Metallisches Re sowie seine Salze und Oxide finden außerdem als besonders selektive vergiftungsbeständige Katalysatoren bei der Hydrierung und Dehydrierung sowie in der Alken-Metathese[5] Anwendung.

Re ist in reinstem Zustand ein glänzendes, Platin-artig aussehendes, kaltduktiles (bei Raumtemperatur schmiedbares) Metall, Dichte 21,03 g/cm3, Schmp. Kupfer-Röstung bestritten. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, Clinical Radiation Oncology (Fourth Edition), Palliative Radiotherapy for Bone Metastasis, Handbook of Supportive and Palliative Radiation Oncology, Schmidek and Sweet Operative Neurosurgical Techniques (Sixth Edition), Radionuclides for Imaging and Therapy in Oncology, Nora A. Janjan, ... Christopher H. Crane, in, Julow et al., 1985; Backlund et al., 1989; Lunsford, 1989, Philipp N. Streubel, Joaquin Sanchez-Sotelo, in, Morrey's the Elbow and its Disorders (Fifth Edition), Pharmaceutical Science & Technology Today.

32P has been used for more than 30 years to treat bone metastases; 77% of patients with prostate cancer experience substantial pain relief.112 The rates and durations of response observed with 32P are similar to those observed with wide-field radiation and 89Sr.

Stereotactic implantation of β-emitting radioisotopes was first described by Leksell & Linden in 1952.

The Relative atomic mass is 186.207. While both 32P and 90Y are pure beta (β) particle-emitting isotopes that are made in colloidal suspensions, 186Re has both β and γ emission. ( ) spin value – Indicates spin with weak assignment arguments. The efficacy of mixed-emitting isotopes is limited by the gamma emissions. Geochim Cosmochim Acta 84:593–613, McDonough WF (2003) Compositional model for the Earth’s core.

Stone: Table of nuclear magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole moments. Massives Re wird oberhalb 600 °C von Luftsauerstoff angegriffen und zu Re2O7 oxidiert; das feuchte Pulver wird schon bei Raumtemperatur allmählich unter Bildung von Perrheniumsäure (HReO4) oxidiert. Several monoclonal antibodies against PSMA have been identified and labeled with 111In, 90Y, and 177Lu demonstrating excellent targeting of known metastases. Für den Umgang mit den Rhenium-Radionukliden gelten gemäß Strahlenschutzverordnung (StrlSchV 2018) unter anderem folgende Werte (Spalten 1 bis 7): (HRQ = Hochradioaktive Quellen; OFK = Oberflächenkontamination).

Mag., (2004), Nr. Wichtigstes Einsatzgebiet ist in Bimetall-Reformierkatalysatoren[4] zur Herstellung von bleifreiem Benzin (Rheniforming®).

To remove the excess of it from the blood circulation, biotin coupled to a specific scavenger molecule is injected.

Science 243, 519–522. Different β-emitting and λ-emitting isotopes have subsequently been used; namely yttrium-90, phosphorous-32, rhenium-186 and gold-198, with yttrium now being the most common. Kenneth Y. Usuki, ... Paul Okunieff, in Clinical Radiation Oncology (Fourth Edition), 2016. No significant reduction in radiographic parameters according to the Pettersson classification was found.44. Clinically established 7E11 and J591 bind, respectively, to the intracellular and extracellular epitopes [234–236].

A considerable number of antibody-based radioimmunotherapeutic agents comprising 131I, 90Y, 186Re, 188Re, 177Lu, 67Cu, 213Bi, 211At, and 125I have been studied clinically for the treatment of a number of hematologic and solid malignancies targeting, for example, CD20, CD22, CD33, CD45, CD66, and CEA [118] as well as prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA), which is a membrane glycoprotein highly expressed in prostate cancer.

The bulk of intracavitary radiation therapy has been performed using one of three radioisotopes: phosphorus-32 (32P), yttrium-90 (90Y), and rhenium-186 (186Rh).

Nuclear structure and decay data.

[1] - NuDat: National Nuclear Data Center, Brookhaven National Laboratory, based on ENSDF and the Nuclear Wallet Cards. (chemisches Symbol Re). 15 - Sonstige Informationen und Hinweise: AL = Weitere Niveaus, so genannte Adopted Levels (Verlinkung auf externe Daten [1]). (b) Fused SPECT and CT images, acquired 15 h after radionuclide injection showing intense radioactivity uptake in the right breast. Natürliche irdische Rhenium-Vorkommen bestehen aus den beiden Isotopen Rhenium-185 (stabil) und Rhenium-187 (instabil) und setzen sich wie folgt zusammen: Alle anderen bisher bekannten und charakterisierten Rhenium-Nuklide sind instabil. 5 - Bezeichnung des Rhenium-Isotops; gegebenenfalls Trivialnamen. Nuclear Physics, (2003), DOI 10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2003.11.001. The substances are injected as a colloid, which binds to the synovium and prevents drainage of the radioactive agent to the lymphatic system.

32P and 89Sr emit pure beta rays (i.e., little penetration in tissue), whereas 186Re and 153Sm emit beta rays and relatively high-energy gamma-ray photons (103 to 159 KeV) that penetrate tissue for some distance.

Die entsprechenden Zerfalls-Modi sind gegebenenfalls bei den Daten des jeweiligen Ausgangsnuklids zu finden. II.

A maximum of three injections can be provided in 6-month or greater intervals. We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. Dann melden Sie sich jetzt an, um 2 Wochen kostenlos zu testen!

Holland HD, Turekian KK (eds in Chief) Treatise on geochemistry, vol 2.

al. 8 - Kernmagnetisches Moment μmag.

confirmed the utility of intracavitary irradiation from pathological specimens after treatment (Szeifert et al., 1990). It was possible to predict the myelotoxicity of RIT with [177Lu]-J591, but not with [90Y]-J591 [237].