Pseudoword Decoding. 2016.Check if you have access via personal or institutional login,COPYRIGHT: © Cambridge University Press 1996,Reading-level design: Conceptual and methodological issues in reading research,Phonemic processing and the poor reader from a developmental lag viewpoint,Difficulties in auditory organization as a possible cause of reading backwardness,The word recognition and spelling of dyslexic children,Persistence of dyslexics' phonological awareness deficits,Phonological awareness and spelling in normal children and dyslexics: The case of initial consonant clusters,Strengths and weaknesses of the reading level design: A comment on Backman, Mamen, and Ferguson,Toward understanding the problem in severely disabled readers,Children's literacy environments and early word recognition skills,Cognitive processes separating good and poor readers when IQ is covaried,The development of reading: As you seek so shall you find,A reading level match study of nonword reading skills in poor readers with varying IQ,Comparison of cutoff and regression-based definitions of reading disabilities,The validity of discrepancy-based definitions of reading disabilities,Handbook of cognitive, social, and neuropsychological aspects of learning disabilities,Cognitive profiles of reading disability: Comparisons of discrepancy and low achievement definitions,Apprehending the spelling patterns of vowels: A developmental study,Neuropsychological validitation of learning disability subtypes,Reading processes in specific reading retarded and reading backward 13 year-olds,British Journal of Developmental Psychology,Reading for meaning and reading for sound in autistic and dyslexic children,Decoding, reading, and reading disability,The use of phonological information by good and poor readers in memory and reading tasks,Phonological reading and reading acquisition: An invited article,Cognitive factors at school entry predictive of specific reading retardation and general reading backwardness: A research note,Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry,Learning disabilities: Nature, theory, and treatment,Reading and its development: Component skills approaches,Reading disability: A problem in rule learning and word decoding,Reading research: Advances in theory and practice,Specific deficits in component reading and language skills: Genetic and environmental influences,The relationship between single word decoding and reading comprehension,Orthographic and phonetic coding in developmental dyslexia,The nonword reading deficit in developmental dyslexia: A review,The identification and prevalence of specific reading retardation,Journal of Child Psychology and Child Psychiatry,The concept of specific reading retardation,Assessment of children's intelligence and special abilities.Word recognition processes of poor and disabled readers: Do they necessarily differ?Further evidence related to the distinction between specific reading retardation and general reading backwardness,Distribution and temporal stability of dyslexia in an epidemiological sample of 414 children followed longitudinally,Definitional and theoretical issues and research on learning disabilities,IQ is irrelevent to the definition of learning disabilities,An evaluation of the discrepancy definition of dyslexia,Reading disabilities: Diagnosis and component processes,Development of grammatical-sensitivity, phonological, and short-term memory skills in normally achieving and learning disabled children,Some characteristics of 9 year old boys with general reading backwardness or specific reading retardation,The development of grapheme-phoneme correspondences in normal and dyslexic readers,Phonemic deficits in developmental dyslexia,Psychological and educational perspectives on learning disabilities,Explaining the differences between the dyslexic and the garden-variety poor reader: The phonological-core variable-difference model,Where does knowledge come from: Specific associations between printing exposure and information acquisition,Phenotypic performance profile of children with reading disabilities: A regression-based test of the phonological-core-variable difference model,A comparison of word recognition processes in dyslexic and normal readers at two reading-age levels,The neuropathology of developmental dysphasia: Behavioral, morphological, and physiological evidence for a pervasive temporal processing disorder,Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal.Are there qualitative differences between dyslexic and normal readers?Some prerequisites for interpreting results from reading level matched designs,The nature of phonological processing and its causal role in the acquisition of reading skills,Toward understanding the problem in severely disabled readers, Part II: Consonant errors,The word-retrieval deficit hypothesis and developmental dyslexia,,The neurobiological bases of reading and reading disability,Dyslexia as a Phonological Deficit: Evidence and Implications,Developmental Dyslexia: An Update on Genes, Brains, and Environments,The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines,Coloured Lenses and Reading: A Review of Research into Reading Achievement, Reading Strategies and Causal Mechanisms,Australasian Journal of Special Education,Onset/rime sensitivity and orthographic analogies in normal and poor readers,The development of reading in English and Italian in bilingual children,Visual and phonological processes in poor readers' word recognition,Phonological representations of adult poor readers: An investigation of specificity and Pseudoword Decoding The 55 items represent the 44 phonemes in English. Dyslexia is also known as “specific reading difficulties.” As much as 7% of the population has some form of dyslexia.