Heh. Sagacious Zu appears and helps free the student from his mind. The army had appeared a hard master when it ent its strength to a wise and sagacious rule. Between these four ways, a less sagacious man would have remained undecided. Another word for sagacious. She is quick-witted and sagacious far beyond her years. Source. 0. How do you use sagacious in a sentence? All Rights Reserved. (as it is the fashion to call the sagacious straitness) of the abler men who knew how to root the English stock firmly in this new soil on either side of him, his little plantation could never have existed, and he himself would have been remembered only, if at all, as one of the jarring atoms in a chaos of otherwise-mindedness.You may have an easier time writing sentences with sagacious if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence.Words that often come before sagacious in sentences. intelligent; showing good judgement. Sagacious definition is - of keen and farsighted penetration and judgment : discerning.

".For example, if you have these two different words with a similar meaning to describe a man "sagacious" and "wise".Surrounded during the holidays by tasty snack buffets of parties and bowl games, I arrived at my own recipe for sagacious living.It's now quite clear that I was the individual who had lost it whilst Ms. Phillips had remained as prescient and sagacious as ever.All the more perhaps for that, she was born sagacious, which is a less pleasing, but, in a bitter pinch, a more really useful, quality.But for those of us who know Mexico well, it is an astonishing turn, deserving neither of pity nor sagacious snickering, but of respect.The most delightful performer is perhaps Nelson, whose baseball-cap-sporting Mister careens from streetwise scrappiness to sagacious calm.He performed for his own locomotion studies, dressed only in underpants despite his sagacious white beard: imagine Moses exercising at the gym.Hamilton Smith has observed, a kind of sagacious, or serious, solemn dignity about him, admirably calculated to impress the marauder with dread and awe.Prescient and sagacious, Adams takes these Vicissitudes of Circumstance, this bird crap, and recycles it into mulch against the forces beyond our control.Now, he issues his follow-up, "Super Rich," a slim, succinct and sagacious volume about the true meaning of wealth spoiler alert: It ain't about the money.Beck and Palin are like an all purpose high school gang: the quirkily sagacious Honor Society geek and the homecoming queen who claims the ROTC kids as backup.Oruka believed that professional African philosophers could interact with their sagacious counterparts, provided there was sufficient room for each to flourish separately.Forty years after Benjamin worked in Palmer's printing-office, he visited England in the service of his country, widely known as a sagacious statesman and profound philosopher.Together, Hilliard and Rathman produce a sagacious survey of the tradition of hero-worship, and foster insightful tension between conventional and unorthodox imagery of virility.In "Great and Desperate Cures," experimental psychologist and sagacious scientist Elliot S. Valenstein describes the craze for frontal lobotomy that sprang up in the mid-20th century.The Post has once again proved that the words the Doobie Brothers, those sagacious philosophers of the seventies, still ring true in our nation's capital: What once were vices are now just habits.He combined accordingly, through his whole life, the powers of an accurate observer, and of a sagacious theorist, and was as cautious and patient in the former character, as he was bold and rapid in the latter.They that are ignorant of Algebra cannot imagine the wonders in this kind are to be done by it: and what further improvements and helps advantageous to other parts of knowledge the sagacious mind of man may yet find out, it is not easy to determine.And _All elephants are sagacious_ does not limit sagacity to elephants: regarding 'sagacious' as possibly denoting many animals of many species that exhibit the quality, this proposition is equivalent to '_All elephants are_ some _sagacious animals_. How to use sagacious in a sentence. November 25, 2017 word-in-sentence.com. Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors.Get Word of the Day delivered to your inbox!Daily Favorites: "Gumption," "Canoodle"...Can you spell these 10 commonly misspelled words?Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free!Learn a new word every day. – Become a word maestro. For example: "sagacious.Words that aren't necessarily predecessors or successors, but are often found in the same sentence. Definition of Sagacious. Though earnest, sagacious, and penetrating, he leaned to the marvellous; and the faith which was the life of his hard career was somewhat prone to overstep the bounds of reason and invade the domain of fancy.