But at least I’m not touting familiarity of her work as proof that I’m some kind of UWS liberal intellectual. The party often claimed these policies were in part responsible for the "Celtic Tiger" economy.

I don’t care who you are on this thread… we can all agree that a 67yr old White woman would NOT have been taken to jail for this ridiculous infraction with a friggin piece of chalk… period! And there are plenty of fat white dudes with guns who do vote democrat. Well, I’m glad UWSHebrew “came out of the closet” on this issue.

Chalk on a construction barrier..?!

Don’t the police have anything better to do in this community?

Yes, the word hypocrite to me means “They began saying that they were going to take me downtown, take me to the Tombs,” Nelson said, referring to the Manhattan Detention Complex. Someone may remember Jill from her articles on police misconduct. “I would be legislating based on my values and on the needs of my constituents.”.

Haughey tried to force Lenihan to resign, and sacked him when he refused. You hate the cops till you need them and then you cry when they are not around.

In the early afternoon on April 16th, Jill Nelson, a 67-year-old writer, left her apartment on Riverside Drive to run a few essential errands.

Take a look for yourself, once you notice it, you’ll see it everywhere.

In a review of the Department of Finance Robert Wright, a Canadian economist, singled out the policies of the PD's and Fianna Fáil's 2002 election manifestos as contributing significantly to the 2008 property market crash.[8].

Never underestimate the supposedly small! B) people are DYING and you think this is a priority? You can’t pick and choose what should be enforced. But don’t engage in a criminal act. Lets have respect for what is not ours. “There are plenty of black dudes with guns who do not vote the straight democrat line. It’s a travesty. PS Trump does equal plague. But I’m not holding my breath. Also, in reading the graffiti law, I don’t think writing non-gang, non-hate speech in chalk (as opposed to spray paint or indelible marker) qualifies as “intent to damage.”. Copyright 2011-2020 West Side Rag. And they endanger her life by taking her into custody and holding her, possibly exposing her to people with Covid.

I have zero sympathy for her.

[7], In July 2020, Warfield made reports to the Garda Siochána following escalating online and offline homophobic harassment and abuse that started to extend to threats against members of his family. A peaceful protest in chalk. Do you want Wash Hts to look like East New York? Out of nowhere, UWSHebrew personally attacks me.

I’m with her.

This is collective guilt.

Trump, in fact, mocks this country every day. I’ve been going out without my full wallet when I weekly grocery shopping because I don’t want the extra weight. Do the crime. “However, you have no right to perpetrate violence and harm on the very communities that you say that you are standing up for.”. 3) Too many in the Democratic party have welcomed and even promoted those who espouse Socialist and Anti-Semitic rantings (in the guise of Anti-Israel rantings), and that makes me sick. This is folly..to lock someone jail for two words written in chalk.

Tell me what to say, Lord. Years ago I grafittied a wall on east 10th st with WAR IS PEACE -Orwell~ and the cops busted me over it. McDowell or MacDowell is a Scottish surname, derived from the Gaelic Mac Dubhghaill, meaning "son of Dubhghall" (i.e. Ms. Nelson was actually given preferential treatment by the NYPD. Of course you should. Some things never change, especially with many police officers and police departments. Timothy Bella, Tim Elfrink and Hannah Knowles in Washington contributed to this report. The Senate district in contention stretches from northern Wilmington to the Pennsylvania border, and has been held by Democrat Harris McDowell since 1976.

You are read your rights when you are arrested for a crime for which the penalty may be a significant infringement on your right to liberty, i.e.