What made matters worse was hearing about it on social media, we first got wind of it all through Twitter.”.He’s not dwelling on the past. View Details. “They actually thrashed London Scottish in our last home game and there was a really big crowd there.”,Did it feel like a wake? Your team store allows you to customize clothing for every type of London Welsh Welsh fan. He arrives just in time to benefit from quick ball through the hands of those trusted young midfielders to score a simple try in the corner and finish off a satisfying 49-11 win. They should’ve let us play the games, and even if we’d finished mid-table we could still have got dropped down and that would’ve been fair enough, but to yank us out and cost those clubs money made no sense. I didn’t know what the standard was, I didn’t know if they could catch and pass. The London Welsh Centre is a cultural and community centre, situated on Grays Inn Road since 1937. ‘Hi mum’, he says, stopping his flow, before adding: ‘I’m doing an interview’. Shop your London Welsh Apparel Store for the latest selection of Welsh fan gear! “It was when the friend of a certain gentleman went to the bar for a round – a glass of white wine and a beer it was – and he went to pay with a credit card – a credit card! “She’s been based in London for work for a few years now,” explains Cai. “I went through this with Celtic Warriors as a player, losing my job, and then again with London Welsh as a manager – so I’ve seen it from two sides and it’s not pretty. “We don’t make any bones about it,” begins Cai, now chatting to us back in the clubhouse.

By tropicaltees. Welsh touch down again.

Looking at the set-up already in place, it’s all too easy for those passionate London Welsh fans to start thinking the same is going to happen to them. Merchandise. London Welsh Apollo Polo Shirt. “We were off and they dealt with it better. Unusual for level nine, the coaches are mic’d up, and Sonny takes every opportunity to get water on – there’s no need for players to scream at a bored substitute to chuck a bottle on here. The one and only.Although the two sides share the same win/loss record, they’re separated on points, a muddled first and surname on the league report card has seen Saracens docked five points, so they sit below London Welsh rather than above them. Before he can continue, fans, mostly London Welsh, begin to drift in, including his mum. “Nice legs, ref,” the stand catcalls at a ref not used to such compliments.It may be comfortable, but Sonny looks focused – no hint of a smile. But, for now, their director of rugby Sonny is off to the club to pay the fines about to be dished out. “We had 40-odd players and other staff and I was worried about what happened to them, it was hard. “It’s no different here to anywhere and the drive is always the same whatever level, both here and international. Shop your London Welsh Apparel Store for the latest selection of London Welsh Fan Gear! “It doesn’t matter where you play, it’s still the same size pitch, two sets of posts and a rugby ball,” he says. It’s professional but with no single person controlling everything.”,Purely amateur in status, in neighbours London Scottish and Richmond, London Welsh don’t have far too look for inspiration about the journey ahead. “I think it was when we were asked to help give the players some money for Christmas that we knew something was really going to happen,” continues Steve.“You say that,” cuts in Owain, “but I went along to a Druids game [Druids being the amateur side now merged into London Welsh] in January and spoke to the management at the club and they were totally convinced that in a couple of days the RFU would give them a license until the end of season. He’s there if we need him though.”,As kick-off approaches, he leaves us for the portakabin. “I ripped into you didn’t I?” he says, laughing at our red-faced photographer.Like Cai, Sonny feels completely at home in his current surroundings. But it will suffice, not least because the main first XV these days resides in Herts/Middlesex 1, rugby’s ninth tier. When I have kids, there’s no way I’ll never let my son or daughter win anything.”,Sonny has London Welsh closer to his heart than many. £24.95. London Welsh Crusher T-Shirt. Shop for London Welsh Rugby membership, fundraising and merchandise. Cai is at the back of a maul, holding it all together, edging it ever closer. He’s back two minutes later, explaining: ‘Yeah it was a little bit awkward, the one in the baseball cap called me a cockwatcher’.Not overly familiar with the faces of rugby, he’s referring to Sonny, who then emerges from the changing rooms. “We’ve got two really good props and there’s no need for me to be there – they’re probably better than me anyway. Rank 3. Driving in London does that to you.

It’s actually pretty roomy too. We promote Welsh culture and language in London, and a range of other arts organisations, through hosting events and providing our spaces for cultural and community activities. “She’d always come to Swansea to watch the games, so now that I’m in London it’s  become a lot easier.”,Back to things that they don’t ‘make any bones about’, Cai resumes: “We are looking to get promotion, we’ve said it from the get-go. It was hard for my girlfriend because she could see how badly it was affecting me, but that was my job. View Details. Really bad times. The club is sustainable for the people that love the club. He’s more worried about his own players though, away days haven’t been good ones so far for his new charges. I’m competitive no matter what I’m doing.