– Vaccine Common Sense,Physician’s Warranty of Vaccine Safety Form,http://www.odyssee.net/~expodome/autism.htm#Top,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CU3PsTd5Bg0,http://www.mctlawyers.com/vaccine-injury/cases/,Dr.

The goal is to avoid getting sick in the first place and if we do happen to get sick, we can heal and recover quickly.Thieves Essential oil is a Young Living blend of clove, lemon, cinnamon bark, rosemary, and eucalyptus essential oils.
This made no sense! It doesn't really work. Taking a flu vaccine is like throwing a dart at a dart board and then determining you are maybe protected for viral strains that represent the tip of the dart on the board. Join our mailing list to receive the latest news and updates from our team.During the next month, numerous reports will broadcast that we can expect to have one of the worst flu epidemics in history. It's not known at this time if it's cancer-causing, but it has been suspected of gastrointestinal, liver, nervous system and respiratory system toxicity.Beta-Propiolactone ranks high as a hazardous chemical on at least five federal regulatory lists. The average cost per dose is $10—$15 for the vaccine. It's been classified as a known human carcinogen (cancer-causing substance) by IARC and is ranked as one of the most hazardous compounds on at least eight federal regulatory lists.Formalin helps preserve the vaccine. It contains 49.6% mercury by weight and has been implicated in many health conditions, such as cardiovascular disease, autism, seizures, mental retardation, hyperactivity, dyslexia, and many more nervous system conditions.The U.S. Government is well-aware of mercury's health hazards.
Are you afraid of what people will think if you don’t vaccinate?Flu season has rolled around again, and you may find yourself asking these questions yet again. ——– The founder of the CDC, Dr. Alexander Langmuir, later Emeritus Professor at Harvard, was adamant when he stated: “I would not take the flu vaccine, my wife doesn’t take the flu vaccine, no one should take the flu vaccine. Moreover, the CDC and various government health facilities help to perpetuate the farce on the American public.This year, Chiron already reported in a CNN story on September 29, 2004 that they have concerns about the safety of their vaccine because some batches of been found to contain impurities. There are risks, though, from mercury toxicity to an increased incidence in narcolepsy to death. It's used in a wide variety of products including ice cream, milk products, vitamin tablets, lotions and creams and medical products like vaccines and anti-cancer medications.But it's not as safe as it sounds. 18% EFFECTIVE and linked to Guillain-Barre and alzheimer’s, among other things. Human and animal studies have shown that aluminum can even cause nerve death.The government is well aware of aluminum's toxic nature – it's actually recognized as a hazardous chemical on two different federal regulatory lists.Ammonium Sulfate is a substance commonly added to pesticides.

As you well know I advocate knowing thy farmer, reading labels, and being intentional with what we put in and on our bodies. Last year, health officials at the CDC stated they had made a mistake in determining the viral ingredients for the 2003-2004 vaccine and it would offer no protection for the flu virus that most people were contracting. FLU SHOTS. In practical terms, this means the flu vaccine reduced a person’s risk of having to seek medical care at a doctor’s office for flu illness by 19%.What’s crazy is that despite it being well known that mercury is a highly toxic substance – a cumulative neurotoxin – pro-vaccine advocates insist that the mercury in the vaccines is completely safe! While a flu shot won’t prevent COVID-19, he said, getting one could help your doctors differentiate between the diseases if you develop any symptoms — fever, cough, sore throat — they share. Why risk it?Polio, Smoke and Mirrors – Suzanne Humphries, M.D.Vaccine News – Big Pharma’s Dirty Little Secret: Vaccine-Induced Autoimmune Injury – the news network,SIDS Listed As Adverse Reaction on DTaP Vaccine Insert plus others,SIDS Listed As Adverse Reaction on DTaP Vaccine Insert plus others « on Life and Livingness – by Tom,The Advance Vaccine Directive is a valid Advance Health Directive or Living Will binding on the medical community under the law of Informed Consent. In addition, emerging scientific data suggests that cold weather and low humidity may also biologically enable the virus to spread more efficiently, according to Andrew Pekosz, virologist and co-director of the Johns Hopkins center of excellence for influenza research and surveillance.‘We have two pandemics coming at the same time and only one vaccine – for seasonal flu – guaranteed.’. With the flu shot, experts say that 33 people need to get the vaccine to prevent one single case of flu It can be a neurotoxin and an ototoxin (affect hearing and balance). Most recently, she has been following in the footsteps of Dr. Price, seeking to reconnect with indigenous people and remind everyone about the importance of following their wisdom for good health. 53% have no intention of getting flu vaccine, and 17% say they haven't yet but plan to.