),cardio-vascular disease (congestive heart failure, ischemic heart disease, atrial fibrillation),chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD),malignant cancer (excluding non-melanoma skin cancer),renal disease (chronic renal failure and end stage renal disease).Both are spread by small droplets from the nose and mouth.Neither is spread through the air over long distances and times.COVID-19 does not have a specific vaccine or treatment available.COVID-19 does not appear to transmit as efficiently as influenza:mainly people with symptoms seem to be spreading the disease, but asymptomatic transmission is possible and symptoms may be very mild, so transmission is possible even if the person is feeling well,controlling its spread is possible when people with symptoms are isolated.COVID-19 causes severe disease and mortality in more cases than the flu. This mirrors the approach of the.Students do not need to apply for the repayment pause.Borrowers may continue making payments during this period if they choose and this will not affect their eligibility to receive the benefit.AISH and Income Support recipients can exempt a portion,being pregnant increases your risk of getting COVID-19 or having serious complications,COVID-19 is transmitted to your baby during pregnancy, delivery or through breastmilk.These facilities are exempt from the mass gathering public health order and may provide shelter to more than 50 people – as long as risk mitigation strategies are followed, including maintaining a minimum of 2 metres distance from one another.All non-essential gatherings inside these facilities must include no more than 50 people.update pandemic plans with guidelines and information specific to COVID-19,expand shelter capacity and help current service providers to maintain physical distancing practices by finding additional space to house people,Licensed supportive living facilities, including seniors lodges and group homes,Licensed residential addiction treatment centres (under the Mental Health Services Protection Act).Volunteers and employees may work together at distances of less than 2 metres, where unavoidable.Volunteer organizations must take actions to prevent the transmission of infection among employees, volunteers and the people they are helping.Proper hygiene and cleaning practices must be followed within the volunteer organization.Any employee or volunteer with symptoms, including cough, fever, shortness of breath, runny nose, or sore throat, is required by law to isolate and may not participate in volunteer or workplace activities.Licensed daycare, out-of-school and preschool programs are now able to open as part of Alberta's Relaunch Strategy.Operations must resume with increased infection prevention and control measures to minimize the risk of increased transmission of infections.Providers must follow guidance for safely reopening.Students will return to daily in-school classes in September under scenario 1- near normal operations with health measures.Mask use for grade 4 to 12 students, and all school staff, will be mandatory where physical distancing cannot be maintained, including on school buses.The measures include enhanced cleaning, increased hand hygiene, staying home when sick, and physical distancing when possible,Parents and students can prepare for what to expect in the upcoming school year by checking out the return to school tool kit,working closely with federal, provincial and territorial partners to share information and assess potential health risks,ensuring our health system is responding effectively.ensuring front-line health professionals have information about the virus so they can:promptly report potential cases to public health officials,updating isolation and self-monitoring recommendations for returning travellers as required,tracing all close contacts of confirmed cases, testing and isolating those who are symptomatic, and asking even those who feel well to isolate for 14 days after their last contact with the case,granting law enforcement the authority to enforce public health orders and issue fines to anyone violating a public health order,protecting Albertans in congregate care facilities by updating standards and guidelines,making testing available to all Albertans with COVID-19 symptoms (cough, fever, shortness of breath, runny nose or sore throat).

toilet paper, hand sanitizer),private individuals purchasing mass quantities of supplies and reselling them at an inflated premium.Anyone who receives a call asking for credit card information should hang up immediately and call the non-emergency line for local law enforcement.Albertans are encouraged to continue to exercise caution when clicking on links or providing personal information to people and organizations that request that information, unsolicited.Credit union members will have access to a variety of programs and solutions designed to ease difficulties with loan payments and short-term cash flow. Testing is a critical element of.Testing will prioritize Albertans with symptoms and vulnerable groups at higher risk of getting or spreading COVID-19.

Due to COVID-19, new workplace rules were introduced beginning on March 17, 2020. On average:COVID-19 has resulted in 1 to 2 deaths per 100 cases,Flu results in 1 death in every 1,000 flu cases,Call our 24-hour Family Violence Info Line at.Alberta’s One Line for Sexual Violence can provide assistance in finding sexual assault support services (9 am – 9 pm daily):retail outlet stores raising prices for high-demand products (i.e. 16/2020 (Income Support),Chief Medical Officer of Health Order 10-2020,Supporting Alberta's forest sector through COVID-19,Temporary amendment of select Air Monitoring Directive requirements,Public Health Disease Management Guidelines: Coronavirus – COVID-19. The COVID-19 virus, commonly known as the novel coronavirus, has been drawing a global response from governments across the world and the Alberta government is no exception. Continue acting safely to prevent the spread while supporting Alberta businesses. You are encouraged to check back often for the most up-to-date information. Alberta employment standards rules. Albertans should follow all travel recommendations.Avoid all non-essential travel outside Canada and all cruise ship travel.follow mandatory 14-day isolation requirements for travellers returning to or entering Alberta from outside Canada,check recent domestic and international flights for confirmed cases.Non-essential travel outside the province is not recommended. Discrimination related to COVID-19 (including harassment against any persons or communities) is prohibited when it involves a ground under the Alberta Human Rights Act, in the areas of services, housing, and employment.

Albertans can and should confidently support Alberta businesses, while continuing to act responsibly and following all public health measures.As Alberta reopens, some regions may need to put additional measures in place to address local outbreaks. However, it can cause serious illness in some, and there is a risk of death in severe cases.While we are still learning about COVID-19, serious illness appears to develop more often in people who are older or have pre-existing conditions, such as:There is no vaccine or proven treatment for COVID-19 at this time. This will save households $55 million.We implemented a 6 month, interest free moratorium on Alberta student loan payments for all Albertans in the process of repaying these loans.Residential customers could defer electricity and natural gas bill payments until June 18, 2020. Continue acting safely to prevent the spread while supporting Alberta businesses. Learn more.Charities and not-for-profit organizations,Support the Alberta Bits and Pieces Program.Guidance and plans for students to start the 2020-21 school year.An ambitious strategy to create jobs, build and diversify.Workplace guidance and supports to help businesses and non-profits affected by COVID-19 begin to reopen and resume operations safely.A safely staged COVID-19 recovery plan to relaunch our economy.