careers available like tour manager, ship entertainment, engineer, housekeeping, cooks, and more.My friend Earl made money while working on cruise.Like many of the jobs in this list, you can’t just jump into day trading on the stock market without any prior experience and expect to become rich. The trick with these jobs is getting a car that’s going where you want to go at the right time. Or maybe you are! Learn how to land one of these awesome careers!Do you wish you could travel more? Constantly jetting around the world, partying it up in different cities, experiencing different cultures, 90% off airline tickets, hotel discounts, cheap rent, and employment in the clouds.The career training is tough, the hours are long, and all the moving around can get kinda lonely. The best travel jobs allow you to earn income while exploring the world. Next, you need to learn about networking, pitching to editors, and all the other business stuff involved.Once you have those down, then it’s possible to write for magazines, newspapers, websites, or travel guidebooks and travel the world.