It is located in the center of the forehead just above the eyes.When the Third Eye is in balance there is a greater sense of awareness. Possibly the most famous piece of jewelry, Princess Diana's engagement ring, was a sapphire so it is difficult for gems even as beautiful as tanzanite to compete.What the future holds is hard to predict, as tanzanite becomes rarer and rarer, becomes more well known and gains new fans of its stunning color changes perhaps it will begin to challenge the prices reached by sapphires.We at GemSelect do not offer investment advice and I would strongly suggest getting as much independent guidance as possible whenever contemplating any kind of financial speculation. The simple fact is that some gemstones are undoubtedly enhanced by treatment and so long as that treatment is honestly and clearly disclosed to the customer then it is okay.Tanzanite is rated at 6.5 to 7 on hardness scale so it is lower on the list, quartz is harder, so are zircons and sapphires. The most commonly believed story is that Maasai herdsmen were tending their cattle in the hills of Tanzania not long after a fire had burnt the grasslands in 1967. It may even induce an astral state.It is recommended that other calming stones be used in tandem with Tanzanite during meditation. This is the Tanzanite’s remedy for depression; it is known to both dispel as well as transmute negative energy.Said to restore vitality to the physical being, encouraging cell regeneration Tanzanite will improve hair and skin as well as slow down the aging process and increase one’s inner light, helping one to see the next level of personal spiritual evolution.Excellent for meditation as it increase spiritual awareness on all levels. It has been named after Kilimanjaro's second highest peak.The color of tanzanite is similar to two of the most popular gems, sapphire and amethyst. It opens up a channel of communication that may also enable contact with departed souls. As such, it is often given a place of honor among other crystals.Tanzanite can be used for the sole purpose of honoring the architect of the universe in both its masculine and feminine aspects. Tanzanite is the blue variety of the Zoisite mineral family, is a relative young gemstone discovered only in 1967 but became really popular after that popular jewel company Tiffany spent a lot of effort to promote this new gemstone to the market, its name derives from the origin country of the mineral where it was first mined, that was Tanzania in Africa.Zoisite is commonly mined in dark brown or green color, not a really attractive color, it is treated by heat to extinguish the green tone in the mineral and change its original color into a more attractive violet blue color.Its color can vary from a deep blue color, with strong saturation (close to the Royal blue Sapphire color) to a nice bluish violet color.Sometimes crystals present some color zone with green tonality and blue in the same stone.This is a really attractive stone, often found in large size and with nice transparency that can produce big beautiful faceted gemstones with eye clean clarity.Associated with the throat chakra and the crown chakra, in the birthstone it is the stone of.Tanzanite generates happiness, inspire compassion, can improve your creativity and communication and cure your headaches.Zoisite is commonly mined in dark brown or green color, not a really attractive color.Heat treatment is a common procedure for Tanzanite gemstones and other variety of gemstones from different mineral families, so it is considered acceptable.Heat treatment is a stable gemstone treatment, final blue or violet Tanzanite color is stable and it will not fade.The only country that produce this variety of Zoisite is Tanzania, in Africa, the stones and the gemstones quality material are mined near Arusha in the Merelani Hills districts.This stone can sometimes contains internal inclusions in the crystal, if cut into cabochon, with inclusions lines parallels to the light axes it can show a nice chatoyancy effect. Rings should be made in protective settings and should not be worn when partaking in strenuous activities. Obviously a person's preference comes in here and what one person will love another will not but as a general rule it is the blue that has the higher value - assuming cut, clarity and carat are the same or similar.Why? It represents an awareness that one is connected to all creatures great and small.The vibrations of Tanzanite are very strong. The mining industry of Tanzania makes up about three to four percent of the country's annual GDP, with gold being the source of most of its revenue, which is derived from exports (approximately 90%). The government of Tanzania ran the mining industry for 30 years soon after the discovery of the gemstones in the late 1960s but had no experience or expertise so did not do a very good job.Illegal mining, smuggling, poor marketing, poor policing and poor policies have all contributed to a perhaps undervalued gemstone but things seem to be turning around. Tanzanite was born half a billion years ago as the sacred Mount Kilimanjaro bubbled away nearby.

Look into the side of the stone to see if the blue is just as intense. TanzaniteOne, a major commercial player in the tanzanite market, through its non-profit subsidiary, the Tanzanite Foundation,The normal primary and secondary hues in tanzanite are blue and violet. In raw form Tanzanite occurs as blue, purple, brown and yellow. It is told to assist one in the ailments that created the “frenzied” way in which many live.