Comments X As this year’s contest proved, federal elections can be won or lost in Ontario and its 121 ridings. He had been the MP since 2004.The Conservatives have held the riding for all but 16 of the last 40 years.The Liberals held the riding from 1988 to 2004, thanks in large part to conservative vote splitting between Progressive Conservatives and the Canadian Alliance.But since the reuniting of conservative forces in 2004, the Conservatives have been pretty much invincible in the riding.Brown took more than 50 per cent of the votes in four elections, peaking at almost 61 per cent in 2011.His fifth and last election, in 2015, was his closest, with Liberal McFall nipping at his heels. In Northumberland–Peterborough South, Conservative candidate Philip Lawrence unseated Liberal Kim Rudd, who’d held the seat in 2015.

Ontario Votes 2018 Results. Tweet. What will the Ontario federal election 2019 results hold for the province and Canada at large? Clockwise from top left: Jon Thompson, Shelby Lisk, David Rockne Corrigan, and Mary Baxter.Thinking of your experience with, how likely are you to recommend to a friend or colleague?the water crisis on First Nations reserves,a Liberal promise that was unfulfilled before the election,resigned from the party in the wake of sexting scandal,Indigenous voter turnout jumped 15 per cent,were disappointed with the results of his first term,Election post-mortem, Part 3: Why Doug Ford had Toronto seeing red,What a Liberal minority could mean for health care,Election post-mortem, Part 2: Why did the NDP get blown out? He’ll get his chance in early February, when by-elections are expected to be held in three more vacant ridings – the British Columbia riding of Burnaby South, where Singh intends to run, the Montreal riding of Outremont and the Ontario riding of York-Simcoe.Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is poised to call those three by-election early next month and may yet add a fourth, B.C.’s Nanaimo-Ladysmith, where NDP MP Sheila Malcolmson is making a leap to provincial politics. Thank you for your patience. reporters discuss the federal-election results on The Agenda on October 22. This is a space where subscribers can engage with each other and Globe staff. This is a space where subscribers can engage with each other and Globe staff.We aim to create a safe and valuable space for discussion and debate. The party’s share of the vote plunged to less than half the 8.3 per cent it garnered in 2015, which was already a disappointing drop from 2011 when the NDP managed to finish second, ahead of the Liberals.New Democrats are hoping the party’s slumping fortunes will turn around once Leader Jagmeet Singh wins a seat in the House of Commons. Singh’s answer went viral: “If Toronto had a drinking-water problem, if Montreal had a drinking-water problem, would you even be asking the same question?”.The NDP also fielded the most robust team of Indigenous candidates, 27 in all. Seat Standings. Party Elected Leading Total Gauge; Popular Vote. In Essex, Conservative Chris Lewis, a former Kingsville city councillor, won by nearly 5,000 votes. On a swing through northwestern Ontario, Singh was asked whether he would write a “blank cheque” to solve issues, including a lack of access to clean drinking water, in Indigenous communities. Non-subscribers can read and sort comments but will not be able to engage with them in any way.If you would like to write a letter to the editor, please forward it to.Welcome to The Globe and Mail’s comment community. Our public funding only covers some of the cost of producing high-quality, balanced content. After the polls close on election night, unofficial results, which give the number of votes cast for each candidate, are posted on our website as they are reported by the Returning Officer.These results do not include a breakdown of poll-by-poll results. The former head of Lakehead University’s Progressive Conservatives campus club earned 9,300 votes in Kenora — nearly 1,200 more than Nault and roughly 1,500 more than Turtle.Melillo isn’t surprised. In September, Cheryl Collier, a political-science professor at the University of Windsor, told that residents were tired of voting for a party that has yet to form government. Clockwise from top left: Jon Thompson, Shelby Lisk, David Rockne Corrigan, and Mary Baxter. We hope to have this fixed soon.