If you or a loved one has experienced shoulder pain after vaccine administration, the Center for Vaccine Shoulder Pain Recovery may be able to help you recover financial compensation for your injury. View the latest information and the impact on mobility, Want to know more? All Rights Reserved. Obtaining Treatment for SIRVA Flu shots and other vaccines frequently lead to shoulder injuries related to vaccine administration (SIRVA). Possible medications could include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), as well as various forms of prescription narcotics. Our unmatched reach ensures that each relocation is consistent and tailored to accommodate local needs.

Shoulder pain after a vaccine injection is common, and almost always pain that does occur resolves within a day or two. In some cases, when pain medications and other treatments have failed, surgery may be the only remaining option for treatment of shoulder injury related to vaccine administration. As such, it is important to consult with your doctor about the risks before deciding which course of treatment that is right for you. The treatment options for SIRVA range from rest to surgery. Many have found surgery, coupled with the wearing of a sling and post-operative physical therapy to be the answer to the pain experienced following the diagnosis of a rotator cuff tear, adhesive capsulitis, or other shoulder injury that resulted from the improper administration of a vaccine. Representing Clients With It is important to be aware that steroid treatments may have serious side effects (including high blood pressure, mood swings and increased blood sugar). When this aching sensation occurs, typically an ice pack, some anti-inflammatory medications, and a few days of rest will all… CASES. If your doctor recommends surgery you may also receive morphine or other pain medications following your surgical procedure.

We would be happy to answer any questions you may have, Visit our Coronavirus (COVID-19) Center to View the Latest Information, SIRVA's Commitment to Addressing Social Injustice, The only globally-integrated mobility company, owning relocation & household goods services worldwide, Global advisory services that support the critical role of mobility in the advancement of organizational growth, A relocation management company with unmatched flexibility and unmatched global reach, Relocation reimagined with the NEW iMOVE suite of digital tools. Note that if your shoulder injury has contributed to an inability to work, it is possible you may be entitled to recover lost wages through the filing of a vaccine lawsuit. If you have experienced shoulder pain in the hours or days after a vaccination, you could be suffering from SIRVA, or shoulder injury related to vaccine administration. Vaccine Injuries In All 50 States. It is possible that your doctor may prescribe a variety of different pain medications to treat your SIRVA injury. In order to diagnose SIRVA, an ultrasound scan is needed, which can also determine the level and type of damage. Hello all, I am a 38 year old fellow SIRVA casualty now nearly 8 weeks out with continuing shoulder bursitis symptoms. Treating SIRVA Early With Corticosteroid Injections: A Case Series INTRODUCTION. If you are suffering from SIRVA, we may be able to help you recover the cost of medical expenses and other losses.

20006. Vaccine-related shoulder injury frequently results in stiffness, muscle weakness, and limited range of motion, and the resulting non-use (or limited use) of the shoulder during recovery commonly leads to the need to rebuild muscle strength and regain motor control in the arm and shoulder. Many patients describe symptoms of a dull ache in the muscle on the outside of the shoulder (the deltoid muscle) that is a result of having the injection placed directly into the muscle tissue. Additionally, many patients continue to experience pain, even after treatment. Common clinical cha …

© 2020 The Center for Vaccine Shoulder Pain Recovery. SIRVA injuries involve inflammation, and simply resting the muscle, ligaments and tendons in … Rest. Although an infrequent complication of immunizations, the number of SIRVA cases reported is increasing. Treatment of SIRVA In most cases, symptoms can be treated with pain medication, like an anti-inflammatory, and physical therapy to reduce swelling and improve the range of motion. We have a reputation for adapting our approach and solutions to best meet the specific needs of your business. SIRVA can manifest as several diagnoses. This synthesis is a key part of our commitment to provide our clients and their employees with the best move experience possible – along with advantages that only SIRVA can uniquely offer. Washington, As a result, our resources combine the unique talents and expertise of leaders across a broad scope of mobility-related services. To find out if you are entitled to compensation, schedule a free consultation with vaccine shoulder injury lawyer Leah Durant. Depending on the severity of your injury, it is possible that your doctor may prescribe one of several options to treat your shoulder pain. Inflammation reducing oral medications and …

Call us at 1-844-789-2047 to discuss your case today. Some of the most common forms of treatment for SIRVA include may include: In many cases, individuals suffering from SIRVA may benefit from resting the affected area. SIRVA is the only relocation company to bring together owned resources for relocation, moving, immigration and more, via a footprint that expands across six continents.