| Rating: 2/5 He forced himself to talk with Eichmann, about which he commented, "Long an accomplished agent, I was at last becoming a human being." The climax of the film heightens the drama. PG-13 (Disturbing Thematic Content|Violent Images|Some Language), drama, Fifteen years after the end of World War II, a team of top-secret Israeli agents travels to Argentina to track down Adolf Eichmann, the Nazi officer who masterminded the transportation logistics that brought millions of innocent Jews to their deaths in concentration camps.

"It wasn't common for the Mossad to carry out such an operation. No.

But Hanna Elian is a Hollywood invention: It was a male doctor, Yonah Elian, who sedated Eichmann.
The guards at the airport control point believed the story that the three men in the backseat, including Adolf Eichmann, were sleeping off a binge. Several source materials, including Eichmann in My Hands, a memoir by Israeli officer Peter Malkin, provided the basis for the story. Get the best of Smithsonian magazine by email. Here’s what’s real—and what’s fictional—in the movie. This comes straight from his book. Just leave us a message here and we will work on getting you verified.

When former Nazi SS officer Adolf Eichmann, the man behind Hitler's Final Solution, is discovered living in Argentina the Mossad launch a covert mission to extradite him to Israel to stand trial. “For example, there was a girl in Argentina who was tortured by authorities and had a Swastika carved into her chest. At the conclusion of his trial, the "Architect of the Holocaust" was sentenced to death in December 1961 for crimes against the Jewish people. Israeli Mossad agent Peter Zvi Malkin was part of an eleven-man team led by Mossad operative Rafi Eitan, who is portrayed by Nick Kroll in the movie. In the post-war occupation, U.S. troops captured Eichmann, but he escaped the prison camp and spent the next four years moving about Europe and the Middle East under an assumed name. Afraid they would be thwarted by a sympathetic fascistic regime, they never told Argentinian authorities about their mission, The daring mission to smuggle Eichmann out of Argentina is told in, Weitz’s Hollywood career as a writer, producer and director has touched on a wide variety of genres in films including, “I’ve long wanted to explore this time period because of my family’s history,” he says in an interview. “I met some survivors, and it really brings home the responsibility of addressing the history in good faith, properly showing things as they happened, as opposed to the school of Holocaust denial,” says Weitz. The film ends at the opening of Eichmann’s trial, among the first ever televised. But he says recognized Eichmann’s voice from his time at Dachau. "The Mossad and the CIA is always bringing information from outside the country. The positive feedback was meaningful for Weitz because for him, Operation Finale is foremost about family.

Operation Finale, skillfully directed by Chris Weitz, and driven forward by another superb score by Alexander Desplat, is crisp and absorbing and satisfying, both as a thriller and as a moral drama. When one of the Mossad team is captured after using US dollars instead of pesos, she reveals the location of the safehouse, and the rest of the team must escape in one car, leaving two operatives behind. "I had to obey orders. Regal

They won't be able to see your review if you only submit your rating. The latter features his paintings depicting the capture of Eichmann and his written memories of the experience. We have many brave people to thank for their attempts and OPERATION FINALE deserves to be seen for that reason alone. In Buenos Aires, Sylvia Hermann (Haley Lu Richardson) unknowingly begins courting the son of Adolf Eichmann, Klaus (Joe Alwyn). Did you enjoy this episode?

Argentina also stood in for Poland, as Weitz created the forest of Malkin’s nightmares in Bariloche, a Patagonian city in the foothills of the Andes. Several other movies have been made about the capture of Adolf Eichmann, including the 1996 television film The Man Who Captured Eichmann starring Robert Duvall as the Nazi mastermind. The film showing in the Buenos Aries cinema house is Imitation of Life, which starred Weitz’s mother, the actress Susan Kohler, and he used his immediate clan as “glorified extras” in a scene near the end. He calculated that that day would be the Eichmanns’ wedding anniversary. He was barbarically efficient, between three and four million Jews were murdered in the extermination camps.

Watch the Adolf Eichmann Trial Video.

Yes. The Mossad team uses the evidence from the meeting to confirm Adolf's identity and plan his capture - they intend to disguise themselves as an air crew and fly him out while sedated. Filming Timeline. [3] Principal photography began in Argentina in October 2017.