"addressRegion": "Queensland", Situated between Southeast Asia and Australia, the Republic of Indonesia encompasses more than 3,000 islands that stretch 5,400km along the equator. Blood borne diseases (HIV, Hepatitis B & C) can be spread by blood transfusion, tattooing, body piercing or non-sterile needles. Click here to learn more about rabies. The …

"url": "https://www.thetraveldoctor.com.au", color: #5e6c72; Moderate risk. “.

The laws against illegal drugs are severe and travellers should ensure that they carry sufficient well-marked medication that they may require for their time in Indonesia. A prescription kit (containing treatments for travellers' diarrhoea) is essential. Click here to learn more about Polio. Peace corp, volunteers, refugee workers etc need to consider vaccination. For more safety tips visit: www.smartraveller.gov.au. { Find out more about the health risks you should be aware of when travelling in Bali by reading the DFA Bali country information page From the well-known tourist destinations of Bali and Lombok to the bustling businesses of Jakarta, Indonesia is a vibrant nation. Wherever you are, wherever you're going, we have you covered.

It’s recommended that travellers to Thailand have jabs for tetanus and hepatitis A, possibly for Yellow Fever too, and they should also take additional precautions depending on which regions they’re visiting and the activities they plan to do. Unless travelling with a well-equipped organisation, a high level of self-sufficiency in terms of first aid kits and sterile equipment is recommended. There are no shortcuts. "name": "Dr Deb The Travel Doctor",
The island is well developed for the tourist industry and generally the climate is tropical and humid throughout the year.

Travellers should have a good insect repellent containing DEET such as TMB DEET 55, wear long sleeves to cover your arms and long trousers, if possible choose an air-conditioned room, keep doors and windows closed and avoid using perfumes and aftershaves. The principal and most populated islands are Java, Sumatra, Bali, Kalimantan (Borneo), Sulawesi and Irian Jaya. Tetanus These vaccines include measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine, diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccine, varicella (chickenpox) vaccine, polio vaccine, and your yearly flu shot.

"hasMap": "https://goo.gl/maps/wuYFhBHudkCXWLm2A",

Dont get me wrong I LOVE the internet and information age,but Health is different. }, For those countries with disease present, risk is highest in urban and semi-urban areas, but may also occur in rural areas; insect avoidance measures are highly recommended all year round. "latitude": "-27.4665594", This means she and her team have the expertise necessary to ensure you get the best travel medicine care possible. Our Consultants can provide you information on how to stay safe during your next trip. "@type": "GeoCoordinates", Travelvax believes that the best defence is to understand their habits, dress properly and use an effective insect repellent in the correct manner. Stay Safe and Healthy on your Next Trip... High Risk - Preventable disease is much more common than in Australia.

Sexually transmitted and blood-borne diseases occur.

The risk to travellers can be greatly reduced by practising safe sex with any new partner.
Well, it’s not like Australia.

Most common vaccine preventable illness in travellers.

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Mosquito repellents, netting and avoiding the outdoors at certain times of day provide some protection. as the blog article says – you really need to go and seek medical advice now, as the blog entry has all the general info. | Governing policy

In Jakarta and other main cities there is a particular problem with a viral disease called Dengue Fever. Learn more about Cholera and available vaccinations here.

Your airline pilot has studied a long time to keep you safe on the flight. What Vaccinations Do I Need For My Next Trip?

My wife and I are planning a trip to Bali to the Legian area and we will be staying in this villa https://goo.gl/z1L78n . You should get the measles vaccine and be extra-vigilant of washing your hands. Disease present.

Rabies is always fatal but can be prevented by rapid medical treatment, but accessing the treatment is not pleasant.

"description": "Dr Deb and her team specialise in travel medicine, so travellers can get the right information, vaccines, medical kits, malaria pills, and other medical tools to give them peace of mind and help \nthem have a healthy journey.

Consult a Travelvax clinic for long stays or significant level of outdoor activities. Limited medical facilities available. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. ul.resp-tabs-list {display: flex;}

Click here to learn more about Altitude illness.

All travellers should take food and water precautions. Many Irish travellers will use the island as a stopover.