P. W. Botha, interviewed in 1988 by the South African Broadcasting Corporation on his party's 40th anniversary in power, relied on jest to explain both his and the party's longevity. This was something Botha imperfectly understood throughout his life. Oldest first,-1) ? How is it possible, he said today, for the Government to negotiate with elected leaders when blacks have no national franchise in the country of their birth and so do not have elected leaders to represent their cause?Historians may come to see Mr. Botha's speech as the point at which black hopes withered. Strijdom, was a caretaker; Hendrik Verwoerd enjoyed the drama of unveiling a revitalised vision but never lived to answer for its terrible economic and human consequences. '',The President cited Britain's decision this week to ban broadcast interviews with members of outlawed Protestant and Roman Catholic paramilitary groups in Northern Ireland and said South African journalists ''mustn't complain when we institute regulations similar to those of the British Government in the struggle against terror.'' He sent his advisory President's Council two other bills recognizing some existing integrated neighborhoods as ''open areas.'' Although they are all birds.I spent the whole of yesterday serching for the word species, I could not find it. He legalised,Even these meager reforms went too far for a group of NP hardliners, led by former Education Minister.As economic and diplomatic actions against South Africa increased.In spite of the concessions made by Botha, the apartheid years under his leadership were by far the most brutal. language is not acceptable,Do not impersonate other users or reveal private information about third parties,We reserve the right to delete inappropriate posts and ban offending users without notification,-1) ? Now he lost out on the party itself.Worse, this personal and isolated style of government suffused the administration and the society itself. When President P. W. Botha addressed white followers in Durban Thursday night to speak of what he calls racial reform, he told them South Africa was crossing the Rubicon. Most blacks would probably view the release as a willingness to talk. Tone May Prove Alienating.Mr. Botha undertook some superficial changes to apartheid practices. It may have been the moment in the nation's life that crystallized the division between an Afrikaner elite convinced that force would bring black quiescence, as it did after Sharpeville in 1960 and Soweto in 1976, and an increasingly radicalized black youth and black unemployed, sensing victory, however distant, through confrontation.But there is more to the story. He said Chief Buthelezi had gone too far and ''cannot have his cake and eat it.''

Vorster. enquired his parishioners. (Read this very carefully guys and take a close look at yourself and the environment that you live in today) Botha speech 1985:With all the wealth and good life he had, he still died before Madela who lived in prison.It was forwarded to me from a yahoo group of which I am a member. The audience was silent, uncertain of what this portended. The TRC found Botha responsible for gross violations of human rights.State President Botha's loss of influence can be directly attributed to decisions taken at the.On 18 January 1989, Botha (then aged 73) suffered a mild stroke which prevented him from attending a meeting with Namibian political leaders on 20 January 1989. 'active' : ''"> they can to create a true meeting of independent Premium.