I can see the only exception here. And it continues to stay groovy through the rest of the game because acts II and III have plenty of places where massive AoE damage is vital. The sole exception is Establishment. Even a single bad choice can wreck your entire playthrough. When most her combos require her to have the entirety of her deck in her hand, i.e., this being the perfect initiation for them.

Devotion is much easier to use than this.

Divinity x Vulnerability is 4.5x damage multiplier, that’s why it’s a value card. But DuVu is stretching it a little. Heat Signature. Scry is good in this deck to find your damaging cards or set up your block faster,Scry a lot to get free block from Nirvana. It’s mostly good in Ragnaroc decks to secure that killing turns, otherwise it’s a literal overkill if only because you’re having tons of Retain cards anways so it’s hard to get an empty hand in the first place.

So if you’re having a slow deck and looking at two killer cards, well, you’re out of luck.

And the amount of Block that’s being provided here is not that small (by the humble standards of Watcher) so you don’t even need to do monumental stuff – even a 1 energy card will be enough. This is a perfect card that solves most of her issues on the spot – if you play thin, you’ll be able to cast this every other turn. The objective here is crystal clear – enter Wrath, have some quality time doing colossal damage, cast this to receive 18 Block for free, exit Wrath. But these are very marginal, infrequent reasons. That may sound impressive in the act I and it’s even doable there – the monsters are kind enough to give you the breathing space necessary to do all the setup. It’s also yet another must upgrade kind of a card. It also doesn’t scale that well into the late game – given your goal is a thin deck, you prefer to take cards that are great through the entire way. These can also be used in any kind of slowish control builds (the scaling though the course of individual battle is real good) and, surprisingly, in Dakka.

Send. As well as Chrysalis and Purity. We’ll use a very advanced method to resolve this latter conundrum – first come, first served.

You know, thousand toothpick stabs are as likely to cause death as a thousand sword cuts.This fact defines her playstyle in two major ways. During later acts, it depends on your fighting shape – if you’re feeling weak-ish, you still go for the questions. Well, this is a fantasy game so yeah. Clones are sad. I’ve already mentioned this card before and that’s because this makes for some of the easiest combos that this class may have. Pray is ok but it’s a rare. All well-suited for the Ascension climbing.To explain the Watcher simply, she’s a character that specializes in energy generation and endless or merely prolonged card looping. Lots of difficulties for the sake of small gains.To understand how good this one is, just compare this uncommon to the rare Die Die Die of Silent. So it’s imperative to know which cards synergize with which (such good combinations are what called archetypes) and, for the success in this game, you just have to recognize which archetype is being … Fusion Hammer might be solved with Lesson Learned but that’s a rare and so it’s hardly guaranteed. So treat it as a combo piece, not as a value card.Scrawl – hyakuretsu-only. Scry is also at its finest early on – after all, your starting deck is bogged down with Defends & Strikes and you’d rather cast actual cards than them. Which are most common, mind you. And Weave can be used to accelerate this combo, sure. Divinity still helps, though.Logos – Alpha + all the good scry cards. Move 3 cannot be used twice in a row and the remaining moves cannot be used three times in a row.